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Posts posted by Dukegotgame

  1. But with Gordon, won't we be getting another version of JT? I mean i know gordon probably is a little better athlete than Jt, however they both have the same main problem. They lack the height to play the 2 guard, yet do not possess the ability to smoothly run a team which is essential for a point guard. I just really think that a high lotto pick is worth too much, to take the chance( much more thsn a chance IMO) of running into the same problems we have with JT. I think that if we can't move up for dwight or livingston, that our best option may be to trade down a couple of picks and pick up another first rounder. IMO after howard, okafor, and livingston, nobody else is worth a high lotto pick. The talent in picks 6-15 is very similar, and if we could pick up two picks instead of one in that range, we could add two very solid players to our roster. Plus, let's face it... we need help just about everywhere!

  2. I don't think anybody is saying that as of now swift is better than martin, however I think swift would be a smarter choice for this team than martin for a few simple reasons.

    First of all, Martin will cost a lot more than Swift. We can get swift for a good contract in contrast to martin who will be looking for a near max contract. Martin is only slightly better than swift in my eyes and that difference in money would not be worth it. Lastly, I think Martin does not have much room to improve, however I think Swift could do a lot of improving given more playing time and that could motivate him to develop other parts of his game to a full extent

  3. That comment about AAU is not true, at least in all circumstances. I know for a fact because I play with a top national program that features many of these highly ranked "athletes", however we are taught fundamentals. I will agree with you on that all AAU programs with top athletes do not stress fundamentals, but you should not blame AAU for this. It is the college coaches fault. The fact is if you dont play AAU you aint going no where. I dont care how good you do for your high school team. One of my hs teammates is a six foot guard who is strong with a forty something inch vertical. He can shoot the lights out and has a good handle with solid defense as well.. Has above average grades and averaged like 16 pts for an extremely talented high school team, but he hasnt been offered by anyone because he didnt play AAU. If it wasnt like this, maybe some kids would sit out a year to work on their skills instead playing aau games which when you play on a team like mine, normally turn into a dunkfest after the first quarter because 99% of the other teams couldnt hold your jock strap.

  4. I think kerney is a better all around athlete and has better size which makes him more than a motor guy. i just cant see pollack being as dominant as he has been in college in the nfl. i see him as a solid starter... not a pro bowler by any means

  5. There are been an ongoing debate recently about whether a salary cap is needed in baseball. What is your opinion on this matter? Personally, I would love to see a salary cap in baseball because as baseball is today you pretty much already know who will make the playoffs which makes the regular season all but useless. It would also make the league much more competitive and we would see which owners really are the best, since you would have to use your money wisely and not just buy talent. This would even the playing field for all teams, and I think that the league's problems of declined ineterest would be ameoloriated.

  6. I never said Sheed puts up stats better than Reef. Reef gets the most out of his abilites, however Sheed has not even come close. This guy if he gets his head straight is in the KG type mold of a forward. First of all he is bigger, likes the perimeter game, and is way more atheltic. If some coach could get him straight, he would be a top 10 player overall in this league IMO

  7. Well I think he played like an all-star tonight. He has been playing so well in the past two weeks or so.

    Oh and we just cannot trade Reef. He has been demanding the ball and been utterly unstopable lately.

    Does anyone think the playoffs are possible?

  8. Do you see this guy as someone who can develop into a elite wing player or someone who has already maxed out his ability?

    Personally, I think he can still grow into an all star player, however it will take lots of work. He was considered an elite prospect in high school i believe but ran into some trouble. It seems like it took a while for him to mature... maybe a little longer than most.

  9. Thanks. Same to you that was a great comeback you guys had. I was actually thinking about turning the game off with about ten minutes left but boy i am glad i did not. The next game at your house should be interesting as you guys have beat us there the last two years i believe. But we have tough games ahead vs ga tech and unc. I know we play tech at tech but i am not sure about unc. You guys are def. a team on the rise as you guys are starting to get some big time recuirts by your new coach.

  10. First off i did not get dominated by him. I kind of take offense to that considering i am ranked extremely high in my class. Also we are not the same type of player so we were not matched up much. Yes you are right he likes to be on the perimeter and in the post, but that is not a bad thing. You need to realize that the game is evovling and you do not see many straight post up players like kevin mcchale or bruisers like a barkley. it is a plus that he possesses such verstailaity and that is what creates match up problems in the NBA. You need to realize that when kids are this age, they have not found a real niche in their game. I would agree that if all he wanted to do was go out and shoot that would be bad, however that is not the case with him. He is very comprable to kwame who was supposed to the ultimate match up problem. Everyone has seen the amount of talent and skill he has, but his problem is his mental toughness and attitude, a problem that dwight does not have.

  11. First of all dwight howard is the real deal. his post moves are not basic at all. i have played with and aganist this guy. down the road i can see this guy as a cross between kg and duncan... meaning kg athleticism and perimeter game, however with duncan's fundamentals. this guy is as good with his left as his right because he broke his wrist i believe in middle school and had to play with his left.

    as for livingston he will be at duke for a couple of years. yes i know the espn "insiders" say he might consider skipping college, however do not believe that crap.

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