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Posts posted by CBAreject

  1. I think we should trade something to the Wiz for Brown....not so much because Brown is so good. No, I think we could make the Wiz better by giving them Reef or Theo in some deal for Brown.

    That way, we get a decent prospect, and they get better, so they pass us in the standings. If we trade Reef, we won't win another game all season. Good strategy.

  2. "But, basically, you trade away a player for three guys that can't get the job done. Those are the Bulls CORE players. That would be like us trading Theo, Reef and Terry for McGrady. There is no incentive. "

    You seem to think we still have a chance to build around JT/SAR/Theo. Dude, our players can't get the job done either. Will we ever win with JT? No, so what's the point in keeping him.

    If some team were stupid enough to trade us good, young talent for some of our garbage, I'd take it. Sure, Curry is not Shaq. Crawford is not Jason Kidd. We can't get those players, though. If we can get some young guys with upside, we have a future. As it stands, we have none.

    Play, we are not the worst team in terms of our present roster, but we are the worst team in terms of future. Orlando has a better future, because they have at least one good, young player to build around. We are stuck because we traded all of our draft picks for horrible players, and all we have is a team full of ALBATROSSES!

    If we can get bailed out by trading for Harrington and having some semblance of a future, I'll take it. It won't make us champions, but it will give us hope.

  3. OK, I hate to lay into you, since we've never formally spoken, but I can't resist.

    First, you tell Diesel that he makes no sense, that he's totally absurd. However, he's clearly cited statistics indicating that our best lineups are those without JT. He provides compelling evidence that JV should play with our starters. Sure, you might disagree, but to say that he makes NO SENSE is ridiculous.

    Your argument? "JT averages 19 ppg. We can't bench him!"

    That doesn't mean much, friend. Big Dog averaged even more and we traded him for some axle grease. You're the one lacking sense.

    Second, you claim that Diesel has made a "bad analogy"? Wha? The only analogy that he made was in comparing JT to Bobby Jackson. You didn't mention that, though, so I'm confused.

    Third, if you're going to insult someone's intelligence, you should at least spell correctly (absurb?). Same goes for 'non sense at all'.

  4. Reef for Curry and Crawford????

    First, Chicago wouldn't do it, and they should be shot if they did. Second, Reef for either one of those players is a good trade in terms of talent OR contracts. Both of those guys will improve...Reef will not. Crawford plays like he wants to win....Reef does not. Curry? I like him. He's a little soft still, but I still think he's one of the best centers ALREADY. He's a big body, and we just don't have that.

    Curry at center and Theo at PF would be a nice combination. Crawford and JT in the backcourt would, too.

    Too bad the Bulls aren't stupid enough to do it. At any rate, I'm glad you're not our GM because you would let this deal go by the boards if we ever had a chance at it.

  5. I think that CC is just drawing a (rather large) paycheck from the Hawks. He'll never contribute again.

    That game against LA after we traded Mutombo was his last hurrah. He was darn good in that game, too....just as good as in the Knicks game.

  6. Try year 5, but game 4 is hardly midway.

    JT hasn't learned to be a PG by now, and I do not believe he ever will. Can we win with him despite that? Maybe, but it would take 4 other savvy players to pull it off.

    JT is terrific, but I think we're foolish to think he's going to magically transform into a PG when he hasn't been thus far.

  7. Hendu? C'mon!

    Henderson is not as bad as he used to be. He's learned to accept the backup role and he's productive off the bench.

    BUT, I'd trade him for almost all of the guys Hotlanta listed.

    I don't really like Mo Taylor, but he's much better than Hendu offensively.

  8. I was one of the FEW that wanted him. He is one of the very few to come out in the draft in the past 5 years that a team could build around. The others would be Lebron and perhaps Stoudamire.

    Of course, I'm sure that many people here still insist that he's not that good. Actually, I agree that he's not....yet. BUT, he'll be the second best center in the NBA this season, and we traded him (and some other stuff, mind) for Reef.

    Yes, I know they drafted Gasol, but you understand...

    Ah well, you don't get many chances to draft an all-star center.

  9. So far, I've seen the following:

    "The Hawks will have to take advantage of the nights when opponents are unprepared and won't have their legs because they have been out to the strip clubs the night before. That's probably going to be Atlanta's best defense: the strip club trap"

    The Hawks are rated as the worst team in the Eastern Conference, should therefore finish dead last, and are the second worst in the NBA, next to the Jazz (they're not rated much worse).

    ESPN doesn't know who's on our bench, particularly Nazr, Diaw.

    Dion Glover is rated a 3 out of 10. A 3/10?

    ESPN thinks Alan Henderson typically starts and plays the 2 or 3. (Why else would they say SJax' playing 2/3 will keep Henderson on the Bench?)

    Chad Ford says we'll win 24 games or less.

    Many say the fans have no hope.

    The power poll says that the fact that our team considers losing Obinna Ekezie significant doesn't bode well.

    They don't realize that it's only because he played phenomenally for a few games. We do have Henderson, Nazr, and Nailon, so it's not like he was counted on for a top 8 slot anyway.

    They have no clue.

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