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Posts posted by Lrenfro

  1. I have not missed a Hawks game this year. But I just can't take it anymore. If I decide not to watch another Hawks game until we win at least 7 more games, would that make me less of a fan?

  2. It is frustrating enough that when a colleague musters a small wager on a game I can't even oblige. But when I am at a Hawks home game I am surrounded and out cheered by the opposing team. I took a friend with me to the game. He asked me how could I be a fan of this team? I answered I don't know. Loyalty I guess. He also asked me where the apposing teams section was. Before I could answer a New York fan answered, The Whole F______ Arena is for the apposing team, if you are a hawks fan you are suppose to watch it from home.

    I felt like I was a hawks fan in New York. People throwing free T-shirts back to the cheerleaders. WTF guys you want the team to play for you but what do you do for the team. For goodness sake support your team. For no other reason. Just so they can say they played a home game.

  3. You know that bothers me too. Every year we make a trade and we still have nothing. I just don't see the plus on trades unless. We can get a true franchise player. Unless we can get another Human Highlight then I'm just not feeling the trades.

  4. ____________________________________________________

    Thinking like yours would have Dictated that Magic Johnson play PF... However, it's those Qualities that you forgot that made him one of the best PGs to ever play.


    Quite the contraire old mighty Diesel. You see we both agree we just don't see it the same way. The cup is half empty as well as half full.

    Somewhere some coach saw that Magic had qualities that superseded his size. The coach then in fact did as I suggest our coach do. Remember what I said. "The coach needs to figure them out and use them to the team’s advantage." That’s what Magic's coach did he saw where his talent was and used it to the teams advantage. Remember in some situations Magic's talent allowed him to become a center. That is what our coach needs to do. Find JT's strong point and put him in the possition that would best help our team.

    I thought thats why they got rid of Lon.

  5. I think we all concur that JT will never be Jason Kidd, a John Stockton or even a Mike Bibby for that matter. However he is not the equivalent as putting Alan Houston at PG.

    All we are saying that when JT has to play PG he gets the job done. It could be better but the job is done. It is not exactly the problem the Hawks are having. When you put any of our reserve PG's on the floor they are in a better situation because you add another option for them. I mean I think if you put DG in at point he would be better than JT. I think he would show the same results as DD or maybe even MW. Just think about how much better you have it when you have 4 other players to give it up to as appose to 2. I say 4 because when JT is a threat for scoring it makes the defense Honest. Which makes that 5 spot that much more effective?

  6. It worries me. Every day we are on this board complaining. Suggesting what the team should do to please the fans. However it seems that we are not willing to support our team. Support is needed when you are winning or loosing. But they need you more when they are loosing. Anything or anyone that needs support needs it most when they are week. A cruch is there until they are strong enough to stand on thier own. The Hawks need us until they are strong enough to play in the arena without us.

    You ask why the Hawks can't defend the Home court. What Home Court? We do not have a home court. When they are in the arena 80% of the people are cheering for the opposing team. Those that are there for the Hawks just sit there. Do you know how bad I feel when I am at the arena and I am out cheered by most of the arena.

    The Hawks need us now more than ever. We need home court advantage sometimes.

  7. I have to repost this. So I could get an answer to my question. So I know you have seen this before.

    You say you are boycotting? How. How many games did you go to last year? How many games have you been to up unto the boycott? How are they going to tell the difference between the boycott and the attendance before. I think for the most part the only people there are season ticket holders and people that get free tickets. Not to include fans of the other teams that come through. How would you know you are putting together a successful boycott?

  8. You say you are boycotting? How. How many games did you go to last year? How many games have you been to up unto the boycott? How are they going to tell the difference between the boycott and the attendance before. I think for the most part the only people there are season ticket holders and people that get free tickets. Not to include fans of the other teams that come through. How would you know you are putting together a successful boycott? How do you know we are not already boycotting?

  9. I love this poll. I post it every year. I truly believe that the play of our teams has a lot to do with attendance. IMO Basketball is 90% mental. If you feel no one cares then you start not to care.

    Now to the Poll. I am sure 4 years of high hopes and empty promices has taken its toll on everyone. For the past few years we have been given everything we have asked for but a wining record. We have changed the whole team twice we have had two (Now Three) Coaches. We got rid of all of the players we complain about. We got all stars on the team. The team is majority healthy. We have a new arena. We even have new owners. Now I think back and I can only think of 3 constants. Thats Stan, Pete and Hendu. Now that we know changing either one of these constants will change nothing for this year or even next year. What would it take to please you as a fan. What would it take to make you a true fan. Yes I said it. If you are not a season ticket holder or attend at least 30% of the home games (about 12 games) Then we are not true fans. I say we. I can only account for about 5 Home games thus far to include Preseason.

    Ok Ok no more bordum. Bottom line the Team needs us.

  10. "Man I bounce around, try to play good defense," Newble said. "But these guys are afraid their underarms are going to smell if they raise their arms on defense. Worthless."

    IS this an actual quote from Newble? If so this really sums it up for me. I mean all that extra practice they did over the summer. I thought they were trying to get closer trying to build chemistry early. But now it sounds like there is a lot of finger pointing going on. There is nothing a coach can do about that. Someone just needs to bring a belt in and break'em down old school style.

  11. Did Pete use his backup plan to make sure he makes it through yet another season. Think about it. If we don't make the playoffs he can say that he corrected his mistake midway through the season. Now since we had a coaching change. We would have to understand that it takes time to get used to the change. Now he is behind this four year old shield that the team is rebuilding ("Gelling" if you will) Do you think AOL would buy this. Does he get another chance to get a new coach. Does he make it to yet another Draft. What do you think. IMHO he has BS'd us once again.

  12. I am as upset as you are about this team. It is hard to be a fan year after year to a loosing team. However I feel a boycot would only insure that we are watching a ST. Louis Hawks or even a Charlotte Hawks for that mattter as appose to The Atlanta Hawks. Becarefull of what you ask for. You may just get a quality Hawks team for another city. AOL/Timewaner are in the buisness to make money if they are not making it they will find a way to make it.

  13. I don't think he will be starting much. I like the way Scotts thinks. He said that he fit well for this particular game. He does not plan on doing this all the time. That means Scotts can adjust. He puts his best players in for the best situation. Not because they usualy start.

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