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Posts posted by Dukegotgame

  1. Quote:

    And with that said, this ENDS the Boris Diaw discussion, folks. He used to play here (if you want to call it that) and is doing well in Phoenix. More power to him and I wish him well in the playoffs (then again, maybe not, that way we all can see whether Bill Walton can find another guy's jockstrap to attach himself to if the Suns go away early). If you really like Diaw so much, find the Suns board and become a member there. Otherwise, this isn't a discussion anymore. Meanwhile, I'll take Joe Johnson and the 21/6/4 he's giving us right now while constantly being guarded by the opposing team's best perimeter defender with literally the SAME roster that won only 13 games last season. And considering that he is only 25, if he's getting those stats with a bunch of rookies (Stoudamire/Williams/Bautista), 2nd year players (Childress/Smith/Ivey), journeymen (Grundy/Edwards/Lue/Pachulia), and a former 6th man (Harrington) riding shotgun with him, the sky's the limit as to where his numbers will be once a big man and another ballhandler gets added to the roster and the aforementioned players mature. Again, END OF DISCUSSION AND THREAD. Thank you.

    I am glad you feel you have the power to end an discussion LMAO. There were other offensive players he had to play with, please do not give me that excuse. Either way you look at it, we all knew he had lots of talent regardless of his production.

    All i am saying here is while i love JJ, we gave up too much for him. Is that too hard for you to understand?

  2. Quote:

    All we can do is imagine a backcourt of him and JJ. Only because it was impossible, being that phoenix wouldn't give up JJ unless they got Diaw.

    AND, he was not a backcourt player. In phoenix he thrives as a forward.

    AFH, my first post on this topic states i would like to see him and jj pair in up together in a backcourt.

    lol seriously learn to read before you make some smart ass comment. nobody here thinks diaw is better than jj and to ask me if i do is plain stupid

  3. you guys do realizw diaw has been playing this well the whole year!!! you also realizw it has been confirmed the coaches hear told him not to try to create for himself or others.. just to take open shots.

    i dont know how many of you actually play or have played basketball but if i coach tells you that, i do not think i would be feeling free to shot either... it basically says your coach has no confidence in you!

  4. Quote:


    i still believe he would be better than anything else we have now, even under woody

    So Diaw is currently better than JJ in your world?

    Reading comprehension 101

    if you knew how to infer, it is painfully obvious everyone here including me is talking about our options of who to pair with JJ. Thus, JJ is excluded from this list. Thanks for playing, genius

  5. Quote:

    It amazes me that people throw the word "rape" around like a rag doll. You, as a Duke fan, should be staying away from this word right now. Rape is one of the most heinous crimes that can be committed, yet you cheapen it by putting in a context of a sports trade. If you knew someone that had been a victim of rape, you would not use this word so carelessly. Please think about how you say things and what words actually mean before using them.

    And for the record the JJ trade was a good trade. Diaw didn't want to play for Woody or the Hawks. He will get exposed in the playoffs. The picks may or may not pan out, but we had to get someone in here to energize the franchise and JJ was that guy. With a couple of more moves this franchise will be assending quickly.

    Please shut up. Nobody has even been charged of anything at Duke. I have been a fan of their BBall team since i was young, but I attend LSU so its not like I care much about the overall university. Still you sound like a fool. Take the stick out of your ass

  6. 2 first round picks is huge... even if they are just mid firsts

    we got josh smith who could eventually be a top 10 player in this league at 17!

    anyone who says diaw is a fluke does not know basketball period. he has every skill needed.

    the problem with diaw here was woody

    however, while i doubt he would be playing as well here as he is in PHX under woody, i still believe he would be better than anything else we have now, even under woody

    if we have to give up a player who can play like diaw because of our coach, something is wrong

  7. I do not understand why people on here act like we can just give AL away and be better for it. Al is a very good player. He still has his problems, but he is improving. I do not understand why most people say he has maxed out. If you look at his numbers from this year to last year, he is averaging more points, has a much better 3 pt shoot, and has decreased his TO alot. He is the only player we have with a true post game. This is only his second year being a main option on a team.

    While I agree we should not give him a ton of cash, if we can get him at a decent, even overpay by a little we should sign him. What's wrong with al, marvin, and smoove all playing 30 plus minutes a game?

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