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Posts posted by Wurider05

  1. How can anyone stop a guy who can shoot the ball 30-35 times a game. I mean come on. The thing about Iverson that I find so funny is that people always look at his scoring but he rarely gets his teamates involved. Just think of al lthe talent that they have had that couldn't play with him hogging the ball all the time. You read JJ's quote about getting the team involved and playing as a whole. I mean those other guys bust their asses just to watch A.I shoot over thirty times a night. Team ball is the future of the league people and I am glad that we are following that route instead of expecting JJ to drop 30 points a night.

  2. WHo gives a f*ck if they are friends or not. I am watching sports center and they are talking to Kobe about his 62 point game and out of the damn blue the guy asks him about his relationship with Shaq. WE all know what happened and we all know that they aren't friends and will never will be. They are just trying to get someone to say something negative so they can run with it and cause more problems. F*CK ESPN!!!!

  3. Well said dude. Alot of guys want trades to occur just for the sake of having one. If we can't sign AL then we need to trade him but why trade him for an injured player who will probably want more money than AL. I say we do the trade for Miller. I don't care for him either but he is better than Watson. For some reason I smell a big 4 team trade coming upon us.

  4. That is the exact samething I said in a post on yesterday. Denver were already prepared to let him walk after this season or trade him. His stats are really no better than CHillz or SMoove. If he was so good why did Denver give K-Mart a max contract with his subpar stats. He thinks that he deserves 10+ million a season. HIs vertical was already just 2 inches now it is probably .5 inches. Can we say Adonal Foyle?? I said it once and I will say it again, "The Bums that some of these guys want wearing a Atlanta Hawk uniform is really ridiculous sometimes!!". If Earl Watson was so good why can't he crack the rotation on his on team and why did Memphis trade him??

  5. Realistically is their anyway this ship can be turned around. Whether it's a major trade or our chemistry getting better, do any of you feel that we can at least make a run at .500. I for one think that we can. We have been bad but not that bad. I just got a feeling that we are going to surprise the league this year. I just got a feeling and only time will tell......

  6. I just read on Hoops hype that artest wants to be traded. I am thinking that trading AL for him would be beneficial to us. He can play 2-guard and had exceptional ball-handling skills and that would allow us to let JJ run point. AL already knows Indiana's system and would fit in well there since Stephen Jackson plays the 2-guard. It makes since to me. I am not sure about salary though. Maybe we could throw in Delk for draft picks or something??? Our future would look alot brighter with a fierce leader like Artest playing for us here and don't forget he can light it up offensively as well.

  7. I mean this would give us sometime to find a suitable replacement right now and send out feelers to see who is really interested in the job. I personally would like to see Del Harris brought on as a coach or maybe PJ Carlisimo. We need some one with experience coaching the NBA game not Tubby Smith. The season is already in the tank anyway so why not leat nique coach the boys until the end of the season.

  8. I am really starting to wonder why he even got the job. I mean I really wanted us to keep Stotts or go after Del Harris, somebody with head coach experience. A ROOKIE COACH AND A ROOKIE TEAM JUST CAN'T WORK IN THIS LEAGUE-SOMEBODY HAS TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE DOING!!!!!! Woody just looks like he is over his head out there. You see what happens when you hire your friends. How many of you guys have gotten a friend a job with you and you end up regretting it?? Hell I got my friend a job with me when I was a teenager and he ended up being a complete failure and embarassed the hell out of me.

  9. Al just got hot and Chill played like he belonged in the league. We still would not have won the game without JJ. He is a baller and it shows that even on a bad night he could still have 13 points and hit some bit shots.

  10. I say that we need a veteran coach in the worst way. Wasn't Dell Harris up for consideration for the job along with Woody. WHat about PJ Carlisimo?? I said it once and I will say it again a young team and a rookie coach just doesn't mix well. Plus Woody looks lost out there. We are not even competitive in these games 90% of the time. If the owners want to send a message that they will not accept mediocrity then he has to go and they have to get rid of him before the end of the season.

  11. I went over to NBA.COM and gathered the folowing stats.

    B. Wallace— 10.6 ppg 1 3.6 rpg 2.30 bs 1.60 Stls 2.2 ast

    A. Bogut -- 9.5 ppg 9.3 rpg 1.00 bs 1.00 stls 2.5 ast

    E. Curry ---14.0 ppg 6.30 rpg 1.00 bs 0.25 stls 0.3 ast

    J. Magloire--8.0 ppg 8.50 rpg 1.75 bs 0.42 stls 0.8 ast

    Z. Pachulia-13.4 ppg 9.4 rpg .80 bs .80 stls 2.0 ast

    For the money that we are paying we are getting major production from ZAZA. Damn sure better production than Eddie Curry who half of you wanted to sign. Plus he shoots free throws better than anyone on this list!! Man did we ever get a steal with this one.

  12. I have been a Hawks fan all my life. I have watched year after year as we start our season off with he west coast road trip of Doom. But what do they do this year? Our first 9 games are against western conference teams. Our first 9 Freakin games. What kind of sh*t is that. I have never heard of this happening before 9 straight games people!!!

  13. Here are my top three worst problems for the team

    1. Coaching-We should have kept Stotts!! Woody seems like a better fit for a veteran team who knows how to play the game. We have had some talent on this team and people tend to focus on what a player can't do (ie JT playing point) talent is talent and it is up to the coach to bring it all together and Woody can't do that right now.

    2. Too many players that are playing out of position. I mean the purpose was to have long athletic players but in my opinion skillful players should be the priority. I mean so what if you are 6'8 but if you can't defend, shoot, or rebound you might as well be 4'8.

    3. We have no identity as a team. Billy Knight said that he wanted a Sacremento-Dallas type team that can run and score but yet he hires a defensive minded coach who can from a team that barely cracked 80 points some times. We might as well run, if you are going to lose you might as well look good doing it.

  14. It didn't seem as though we run plays on offense or defense. It really seemed like we were playing 5 on 5 streetball. I mean as of today it appears that ZAZA is our best player. SMooth has all of a sudden become a finesse player and CHillz can't seem to find his niche. I have noticed that when he and Joe are in the game CHillz pretty much plays point guard. We have talent on this team but the coach is failing to bring it all together(at least not yet). We need a more experienced coach. A second year coach and a very young team just doesn't mix. I am not expecting a championship but these last two games have been a joke. I know that it has only been two games but it is obvious that we need to change our starting lineup ASAP. Based on the first two games this should be our starting lineup:






    We would have two perimeter threats and two really good rebounders (CHillz and ZAZA) and a decent post player/mid range player in both Chillz and Harrington. This would give CHillz the best opportunity to get rebounds and get mid range shots that are comfortable for him. Our perimeter guys can dump the ball in the post and setup for their shot if it comes back out. Makes sense to me!!

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