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Everything posted by mbergsma

  1. Top 4 Hawks players shooting 92% from the line. Reef is 18-18, Theo is 22-24. Just thought that was interesting.
  2. mbergsma

    Shaeef chats

    Yup Diesel, I noticed that too. But I didn't want to look into it like that because Shareef has never seemed like the type of guy to say that sort of thing. I think he just phrased his thoughts wrongly.
  3. I think our second unit now could effectively challenge our first unit of a few years ago. That bothers me, but in a good way.
  4. UPDATE: Johnson’s condition is currently listed as stable, with a vertebral body fracture, described by Dr. Paul King, neurosurgeon at Atlanta Medical Center, as a cervical spine fracture. According to Dr. King, Johnson could be released from the hospital as early as Monday, following surgery scheduled for Friday afternoon. According to Dr. King, the prognosis for Johnson’s long-term recovery is excellent, but in the short term, his playing status for the upcoming season is in question. “All the signs appear to be very positive,” said Hawks VP/General Manager Pete Babcock. “There’s no paralysis and none of his functions appear to be affected at all, so that’s great news. The surgeon says the spinal fracture can be repaired.” RealGM.
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