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  1. the hawks should do there best to get wells. sure he may have his problems but this will be a major improvement for the hawks. bonzi doesn't make as many errors on the court as glover. nothing personal but i would rather have wells than to step in the name of glover. holla at ya boy!
  2. who do think will get it? me personally i feel that allen iverson whould get it. holla at ya boy!
  3. what are the chances for the hawks to win tonight? and is there a chance for them to make 500 this season? holla at ya boy!
  4. where in the world is dan "the man" dickau? just because he is a young player doesn't mean that he isn't any good. stotts should put him in the game more often. everybody is talking about JT and JV what about DD? why isn't he getting any more playing time? i think that he would be an excellent point guard if only he could get a chance to play. what do you think? holla at ya boy.
  5. i totally agree with you. watching the performance of the game against the suns was, well i don't even know what to say about that. but somehow they pulled it through. i feel that the point guard position is the most important one and if you do not have a true point guard on your team, then your wins will become few and far between. the JV played against the suns was acceptable, but do you think it will be enough against jason kidd and the nets? the hawks have great talent but until they can address their point guard issues and learn how to play together then they will continue to be the same as they were for the past couple of seasons. holla at ya boy
  6. i agree with you. it seems that dion is in his own little world at times. i wonder if he even thinks about his other teamates. i'm not knocking his game 'cause the boy gots skillz but this is not one on one basketball. it's a team sport and it's important that you play as a team in order to be successful. and until the hawks can function as a team they won't make it very far this season.
  7. i am so furious with the hawks. what in the world happened? things were going all good at first. but these guys got caught up in playing the run 'n' gun offense and ended up shooting themselves in the foot. i said it before and i'll say it again this team needs a real point guard 'cause lets face it, after that performance last night jt just isn't cuttin' it. i feel that if the hawks could get just one superstar then we would be looking at a better team. holla at ya boy.
  8. is there any possible way for us to get into the playoffs? the way the hawks played last night against the warriors was a pure tragedy. i suggest that we make some moves to try and get a true point guard because what we have now surely isn't cutting it. are there any suggestions on what we can do to save this team this season?
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