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Posts posted by Nash

  1. 1 minute ago, Diesel said:

    No.  I wish between the two of them, one of them could defend somebody.   I did see Bey block a pass.   However, that's not enough. 

    Maybe Bogi is being held out to save his knees. 


    Neither of the 2 is a good defender but Bogi's averaging more stocks than Bey in 20% less time. He also spresds the floor more by pulling the best defender on him so Trae has open lanes and wide open 3pt shots. Bey is not capable of playmaking. I just don't get it

  2. 10 minutes ago, Diesel said:

    Bey is the only player that we have that will "scrap"...

    The Man can't hit a three to save his life right now.  And He cannot  guard a chair.... but he will get in there and scrap for rebounds. He's the only player that we have that will do it.  JJ doesn't do it either.  

    Are those couple of rebounds worth everything else in comparison to Bogi

  3. 1 minute ago, kg01 said:

    Quin giving me late-tenure in Dallas, Rick Carlisle vibes.  The 'give me the perfect roster or I'mma mail it in' vibes. 

    The problem is that the perfect roster doesn't exist, and shame on a coach that is trying to prove something by not playing the best players on the team

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  4. 22 hours ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:

    The increase in 3 point attempts was a mandate from Quin.  All of our shooters have seen their 3 point attempts go up.  A big reason why we've been a top 5 offensive team ( until lately ), was our ability to take and make a lot of 3s.  Quin's mandate for the team to take more 3s, was correct.  But all of our 3 point shooters are extremely streaky.

    As for Trae's long range shooting ( 3s from 30+ feet ), it has been above 40% 3FG for most of the year.  Yes, that means all of those long range 3s that fans think are bad shots, were actually going in at a higher rate than 3s coming from less than 30 feet.

    He has not been good at all since the 30+ ppg - 10+ apg streak ended right after Christmas.  And he has been horrible from deep




    We know he's had some issue with his shoulder for 2 - 3 weeks now.  Do fans want to hear that excuse?  No.  But it is a fact.

    Here are some other guys in the past 9 games


    DJ - excellent shooting from deep, with more aggressiveness going to the basket.  He's been very good offensively since Christmas



    Bogi - shooting has really fallen off of a cliff since Christmas.  Deeper 3s aren't falling at all.



    Bey - still struggling big time on his corner 3s.  Overall FG% is low as well.



    You can't have 3 of our 4 main shooters go this cold, and expect to win games.

    You can phrase Trae's 3pt shooting any way you want, you can pick his best 3pt shooting games and say it's elite but the fact is: This is his 6th season in nba and he's 35% 3pt shooter and that is not going to change for better. With his size and inability to guard my grammy he needs to play to his strengths which are elite and immediately cut his 3pt attempts in half. That happens and this team is immediately much better. His 3pt attempts are bad as usually nobody's expecting those stupid shots and no one is close to the basket to at least try for an offensive rebound. On the other side Bogi is 38.5% career 3pt shooter which is next to elite and he needs to take as twice 3pt shots as Trae. DJM is an afterthought in Atlanta. The guy is not a shooting guard and when both of them are on the floor one is like a fish out of water. DJM needs to be traded immediately, Bogi needs to move to 2, we need to pray fro Dre to stay healthy, JJ is already good enough. Hawks need to find C who can shoot, rebound and hit freaking FT's. OO is a solid bench player, bring Gallo back who's going to be bought out soon, find a vet point guard who can give you 10-12 mins and find one solid bench wing and you're set. DJM can provide all those assets. No rebuild 

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  5. This team was in the conference finals and didn't require big moves. 80% of the personal was and it's still there. Some good moves were done by jettisoning Cam, Red velvet and Collins. Although I liked Collins I understand the move and JJ is a good and cheap replacement.  Trae/Bogi/Dre/JJ and KAT would have been a solution. The stock should have been sold for KAT and not for DJM. Clint can't play modern game. Can't shoot, can't finish around the rim and doesn't space the floor. 

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  6. 37 minutes ago, Hawkmoor said:

    I personally didn't want Trae coming out of college. I wanted Doncic because he had professional experience in Europe.  Trae had a lot of question marks about his game ( takes a lot of 3 pointers), his size and lack of defense.  I wanted Doncic over Trae for THOSE reasons.  When they announced the trade during the draft, I didn't like it. I gave Trae the benefit of the doubt during his rookie season and actually was pulling for him.  During his second season when the Hawks were building out the roster, I wanted his game to change and the hard head didn't do it.  My reason for not wanting Trae changed from his questionable ability to play in the NBA, to his lack of character and nonchampionship playing style.

    This! Trae is a better player than what he's willing to do for the Hawks and that tells you about his character. 35% career 3pt shooter instead of reducing # of attempts and playing to his strengths, he racked them up by 30% this season from his career average lol. Those long range 3's where he's shooting from the floor (without being able to jump) are ugly low % shots that are killing the team. Nate wanted him to play the team game and got fired for it. He thinks he can do whatever he wants and he's just doing it

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  7. 2 minutes ago, dalamchops said:

    quin's got enough track record that i don't feel like he's a fraud. he has had no input on putting this roster together.

    If you remember, Nate brought a weaker team to the conference finals. Quin showed last year in PO's how clueless he is. Bogi was always on the bench the last 6-7 minutes of the games despite being one of the best players. I don't trust that guy

  8. 1 hour ago, terrell said:

    Perhaps QS is thinking long term.

    Tank and get two first round picks in 24 before making a miraculous turnaround in 25 to win the title..

    Other than that, he isnt very impressive...

    Bogi and OO were  + 32.

    So of course he plays the starters. 😢

    Some people laughed when I said that he'd do nothing with Hawks. He did nothing with Jazz and he'll do nothing with Hawks. Nate brought this team to conference finals with Trae playing with one arm and Bogi playing on one leg

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