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Posts posted by RandomFan

  1. I agree with you 100% about the refs being terrible this game. I think they were bad towards both teams, and I may be biased but, like you, I also thought it was heavily slanted towards us with the majority of bad calls.


    The hilarious thing about this is when I read the GSW game thread on their forums, they are all pretty upset with the refs claiming we were getting all the calls and they were getting nothing. Confirmation bias is a bitch. After watching the game a 2nd time, I do still think we got the worst of the bad officiating, but it was bad for both teams. 


    It seemed to me the biggest problem was they started the game letting both teams play physical; but then they just picked their spots where they wanted to call ticky tacky fouls and ignore similar contact 90% of the rest of the time. Just be consistent with the whistle.

    • Like 3
  2. For anyone that didn't read through their game thread, it was actually pretty entertaining. http://www.goldenstateofmind.com/2015/2/6/7994325/warriors-vs-hawks-gamethread


    I like their fanbase. A few trash talkers, of course, but for the most part they seemed pretty knowledgeable and respectful: good fans. Good team. Simply can't hate on them.


    One thing I thought was pretty funny was when Nique said a few times that Green was too small to guard Millsap, they questioned that, and at the time I thought rightfully so. Green is a great defender. But I laughed near the end of the thread when one guy humbly pointed out that Nique was right becuase Sap schooled him on those pump fakes, lol.

  3. Starting to love me some Schröder, especially as a backup PG. Seriously, who else has a backup PG with that much to offer? I do sometimes get a little irritated with too much ISO-Schro, but I think I understand what Bud is doing with him. Schro always says Bud is always on him to attack the basket, drive the lane over and over again. Bud has said the same thing. I think the next step in Schro's evolution will be learning better how to get his teammates involved with better and more consistent passess instead of mostly taking the shot himself. When he gets better at that skill, watch out NBA.

  4. I'd rather us look for another perimeter defender. Defense at this point is much more important than adding more offense.


    Not sure I agree with this. Looking long-term (i.e. playoffs) when we get Thabo back we have 3 elite level wing defenders in DMC, Baze, and Thabo. We don't have ANYONE else that can fill the Korver role as an offensive threat coming off the bench. JJ could be that guy, but obviously there is some reason that Bud is reluctant to play him in the regular rotation. And I think we all agree that Bud seems to know what he's doing?


    As I said earlier, without having that 3 point shooting threat on the floor when Korver takes a break, our offensive efficiency is 15 points lower. That is HUGE. By far the biggest number for any player on the team. It helps illustrate just how important that threat is to keep the driving lanes more open, and keep help defenders from crashing down on Millsap and Horford in the paint.


    So what that Allen isn't a great defender. Korver isn't a great on-ball defender either, but he is an excellent help defender and I'm sure Bud could get Allen to at least try to mimic some of the things Korver does on defense if he's only having to play 15-18 minutes per night. DMC/Thabo/or Baze would be on the floor with him to handle the big perimeter threat, just like we do with Korver. 


    And I'll say it one more time, I would really like to have someone on the team that would allow us to reduce the heavy workload we are currently giving Korver at his age. 33 MPG isn't a ridiculous number, but he's not a spring chicken anymore. I'd much rather have him fresher for the playoffs if we have an option to add a player that could help make that happen.

    • Like 1
  5. My move would be to swap Scott for a quality SF. I've just about given up on Scott and his unconscious 3pt misses and complete lack of D.

    Agree with you on the giving up on him part, but the problem is with Payne still not getting off the bench, Scott is our only backup PF. If there were any way to land Thad Young, I would be all for that since he can backup at SF and PF, but we'd likely have to give up too many assetts - i.e.- future draft picks and at least one player.

    • Like 3
  6. I think too many fans are suffering from a longterm case of Atlanta Fan Syndrome™ (henceforth known as AFS).


    Symptoms include waiting for the other shoe to drop in the midst of good times; expecting the worse at any moment; not allowing oneself to enjoy good times for fear that the boogeyman is right around the corner; and a general sense of impending doom at all times.


    The only known cure for AFS is an Atlanta franchise championship victory.

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  7. Now I do like Baze a lot but I'm not willing to bet our season him playing huge minutes, are you?

    Yes, I am. But I also think you're getting a bit carried away with the "betting our season" thing. We have a huge lead in the standings, and DMC is day-to-day which means he should probably be back for Monday's game in N.O. 


    But here is a big point: it doesn't really matter what we think about making a trade or not. It only matters what Bud thinks since it's his move to make or not make, right? He's earned my trust to believe in whatever decision he makes. How about you?

    • Like 1
  8. Coach Bud:


    On 76ers 3-pointers: “I wouldn’t say they were getting us out of rotations. They are a team that is very, very efficient in the paint. They're a team that is second in the league in percentage of points that come in the paint. So, the emphasis was to try to take that away. Tonight, they made us pay for it. They made a lot of shots and it’s a credit to them. Jerami Grant made three or four and (Luc) Mbah a Moute made a couple. When they’ve got people that can get in the paint and they have people making shots around it, I think it was more of what they were doing. I wouldn’t say we were more out of rotation. They did some good things.”



    On more isolation plays: “I think that is fairly accurate. I think part of it was their defense put us in some difficult positions. I think we just weren’t committed enough to move the ball, go side to side, moving it a little bit before we play pick-and-roll. I think I could be better. I think we all could be better. It wasn’t a sharp night offensively.”


    Al Horford:


    On took much isolation offense: “I don’t know why that was. Maybe because they were doing a lot of switching and we were playing a little different. We have to make sure we keep running our offense and stick to our principles.”

    • Like 2
  9. What about Bazemore's offense do you like? His ugly 3pt stroke? I know he's shot well in limited time but I don't trust him to make a clutch shot. His awful FT shooting? His complete lack of a mid-range game?

    No, the time is right now to go out and get a guy like T. Prince to pick up the slack so that we aren't rushing DMC and Thabo back from injury.

    Well, first off that he's shooting 42% from 3 this year. Thabo was just starting to get his stroke back in January, where he shot his highest per month % at 40. Not really sure why you would be bemoaning the lack of trust in Baze making a clutch shot when we surely would never rely on Thabo to do so? Especially when Thabo is actually shooting worse overall, even in his best month. We have plenty of other guys to hit clutch shots.


    I will grant you that Baze definitely needs to work on his FT's. It's a huge negative. But it's not like he's going to be going to the line 10 times a night. Since you brought up the mid range game, does Thabo have one? If so, I haven't seen it. These guys are here to 3&D, and Bazemore can give us that while Thabo is healing up.


    But what I do like about Baze's offensive game is he can drive to the basket with his superiour athleticism much better than Thabo ever could. He can break the D down and kick out. And I like that he is young and has so much athletic ability that needs more seasoning and experience, which we can now give him for the next 6-8 weeks. And we'll still be in a great position come playoff time because Thabo should be back and fully healthy, along with a Bazemore who has hopefully grown even more with us.

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  10. If you could combine Bazemore and Jenkins that would be a hell of a player. But Bazemore has an awful shot, can't hit FTs and he's really raw. Jenkins is a terrible and undersized defender.  The fact is that without DMC and Thabo we have nobody on the bench who's a two way player on the wing. 

    Don't agree. I'd take Bazemore's offensive game over Thabo's. And he still has a LOT of room to improve. Thabo is a more experienced player, which is why I want him for the playoffs. His outside shot is improving, or was, but he's still a long way from a consistent spot-up 3pt shooter. Baze has much more offensive potential and needs more gametime to continue to develop it in our system. He also plays elite defense too.


    Where Thabo is better than Baze is in experience and consistency, along with 2 inches in height. It does hurt us by moving Baze from Korver's backup to a less talented player defensively there, I'll give ya that. But I suspect that will probably be offset somewhat by Baze getting closer to starter type minutes, say maybe 28 minutes per game, backing up both DMC and Korver.

  11. What sucks is that we can't sign someone to fill his spot. We may have to make a trade to keep us afloat especially not knowing how long DMC will be on the shelf.

    I don't see it that way at all, sorry. We don't really need to trade for anyone because we have Bazemore and Jenkins on the bench who I would like to see get some more playing time.


    Once DMC gets back, this just gives more backup minutes for Bazemore, which is well deserved IMO. Don't get me wrong, I love Thabo for his D and what he brings to our team and most definitely want him in there when the playoffs roll around. But getting Baze some more minutes to help in his development is a very good thing with how well he's coming along. And his defense is elite level also.


    And I know a lot of people around here want to see what Jenkins can do. We will finally get to see it now, perhaps. I have a feeling Mack will eat up some of these minutes when he's finally healthy. But Jenkins should be able to get some minutes and hold things down until Thabo is healthy. At least we'll finally get to evaluate him in some games to see if he's worth trying to keep around next year.


    Scott can log some minutes at SF also, which would probably mean Brand getting a few more minutes than he's been seeing. Or perhaps even Moose or Payne...


    We've got enough options without having to make a trade right now.

  12. I'm wondering if some people are forgetting the inflated contracts that started getting handed to 3&D players last offseason? We lucked out and picked Carroll off the scrapheap two years ago for 2 years at $2.5m per year. Then after the Spurs pounded their way to the Championship, combined with a lot more teams emphasizing spacing-style offensive systems the price for those 3&D players skyrocketted last year.


    Heck, Deng got $9m even at his age. And we had to give Thabo $4m per year ($1.5m more per year than who he is backing up) to a guy his own team had written off as washed up. It's just a recent trend that those guys are becoming much more valuable, and have more suitors than in the past. Like I mentioned before, Draymond Green is being legitimately talked about being offered a Max or near-Max contract next year when he's a free agent: he's not a superstar. He's merely a better, and younger, version of Carroll. Anyone offering him that kind of money before the recent interest in some of these 3&D players would have been considered insane. It still is, yet a lot of people seem convinced it is going to happen.


    We'll see how it plays out and I hope we get the hometown discount from Carroll. But I'm thinking to get him resigned with us will take at least Korver type money ($6m per year) and quite possibly as much as $9m per year depending on how much other teams offer him. You've got to keep in mind at his age, this is his last chance to get a decent payday. I'm sure he would take a little less than his max offer to stay with us, but we've got to be in the ballpark for that to happen.

  13. I don't feel this deserves it's own thread, so I'm just stashing it in here. After last nights game when they were talking about our streak on ESPN they brought up some kind of statistic from some "index" they use that predicted we only have a 3% chance to win all of our next 6 games.


    So keep that in mind after we win all 6 crazy.gif

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  14. The best case scenario for us is having Cleveland and Chicago finishing 2nd and 3rd. I'd much rather face the winner of a potential Washington vs. Toronto matchup in the second round.

    This. I'm not even remotely scared of either Washington or Toronto.


    Cleveland is likely to be our biggest threat to get into the Finals. Chicago I'd say is the 2nd biggest threat. But they are likely to be some combination of too injured and/or too worn out due to all the minutes the starters play.

  15. Ferry and Bud thought he was so important to our success that they realized we couldn't thrive with him off the court.  So they went out and got Thabo.   Thabo is an elite defender himself but isn't starting above Demarre.

    Not so fast. Lets remember that we chased after Luol Deng last year to be a starter at Carroll's spot. Thabo was Plan B after Deng spurned us for Miami. While I love me some DMC, and I'm sure Bud and Ferry do as well, I'm still not sold that as of this past offseason they viewed him as a longterm starting option. That has probably changed due to his play this year, but lets not forget the past so quickly.



    DMC is the junkyard dog. To me, he is vital for this team's success. Unless we can land Khawi Leonard, he is our most important free agent to resign. 


    DMC is underrated and will get underrated in free agency due to his flaws but for us, he's extremely valuable. 

    I still think Millsap is our most important free agent to sign, by far. I just hope we don't have to break the bank for him.


    My fear for Carroll is that after Draymond Green lands a max or near-max contract for being a better version of Carroll, it will drastically inflate the value of Carroll's next contract. Let's hope not because I would hate to lose him.

  16. Thanks. While I'm interested in some of the things analytics can tell us, I'll be honest and say I'm not overly interested to the point of delving that deeply into it. That's why I figured I'd ask the expert if what this guy was spewing was hogwash or not. =D Thanks for the clarification.


    And yeah, he spent the first half of the video setting things up too much; the 2nd half is more talking about individual players and teams. The points-per-possession stat he kept hammering on did make me think it is something that ignores defensive efficiency, so I suspected it was fairly inept at being much of a predictor.

  17. Since we're on the subject, what does everyone think the dollar amounts are going to be for Milsap and Carroll? Ballpark of course. I'm worried the new impending TV money and expected salary cap increases coming in the next few years are going to greatly inflate the next batch of contracts.


    But assuming that isn't the case, I'm guessing Milsap is going to be around at least $15-16m per year to bring him back.


    Carroll is a bigger mystery due to how in-demand he might be. I'm going to say at least $6m per year but probably closer to 8-9m per. That's a huge jump from the $2.5m we got him for initially.


    Pero will probably due for a sizeable bump on a 2 to 3 year deal as well.


    And as someone else said, Horford will be due the next year at probably close to a max deal...sigh.


    Throw in our likely lottery pick and it looks like we'll be doing well just to hang on to our current pieces, and forget about adding anyone of significance. Lets hope Bud/Ferry already have their eyes on the next DeMarre (underrated cheap signing who greatly outplays contract).

  18. Frankly, if new owners bring DF back it'll be in the offseason. No need to shift the attention from what the team is doing on court to being bombarded with DF questions.

    Since the rumor is new ownership wont be in place until at least April, it would be in the offseason by default.

  19. His absence from the team is self-enforced.  He can come back whenever he wants, if he wants.  Problem is that the rat bastards that put him in this situation would still be his employer, the Gearons.  The only reason he hasn't completely left the Hawks was the sliver of hope he had that 100% of the team would be sold which would mean the Gearons would be out of the fold.  And there also the part about the new owners wanting him back too.

    Exactly this, in addition to several other factors.


    Ferry is a smart guy. He knows he messed up, and from all reports he's working hard to not only acknowledge his mistake, but to make amends by doing the diversity training and reaching out to as many people as possible that were rightfully offended by his mistake. True contrition and time are what it takes to heal these types of wounds. As was said, if it weren't for the Gearon's he might have returned from self-exile already.


    But what complicates this further is the possibility of new ownership. I would guess that Koonin, Bud, and Ferry, and possibly others, have mutually agreed that the best course of action is awaiting new ownership and allowing that person to make the final decision regarding if Ferry should be welcomed back. It's only smart business from Koonin's perspective, to make the Hawks more attractive in a sale if a potential roadblock in Ferry isn't already back in the mix.


    Just imagine this scenario - Ferry comes back, takes the initial PR backlash that is going to be inevitable when/if he ever does return, things finally smooth over (not with everyone of course), and he gets back to work as the acting GM. We don't know what the Gearons would do at this time, so who knows if they would try to get him fired then (Ferry being in exile kind of reduces that risk). Then the Hawks are sold and it's one of three options. 1) The new owner is open minded, acknowledges how contrite and remorsefull Ferry has been, and agrees to keep him as GM. Or 2) the new owner is like Chris Webber and want's Ferry fired months ago and doesn't care about atoning for mistakes. Or 3) the new owner isn't quite sure. On one hand he might want to forgive Ferry, but on the other hand he simply might not want to have to deal with all the distractions and start with a clean slate. In this case, you are putting a potential new owner in a difficult place forcing him to make that decision: which makes the Hawks less marketable for sale.


    All these things combined are why Ferry is still remaining in self-exile until new ownserthip is in place, I feel. My gut feeling is that Ferry will return unless we get an ownership group with someone like Webber who is too spiteful to forgive him and 100% wants him fired immediately. If it is someone on the fence, I think Ferry, Bud, and Koonin will be able to make them see the light and continue to work with Ferry.

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  20.  Imagine Thaddeus Young in place of Mike Scott?

    I would absolutely love that, but it's probably not possible with Young already making $9m per year - which is only half a million less than we are paying Milsap. Just another example of how lucky we were to get Milsap for the contract he got; don't kill us on your next contract Milsap, please. comando.gif


    IMHO I know there is a resistance to messing with the team chemistry, and I completely understand that. But if we were to make some move to improve the team I'm thinking upgrading the backup PF in place of Scott would be where to do it. It's between him the Bazemore at backup SG; but the way Bazemore has been coming on as the season has progressed and he's getting more comfortable, and as long as he can keep playing insane defense like last night, then Scott is the weakest link.


    He's just so maddeningly inconsistent. When he is on, he's absolutely amazing. But it seems like he's only on about 1 out of every 5 or 6 games, which just isn't enough. It's more than just him missing open shots. It's missing easy layups, misshandling passes, turning the ball over, and just genereally disrupting the flow of the normal offense or defense. I dunno, maybe I'm being too critical, but most games he just stands out to me like a sore thumb. But if he's the biggest thing I've got to complain about, we're in pretty darn good shape overall.

  21. http://www.startribune.com/video/289745511.html


    I thought some people might find that video interesting. It's the postgame of Flip Saunders where he is giving major props to the Hawks. Something along the lines of you don't really get a sense of just how good we are until you get out there and play against them. Says the Hawks are the best combination of offense and defense they have played this year (and this is coming on a night when we were lackadasical on D).

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