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Posts posted by mdawg

  1. If BK gives up Al for nothing (and I'm tired of hearing about cap space. They have cap space every year, and they still struggle to win 20 games), let me ask something: how can anyone Belkin brings in do any worse than BK? Unless everyone on this board is thrilled with winning 20 games a year, I don't see how Belkin or Jan Volk or ML Carr can do any worse.

  2. I'm solutions oriented, so if I were Stern, here's what I would say: Belkin, you sell your share to the other owners, and I guarantee you will be approved as owner of any of ther other teams currently for sale (such as the Portland Trail Blazers). Belkin gets his team, Spirit gets the Hawks. All are happy.

  3. Very disappointing showing from the US team. The only guy who played with any confidence or urgency is Dempsey. Donovan and Beasley were awful, Johnson didn't get a chance, and what was the point of bringing O'Brien if he wasn't going to play? Why not bring a young guy who could give some energy? It's time for Arena to move on. He's too attached to a certain group of guys, and we need some new ideas and formations (I can't believe they played the 4-5-1 again.) I think soccer will get bigger because of all the immigrants we have living here now. That's the sport they love, and they'll pass it on to their kids.

  4. Why hasn't Trezeguet been playing more? Is he in the dog house with the coach? I know Henry is great, but he hasn't gotten it done, and France has to get out of this group. In the 1st game, Saha was put in ahead of Trez. Saha is good, but come on.

  5. Spain looks good, like they may actually live up to their potential. Is France the new Spain? They should be dominating these teams. And I agree, the officiating has been horrible. They've made the EPL refs look good, and the Italians look honest.

  6. I'm sorry, but the red for Mastroeni was not fair. Should have been a yellow. I'll buy the red for Pope because it was an accumulation. I'm proud of the USA performance, but I also feel they deserved the win. McBride should have been taken out in the 60 or 65 minute. Maybe Johnson could have created something with his speed.

  7. And a miracle for Sweden today. I don't think they're that good, but as long as Eriksson coaches England, they'll always underachieve. Sweden could end up winning the group. I'm really looking forward to Netherlands/Ivory Coast today.

  8. I can't understand a single word the Univision guys say, and they're still 100 times better than the ESPN guys. They talk about the US team every five minutes (they don't deserve that much attention) and they act like no one in this country understands anything about the sport.

  9. Hyppia's been great the last 2 years. Him and Carragher are the best CB duo in the EPL.

    By they way, the USA performance was an embarrassment. Every starter should be replaced. None of them earned the right to play against Italy.

  10. I don't see anything bad in what Belkin said in the article. The Suns had already signed Raja Bell to a big deal. Why would they have matched JJ's contract? And, have the current owners really been that big of a success? I keep hearing about the progress BK has made. I guess going from 13 to 26 wins is good, but does anyone really think the Hawks will be in the playoffs next season? And if they're not, they lose the lottery pick because of the JJ deal. I say give Belkin a chance. He can't be much worse.

  11. Watch out for the Netherlands and I think maybe this is the year Spain stops being a disappointment. The USA has a shot to advance, but it will be tough. I wonder how the match fixing scandal in Italy will affect their team. Some of their players and the coach have been caught up in it.

  12. Have you guys heard the conspiracy theories about the USA's draw? The Italian media claims there is video evidence that the draw was fixed. Apparently, the guy drawing the ping pong balls picked up a ball and dropped it because it was cold. He then picked up a hot ping pong ball, which represented the USA. The press claim they have it on video? It may be possible. Europe doesn't really like us right now, and they may have tried to screw us in "their" game.

  13. I'll assume you're being sarcastic. The USA got a horrible draw, and it's even worse when you consider we were only 1 point away from being one of the top 8 seeds. I will say that I think Italy is a bit overrated. They never seem to play well on the big stage, and I think the US could get a draw. The big game is the 1st against the Czech Rep. If they can win that, the Italy game isn't as important. But, maybe this a good draw for the long run of US Soccer. If we are embarrassed, maybe US Soccer will play some top competition in friendlies and in top flight tournaments like Copa America or the Confederations Cup. I think Brazil has got to be the favorites, but I think Holland will make a deep run. They've got as much talent as anybody, and Van Basten has done a great job as manager.

    Forlan was not good at MU, but I think the Spanish league is a better fit for his game. That's happened to other players though. It's no disgrace.

    It's good to talk a little soccer.

    Walk On LFC.

  14. A few ideas:

    The Braves should sign one of the 2nd tier closers, such as Todd Jones or Tom Gordon. Gordon was a very good set up man for NYY last season, but he wants to close again, and he has experience.

    They won't re-sign Furcal. He's too expensive. I would put Betemit at SS or look into someone like Nomar. He can't want that much, and he'd probably take a 1 or 2 year deal loaded with incentives.

    As for a lead off hitter, I would see if I could get someone like Shannon Stewart or Juan Pierre. I've read that Pierre may be available, and you could put him in LF.

  15. I watch it every week. I was a little disappointed this past week though. They said the fate of all the survivors would be known, but I didn't think we learned all that much. The part about the others was interesting, but we didn't learn anything about the guy in the hatch. Does anyone watch that show "Over There", about the war in Iraq? It's not bad. The Shield is great. I also like that new show on HBO, Rome. One show I have a hard time finding other watchers for is Arrested Development. I think it's one of the funniest shows on TV, but I'm afraid it'll get canceled.

  16. Stern could offer Belkin a chance to buy another franchise if he sells his stake in the Hawks to the other owners. This happened in baseball, when the Expos owner sold the team to MLB, then bought the Marlins from their owner. This would be a win-win situation for all involved.

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