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Posts posted by Nash

  1. I am not saying that Hawks need to give up on D. They simply don't have good defensive players so they can't win with D. They can't limit teams below 100 points. On the other hand they have elite offensive players that can outscore anybody and they're not using them properly. Once the offense starts clicking on all cylinders, defense will improve immediately. Look at Kings. Look at Nuggets. Nuggets have Murray who is the worst defensive guard in the league. Worse than Trea. They have MPJ who gets lost in every single rotation and can't remember any defensive scheme.  They have Jokic who can't jump 5 inches, slow legs etc..They have the worst bench in the entire nba that manages to be -15 every game in 10-12 minutes played. But hey, starters outscore opponents by 20 every game and they're leading the west for the entire season. They're also fun to watch. Hawks were fun to watch 2 years ago. I couldn't wait for games to start. This year the team is finally healthy but I want to vomit almost every game. Unleash your ofense and tune defensive along the way. Use what you have and not what you think you have

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  2. If Trea didn't play with one arm and Bogi on one leg this team would have ended up in the NBA finals. Delusion that Dre is a good defensive player is beyond belief. The guy who can't rebound, has less steals and blocks than Bogi,  who is not a good defenfender, speaks enough about Dre's defense. Same way as good D sparks O, the elite O sparks good D. Without being able to hit 2-3 3's in a row you will never spark the D. Expecting that this team will win games with their D, with Trea, Dre and Collins as starters on the floor and then with Bogi, Bay and AJ as bench guys is laughable. This team has good offensive players that can outscore opponents and they're not using their power.  Look at Kings,  the worst franchise in nba history. With Monk, Trey Lyles etc...they outscore everybody. You score 170 on them, they score 175 on you. They're fun to watch even if they're 1st round exit. Hawks are not fun to watch at all this season

    • Like 1
  3. Bogi is averaging 120% more assists, 70% more steals, 30% more blocks,  comits 70% less fouls, 10% less TO's than Dre while playing less minutes. Bogi is also shooting 41% from 3 (elite, Klay T efficiency) on 7 attempts vs 36% (below average) on 4.2 attempts and one gets rewarded by playing 32 mins and the other one is playing 22 minutes. This is mind blowing. No wonder we're losing games against the worst nba teams  Quin sucks

    • Sad 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:


    LOL. . Trae is normally setting up Bogi for wide open 3s.  Bogi has had to work for every 3 point shot he's taken tonight.

    Murray shot that FT with no confidence whatsoever.

    Come on dude.

    Dude, it doesn't matter how hard Bogie needs to work for his 3pt shot. He's shooting over 40% on over 9 attemps. Do you understand the numbers. He better shots from the center line than 20% 3pt shooters wide open lol

  5. This team is straight dumb. You have one of the best shooters in the league in Bogie, who's shooting over 40% for 3 on over 9 attempts pg and then you have guys like JJ (20% for 3), JC (23 % for 3), DJM (34% on half of Bogie's attempts) same with AJG and they all take the same number of 3pt shots as Bogie. Just dumb and disorganized team 

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