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Posts posted by BornandDieHawks

  1. Larry Hughes nor Michael Redd was not given the team as JJ. Hughes went in to compliment James. Redd was not brought in he was already in the mix and knew his place in their system. Now before I go on, I am not anti-JJ. I am glad we have him too, I admit I would like to see him a lot more at sg which I think the Woody is coming around too.

    Diaw is the same player. To be honest,I do not see much improvement in his game. The difference is Phoenix move him down instead of trying to be the 6-9 guard. With his ball handling, most forwards can not guard him. He still won't take a lot of shoots, but he can find the open man because of he create alot of problems for the bigger, slower men down low.

    As for what we gave up for JJ. I know we gave up alot, but BK had to do something to get him here.

    We do not have underdevelop talent..we do have inexperience players. We probably have one of the most talented team in the NBA, but I don't know about basketball IQ. That will come with experience.

  2. The experiment is not having JJ on the team, it's him being the main pg for the team. We all know he is a good player but the argument is if he go back to his natural position would he be a great player. Houston did not sign McGrady and say since you handle the ball sometimes you are now our pg.

    (quote)TMac is simply TMac. In the same way, JJ is simply JJ... It is how the team and a player fits that makes all the difference. Rarely, there is that player/coach that can take any given group of scrubs and make them something much more signficant. Ala Jordan or Shaq... (quote)

    I watch every game and did not know we had JJ and a bunch of scrubs on the team..

  3. First, don't get it twisted because I started the post with Belkin gloating.

    When Green Bay beat the Falcons a few weeks ago, GB fans had their time to gloat, it was short term but it was their time.

    (1)Do you not think JJ is playing out of position? Is he a floor general yet?

    (2)Now with a changing of position, has Diaw played above our expectations?

    (3)Do you think we gave up too much for JJ?

    These are the three subtopics in that post.

    So I started out a post with Belkin gloating, yes I think it will be short term, but hey...

    No, believe me, I am not like the sports radio and do not think JJ is suppose to come (in your words)to a team with hardly any develop talent, and lead them to something.

    First of all, do we have that much under develop talent on the team?

    I admit we are young and maybe inexperience, but we have won two games and with a little luck flowing our way we could have at least four more wins. Would a true PG made the difference? who knows....

    (quote)You, like some of the sports radio people, have expectations that show a surpreme lack of understanding as to what it takes to succeed in the NBA. (quote)

    What does it takes? Not only do I need to know, but several NBA teams need to know as well.

    I am a big supporter of JJ and glad the deal was done. I don't look at him as the Hawks savior like some do. I understand the load he has on him, but at the same time we did not pay a guy the MAX to come here so we can develop him. He has to step up and become the leader of this team. The losses are going to come, don't mean I have to like them, but you can lose going down fighting with some direction.

    So the post was about Belkin gloating, it will be short term, but hey......it's his time.

  4. Belkin screaming, "I told you so."

    I like the rest of you jump for joy when Belkin lost his place with the organization and the trade went through. Right now we have a good player, with a MAX contract, playing out of position, not leading the team as expected.

    We trading away a guy who is producing and the only difference is he playing another position.

    Rebuilding took a hit because we gave up two number 1's and limited ourselves to get a veteran in because of the trade exemption we gave up.

    Nevermind, I'm still pissed about the game last night.

  5. You're right....I do not think there are any untouchables but Marvin. I say that becasue I do not see BK nor the organization trade such a high pick and admit they were wrong for picking him over Paul. JJ would not go because of the craziness of his trade and they will really be the laughing stock. Everyone else is fair game....

  6. I feel your frustration. Before the season started the whole organization had conceded this year and started the brainwashing the fans to expect a losing year. I can't wait to see what our next major move will be. If we trade one of the people who we supoose to be building on for someone else who we are going to build on. I know the team do not have a clue and we will be in the doghouse for a long time until we do get lucky and get a stud player.

    Also I am worried that JJ will soon begin to take a lot of heat from the media for his contract and role on the team and I don't think he would be able to handle the pressure. He wants the superstar benefits but won't be able to handle the things that comess along with being "The Man."

  7. I am not suggesting we go after Thomas..as a matter of fact I would want him our team period, but the point was some teams will be looking to unload some players after Dec 15 who did not work out for their team

  8. Quote:

    Hawks do not have any veterans that they want to move

    and this is what contending teams want - That player or

    players to get them over the hump and into the playoffs.

    With only JJ & Al, neither of which we can afford to

    loose, that leaves Tyrone Lue and Tony Delk. Delk is

    not playing and Lue won't demand a high return.

    All the others ? If they're THAT good, Hawks need to

    keep them and if they're not, who else would want them

    at the price we would have to ask?

    Grow your own. That's what Hawks are doing. We continue

    to add pieces. Our additions since last season have

    been good so far. All are young and in need of a lot

    of playing time and work to become very, very good.

    With a few breaks, which a young, inexperienced team

    rarely gets, we could have had three more wins. As we

    grow together, these losses will become victories.

    We've been SO CLOSE and lost.

    Minor deal? Probably. Major deal. Nope. Not likely.


    There is one thing the Hawks have that a lot of other teams don't and that's Cap space. Some teams may be looking to unload players who did not work out. I am not avocating we go after these guys but like Chicago is ready to get rid of Tim Thomas after one month into the season.

  9. All of our young guys have trade value but I doubt BK would consider it. BK has done a lot to keep our team very young with the intent of all of them growing together, so our draft from last year and this is a safe bet to remain. Delk may have some value but we need to get him on the floor and see if he can help us first. By the way, do anyone know how long Delk is suppose to be out?

  10. I am guessing Dec 15 the trade winds will pick up. Let examine who we have to consider for a trade. This is what I see BK working with initally. Right now I have taken Smooth, Chillz, Marvin, ZaZa, and Salim off the list because I would think BK do not want to break up our young nucleous unless someone knocks his hat off.

    JJ - Contract will be hard to move, plus the organization would never admit Belkin might have been right. In addition, we need to keep him because with the right personnel he is a closet superstar waiting to come out.

    Lue - The Lakers wanted him this summer and they still may be in the market. I can't see us getting much in return so he will probably stay.

    AL - Our biggest scoring threat and one of the leaders on the team, but he has an expiring contract and can get us something with value in return.

    Delk - We need to get him back on the floor to estimate his value to other teams.

    Ivery and Smith - No real trade value but can be a throw in with another trade.

    None of our big men have any value.

    What do you think?

  11. If I was in NJ shoes and wanted to trade Kidd I would go after Al. Looking over the roster, the most pressing need is in the power forward position. Getting Marvin would not help them now and set them back a few years. The team is not built to take on a project right now so I would have to get someone who can help us win now. They need help in the low post which they missed since KMart left.

    I agree Kidd is still considered a superstar. My biggest problem with a trade for Marvin is Kidd is under contract for only two more years. With JJ contract, and what it would take to re-sign our FA in a few years, Kidd would go elsewhere. We will be giving up someone who might be the face of our organization for years to come in Marvin.

  12. I know by reading some of your post that Marvin is not one of your favorite players...he seems to be in all of your trade proposals. I would love to have Kidd but after 12 games I do not want to give up on our 19 yr old with one year of college ball behind him. He may be all hype; but if not, we will have given him up for an aging pg with bad knees and only two years in Atlanta. No deal

  13. I think it's just like a star in the league gets the calls against a rookie. The Hawks will ever get the call in their favor until they gain respect around the league. Until that happens you will see a more balance game by the refs.

  14. We did te same thing with JT when he was here. He is still learning the PG position but he can hold his own now in the league, but like Salim they have a scoring mentality first. Everyone is so big on who starts for the team, I for one cares more who finish the game and who provides the lift we need during the game. Salim will be more effective for us coming off the bench....

  15. The boys did play hard tonight and they did not let late calls get them down. The whole team get treated like rookies with the refs and I guess they will continue until we get more respect around the league. JJ game was plagued with fouls early but he came trough when it counted.

    I am so pump about the win I could not evaluate the play last night because I was doing too much screaming at the TV. I played the whole 48 minutes myself.

    The one area which disappointed me was the defense. We should have never let a team playing on the tail end of a back to back to back shoot 54% from the field.

    Right now I will take it but I hope Woody do not overlook the part of the game because of the win. Go Hawks!!!!!

    Now the Falcons can make my Thanksgiving complete!!!

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