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Posts posted by BigDirty

  1. Quote:

    jerkoffs.anybody know how to make those links appear in windows media player?
    Here you go: http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia-live/nba/9...llas_051201.asxYou simply have to right click on 'watch' then chose copy link (german word is Verknüpfung, I don't know what the english menu says), then copy the link into word or so, you'll have something like this:java script:nbaVideo(escape('http://broadband.nba.com/cc/playa.php?content=video&url=http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia-live/nba/9912/500_nba-league_pass_dallas_051201.asx&gid=s9&gid=1520700009'),escape('blank'));from that you only copy the part from 'http://boss' to '.asx' and put it in WMP and you're ready to go.
  2. Quote:

    Was reading the review of Oden's first SL game last night, of course coming across the part where Diop blocked his first shot attempt...and then it struck me...

    Oden didn't play Diop. Portland played against Boston and Dallas played against Seattle.

  3. 1st game was wack.2nd game was better.3rd game was quite good. Conley was quite good (I still wish that we'd picked him, but I'll give Horford the chance to convince me that he's a good pick too), Gay dominated Yi, Kinsey was shooting very good, Lowry played well, Yi good offense & absymal defense, I wonder if Wang will get another NBA chance.The 4th game with Sergio, Aldridge, Oden, Rondo, etc. should be even better.I really watched too much sports today, 3 U20 WM soccer games and 3 (soon it'll be 4) summer league games, I can't get anything else done and tomorrow looks to be the same + Copa America.^^

  4. Quote:

    Fights would end when one dog died or the surrender of the losing dog, which was sometimes put to death by drowning, strangulation, hanging, gun shot, electrocution or some other method, according to the documents.

    Disgusting. I'm a big Vick fan but if he really has something to do with it (I'm not really up to date with the whole situation so I don't know if it was already 100% proven that he was responsible) then I don't want to see him in a falcons uni ever again.

  5. I don't understand why China is playing in summer league, they have NOTHING to gain, if they win all their games, then it's kinda worthless cause they played summer league teams, and if they lose, then they lost against summer league teams which is kinda embarrassing. It's not even good preparation for Olympia or other international tournaments cause other national teams don't play like summer league teams at all.

  6. Yeah, the most ridiculous thing they said was "in this draft you wanted to have the number 2 pick, cause you couldn't make a mistake there, even if Oden becomes better you didn't have the option to draft him", well I guess then it's best to only have the 60th pick, cause when you pick a good player you look like a genius and if not then you didn't make a mistake. Posted Image

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