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Posts posted by Theeyo

  1. I will have to go with Josh on this b/c he has a higher ceiling.

    To me Horford is a bit robotic in the same sense like Tim Duncan (without all that offense)...nothing really flashy, just consistent & solid numbers.

    Josh on the other hand is an Xfactor for our team because he does have some consistency issues, but what he does for us on the court can make or break us. He is a game changer & teams have to change their game plans because of him. He has like this ability to raise his game up a few notches on demand during games...kinda like how Popeye gets when he eats spinach LOL

  2. I think we can only sign and trade josh for half of whatever 1st yr salary we sign him to. to at most we can take back like 6mil hypothetically.

    I think the most ideal person to trade is Bibby since thats around $14 million and its an expiring contract

    we could probably get 2 solid players from that

    possible trading partners: OKC (Ridnour or Watson) + (Wilkins) + (maybe Filler?)

    MIL (Mo Williams) + (Desmond Mason)

    MIN (Mike Miller) + (Filler) +(Hope Speedy's Knee holds up)

  3. Quote:


    Does the loss of Childress stop Deisel's Marvin trades?

    Actually, it does. Because the trade just brought about the serious reality that we're LOSERS...

    Being LOSERS, it's only appropriate to have the biggest Loser of them at Starting at Sf sucking up playing time and space.

    In fact. I don't even have to criticize Marvin any longer. He can put fourth a sorry ass effort this year and more than likely, in knee Jerk fashion, we will probably sign him to a huge extension. Because we're Losers!!

    And Chris18, you're one of the biggest losers. It's Diesel you dimwit! If you're going to try to insult somebody, you need to spell the name right. Fkn Loser!

    remember guys "i" before "e" except after "C" LOL

  4. FEAR NOT!!!

    Our 6th Man Would be ZaZa Pachulia!!!

    this would totally suck...If Chillz is gone, I would have to consider trading Bibby for a package of 2 players...maybe a lower tier PG and a bench wing. OKC has Wilkins and Watson/Ridnour plus fillers to make things work under the cap.

  5. I think they could have put Kobe on the Philly Team

    also Shareef (Wheeler HS, I think) and Harpring (Marist) ...though they are pretty old..could have been on the ATL team instead of Randolph Morris

    others that could have been considered: Mario West & Jamison Brewer LOL jk

  6. I think if we were to move Smoove at the 3 & Al to the 4, the best team to model ourselves after would be Utah. All we would need a is a center similar to Okur. we somewhat mirror each other already.



    Smith> ak47

    JJ> Harpring

    Childress= Brewer



    We would also need shooters off the bench (they have Korver & CJ Miles & Almond...we have (J Rich & Salim) and another servicable big ala Millsap. Horford would have to develop his inside game more.

    A new coach would be nice too.

    Marvin, doesn't fit in this scheme at all right now. But If he can get some range on his shot, he would be one of those shooters off the bench. As far as trading him, I don't know where to, I doubt Seattle would do it since they have Durant & Green.

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