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Posts posted by HawksNWaffles

  1. 45 minutes ago, AHF said:

    (I can't go but think this is fantastic to offer to your fellow squawkers.  Hopefully someone can post or PM you with an interest in going.)

    Just a quick question, would it be plausible to have like a pinned topic for times situations like these tickets, memorabilia, etc? I'm not saying that you should, but it would kind of condense posts like these or if someone wants to promote or sell some type of Hawks related service or merchandise. Of course if that breaks the terms of service, or uses more resources than necessary, of course that's a no go.No big deal, just curious 

  2. Ok Macdaddy and AHF both reacted at the same time, so tie breaker question. First person to answer wins..... Or anybody that answers first


    Who was the first Hawk with more than 200 steals in a season?


  3. I have one spare ticket for tonights game if anyone is interested. Wife won't be able to go so it's just me lol. Only thing you will have to do is pay for is parking. First person who responds gets extra ticket.


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  4. 10 minutes ago, thecampster said:

    On another note, pretty much every call the Hawks are getting has "what would it take to include Huerter in the deal" mentioned at some point. Everyone is asking what it would take to get red velvet.


    3 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    .....and the answer is???

    .......White Velvet? 

    • Haha 2
  5. I have to say that this was the right move. It's the same principle with the Falcons. It's one thing to lose a few close games, but the consistency the Hawks were losing winnable games, that's one leadership. Perhaps his message had started to fall on deaf ears. With that being said, dude is a great guy and at least put in the effort. but it seemed as if he was a bit overmatched at times. I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. 

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