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Posts posted by Dejay

  1. You couldn't convince me that the Hawks wouldn't have won the title had Trae not gotten hurt. The Bucks had no answer and would've jobbed out clean in six.

    And the Suns? CP3 would've had to tackle Trae into the stands to keep him from averaging 37 a game in the Finals...

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  2. 48 minutes ago, hylndr11 said:

    Tickets sales is not attendance guys. We are in bottom half in attendance. This goes into ownerships stuff that we are starting to see come out.  I'll just say this has always been an question regarding new ownership with the Corp/group large ticket buyers who aren't trying to turn this into wine and cheese crowd like you see some other owners try and do while flipping the team.  Many group bulk buyers wanted to know if we would go into the tax if we needed too.

    They're 17th overall because of the arena size, which is bottom-5 overall and technically only a few hundred seats more than the Omni was. I'm more than confident that if they didn't renovate the building, they'd have 19-20k in there every night. 

    I've been to a few of the games and there aren't swaths of open seats floating around as we've been so accustomed to...

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  3. 12 hours ago, Sothron said:

    Just based on raw talent the 1989 Hawks were better especially if Kevin Willis was healthy that season. Nique, Moses, Willis, Theus, Doc, Spud, Cliffy, Carr, John Battle and even...sigh...Koncrap was pretty deep and good. That was the only team Nique ever had that had a real shot at maybe winning a title...if Kevin hadn't missed the whole season. 

    Yeah, that '88-89 team would've been pretty stout had Willis not broken his foot. Fratello spent the entire season changing out guys at his spot before settling on Koncak at the end, who had a pretty good run. Of course, we know what happened afterwards.

    They were talented, a veteran bunch, and would absolutely undress you on the fast break if you were slow in transition defense. Chemistry was the main issue though...

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  4. 2 hours ago, AHF said:

    I agree with a lot of this although I think his numbers were significantly inflated by the playing time he got in Atlanta.  The fact that several guys going after him (like Iggy) had MUCH better careers has contributed heavily to how he is viewed today.

    The other thing that is huge for how he is viewed today is how his career fell apart after he left the Hawks.  He did not blow anyone away against Greek competition (they regretted signing him for the price they did) and when he returned to the NBA he was garbage and washed out very quickly.  I mean look at how bad this is.  It is kind of shockingly bad for a guy who should have been a solid role player for a decade in the league:


    I can go with this (a little). As you could probably guess by my multiple posts on him, I never, Ever, EVER liked the selection of Childress and literally screamed on this board for BK to take Al Jefferson, Luol Deng, or Andre Iguodala instead. As much as I hate rebuilds (for good reason looking at how BK tried to do it), if you're going to go young, for the love of GOD, get guys who have the pro skillset to actually play. IMHO, Childress had a good motor (until he got paid in Greece) but he wasn't the guy opposing teams thought about having to account for on the court. Not even a little bit.

    In other words, Osh (no J) Childress had ample playing time while here and although he was a 'glue guy' on the roster, you just don't select wing players with bad shot mechanics with the sixth pick overall. That's what 2nd-3rd tier free agents, career journeymen, and fringe players fighting for final roster spots are for.

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  5. 18 minutes ago, Hawkmoor said:

    Thats what I've been saying over and over and they finally stepped up and made a championship move.  The good part is they are not finished yet.

    I'd be a lot more weary had they gotten hossed by the Knicks in last year's playoffs and never made that run. Whether by hook or crook, they were still one official's foot away from likely making the Finals and winning a World title. I'll still say that they're closer to being that team than the one that languished and were beset by injuries/'rona last year.

    They saw a mistake in running it back with the same squad and quickly pivoted. That's a far cry from the years where our front office would sit on its hands while the entire conference passed us by. But don't take my word for it; ask Dominique or Joe Johnson how it felt having to carry entire teams on their back while their counterparts had REAL players riding shotgun alongside them. They'll verify...

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