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Posts posted by BornandDieHawks

  1. Right now, we might can get Watson pretty cheap. I don't know what's going on in Denver. Watson must have slept with Karls' daughter or something because he is getting buried deeper on the bench. There were whispers of him wanting to leave so they might let him go for a 2nd rounder.

  2. I don't think anyone thinks we look bad for trading Diaw for JJ. JJ at the sg position can be a star in the league with someone who can play the point. The number one reason Diaw is having a desent year is Nash. Nash takes all of the playmaking, ball-handling, and distribution away from a guy who CAN NOT handle it. Diaw does have ball-handling abilities and court vision which gives him an advantage over overs playing Center or PF. He was a first round pick so he has some skills, but he is soft and it will be exposed when they start to play more meaningful games. Without the trade for JJ, Diaw was trade bait anyway.

  3. I said it before Diaw game has not change a bit. He is still soft. He benefits from a position change where he does not have the burden of running the team at times which I would say he is weak mentally. If Nash gets hurt and they give him more responsibility his a$$ will be on the trading block.

  4. His agent is based here in Atlanta and he knows there is more money to be made in LA than Atlanta. (outside baseball)

    The Braves did deserve the final say in the talks just out of respect for the organization who stood behind you all those years. But we all know the Braves were not going to come close to even Chicago's offer.

  5. This team was hit bad by injuries last year. I can't stand the Dodgers but no one had them finishing the year the way they did last year. With a few additions including Fucal, this team would have the same chances as anyone else in that division of making the playoffs.

    As for being a smart businessman, his marketing value went straight up as soon as it was announced he was signing with the Dodgers.

  6. I hope this is just what he needs a chance to be more of a focus on the team. If he gets in his head he is the man on the floor and not have to look over his shoulders when he do make a mistake he will be more aggressive on the floor. I got my fingers crossed because we have too much riding on him being such a high pick.

  7. You're right that's why I want him to get some easy baskets early in the game. If we can get him some baskets in transition maybe that would open him up to be more agressive on the offensive end.

    I feel what you are saying with him so tentative when he gets the ball. He plays like if he takes a bad shot he will be yanked from the game.

  8. I really think the pg position is really hurting Marvin. He needs someone to get him a few easy baskets right now because his confidence is down. I would like for the team to run a few plays for him early against Phoenix. Since there is no D in Phoenix, we might can get everyone besides JJ, Zaza, and AL looking to score.

  9. I hate losing also...but it in a season which have started off bad for us in the column of wins and losses. A span of 30 seconds is the difference of us being in the basement with 2 wins to one of the surprise teams of the season so far with 6 wins.

    I just viewed two of the games this year on tape and watch the one last night in person. I do see an area I think if we can do a better job will equal to more wins. The team always have spurts where teams make big runs and have us playing catch up. In the games I watched the use of our timeouts were terrible. The team is left out there for long stretches of time before timeout is called for the team to re-group...Last night I also came to another conclusion. We have some hard headed ass players out there. We need a strong assistant coach to deal with the players during the game. Woody wouldn't be able to do it becasue it would be viewed as showing up the player on TV and then we will get some coverage on ESPN and other networks. My suggestion would be a coach who haven't too long retired who these player can identify with and have respect for what they accomplished in the game.

  10. If we remember Woody was one of the top candidates for a head coaching job. BK's relationship with him may have been the one thing to luring him here. We didn't have a roster which most coaches may dream of taken over. Everyone's advice to the season and the players are to be patient. We need to do the same with Woody. He had nothing last year and has a big turnover with this year's roster. We can see him trying to find some common ground with all of the line-up changes. Once we get the right personnel in place, then we will see if he is the right coach for this team.

  11. You should read all of the posts presented. I never change my stance on anything. I stated saying I jump for joy when the trade went through and Belkin lost his position. I then added we have a good player with a MAX contract, playing out of position and not leading the team.

    All I feel is true..He is a good player, He does have a MAX contract (FACT), I feel he is playing out of position and I don't feel is has been a leader on the team. Not that I think he is going to score 35 ppg and dis out 12 assists and leads us to victory. I mean on the floor he is not taking control of the game. When the Hawks do start to get erratic on the floor, he's not slowing things down and getting the team back on pace.

    I am closer to this trade that you would ever know. and NO I do not consider JJ a failure but at the same time he is not a pg and NBA is not the place to develop a player into that position. You can do it with the other position but not the point.

    As for what we gave up for him. Our trade package had less to do with his talent than the fact we needed to lure a top FA to Atlanta. Before you start telling me what I meant or whatever. There is no doubt JJ would greatly enhance our team. That's why we made him an offer which he was going to accept. BK knew Phoenix could match and keep him, but after clearing away so much CAP room and the disapponted previous years where we could get a FA regardless of the money being toss at them. We had to up the ante. Did I support it then..YES...do I support it NOW...YES.

    As for Diaw, he is just like any other ex-Hawk to me. The fact that he is playing better, what I believe is from a position change and nothing else, has nothing to do with not wanting JJ. But I am not going to hate on him and still give him props for doing what he is doing.

    Now I will call it like I see it. I know it's early and all the posts being written in this forum you can say it's too early to comment. As of today, the trade favors Phoenix. Once again brother, look up nine lines. In time I think it will turn our way.

    Before I do get off on that soapbox, I will admit I should have preview my post and did some editing before posting. It's cool because it started a dialogue of different opinions. Let me make it clear before I comment on another post and I am accused of changing my attitude or position. I supports the JJ trade then and now.

  12. I don't question a players talent became like you said they all have talent. What I mean is the talent is there but I do question the basket IQ which would come with experience. I listen to a Diaw interview with a grain of salt because you know he going to say the right things. He was going through the difference of being on a team winning oppose to a losing one. He did not bad mouth the Hawks, but he did point out some things such as the mentality, players worrying about Stats, and how plays that are developed in Phoenix are actually excuted. I did not pay much attention to it until AL stated some of same things. So I beleive it has more to do with the experience rather than talent.

  13. I agree we would have several more wins but I do not think we would have went after Salim. I can not see a GM who talks so much about height pick Paul and Salim in the same draft.

  14. Where is all this failed experiment stuff coming from? No one said JJ was a failure on the team at least not in my post. If that what you got out the post please ask for clarification. JJ move to pg on the team is an on-going experiment to see if he can handle the position full time. BK and Woody has said that's the position they would like him to play but they have to evaluate and see if another rotation would best suit the team. Everyone knows he has talent and can play the 2 or 3. That's why we went out along with other teams to try and get him. I understand why BK and Woody wanted him to play the point. Along with his size at the position, he did spell Nash at times in Phoenix. In no post do you see where I suggest we trade this guy. I am a big JJ supporter. I just made an evaluation in which I feel he is out of position. I would love for JJ to prove me and a lot of other people wrong and become an outstanding pg.

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