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Posts posted by DominiqueWilkins

  1. I think he really needed a change and he made it clear he wanted one also. I support Boris Diaw, because I’ve always been a fan, so I hope the best for him, and I’m happy to see him doing well. The Suns are really bringing out the best part of his game.

  2. Some of the players really don’t seem to have Coach Woodson’s back, so I have some concerns that they’re not united around their coach, and it’s making some of the players to show their lazy ways. I give all props to Billy Knight, but now it’s time for our coaching staff to take over, and bring out the energy in our players before they go onto the court.

  3. I still have faith that Childress will learn to become a better jump shooter, but I do not want to see the Hawks give up on him just after one season, so I hope he remains a Hawk. I like Childress a lot, so I see how the Hawks would benefit from hanging onto him, and the positives out weight the negatives.

  4. I personally wouldn’t want anything to do with Zach, so I can’t see the vision with him on the Hawks, and we know it’s not likely to happen. I think he’s a very good player, but I just don’t think he fits what Billy Knight is trying to create at the present time.

  5. Quote:

    I think Lue would get abused by Cassell.

    I agree, I don’t like the idea of Lue starting tonight against Cassell, so I hope it doesn’t happen, and it shouldn’t if the Hawks want even a chance to win. I would still like to see Joe Johnson starting.

  6. Quote:

    I suspect he is going to ask for upwards of 10-per, but I'm not convinced he'll get that.

    I will be the first to show him the way out of Atlanta if he thinks he’s worthy of that type of money. Billy Knight wouldn’t sign him to that type of contract so I have no worries.

  7. Quote:

    Will be brought to the city this year by the Thrashers.

    I'm calling it right now. They will win the Stanley Cup. Get on board. Get some tickets. It's gonna be a great year!!!

    Well at the moment things are a bit down due to our goalie situation and it seems like a few of our players are trying a bit too hard.

    Frustrating at the moment, but I expect things to turn around for us.

  8. Quote:


    My tix came in the mail today!

    Mine too (122 E, Seats 10-11).

    *BE CAREFUL* - the envelope containing them looks like junk mail!


    What does the package look like? Does it say Hawks or ticketmaster on it?

    I'm still waiting for my 5 tickets to arrive and it's kind of cutting it close.

  9. Very sad day for me when I found out the news while working at the arena. The Stones were an concert and someone slipped the news to me but I didn’t believe them at first. I use to cross paths with Collier while working at the arena and he was one guy who was very nice. He even knew my name and would ask how I was doing and I would also respect that because it’s not like I work at the area all the time.

    -Sorry just going on- RIP Jason

  10. No proof that Lebron James wants to even go to the Knicks, so I'm actually sick of hearing those rumors, and you will see him stay with the Cavs. They are making bank with him and expect them to match the offers to him.

    Have you seen Sweetney play? He is a body man. You can say how he's a small power forward, but he still manages to get the rebounds, and he uses his frame to his advantage. You will see him put up some very good numbers with the Bulls.

  11. Gives them a lot of options on the court and they will be able to knock down the big shots. The Knicks are going to be a very clutch team now, and I still think they should of let go Houston due to his contract. It appears that the Knicks aren’t worried about money, so clearly they will just let Houston’s contract run out, but they are still able to add players like Eddy Curry and Q-Rich. The team is going to be a contender and should make the playoffs.

    I’m not a fan of the Knicks by all means, but clearly they have turned things around for the best, and you will see that this season.

  12. I was going to put money on the fight, but I had the blues, so I've decided not to. I now have money on the Cards (2 bets) and GA Tech game tonight.

    Castillo almost had Corrales during the last match and knocked him down two times during the 10th round. If I was going to bet I would still have my money on Corrales. Corrales will jab the hell out of Castillo and stay away from the hard hitter.

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