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Posts posted by Dukegotgame

  1. Quote:


    he is playing aganist NBA Caliber athletes every night, yet he still is un guardable.

    No he is not. He is playing against NCAA athletes every night, very few of which will be NBA starters.

    But morrisson's has much more of an NBA ready body than JJ does. Somehow I doubt you would be making this thread if JJ played for UNC

    the fact that you have to bring up my college team only says you have nothing to dispute what i say. nobody questions jj basketball skill, they question his atheltic ability. there are many players in the ACC who are NBA material in terms of pure athleticism. They just do not have the basketball skills of someone like jj. I find it hard to believe that someone who is 6 foot 8 and gets 1 or 2 more rebounds than jj a night in the WACK LEAGUE is that much more "NBA READY" phyiscally

  2. yet the same doubters praise adam morrison, someone who plays aganist far inferior talent than JJ? what am i missing? JJ has been playing aganist bigger and more athletic players all his life. he is playing aganist NBA Caliber athletes every night, yet he still is un guardable. He is hitting jumpers in people's faces off the dribble, driving, making nice passes... what more do you want?

  3. lol there is a big difference from being guarded by people like dj strawberry than someone like that small white guy on stanford.

    people always say how will jj get his shot off aganist bigger,stronger,faster,etc players... well he is already doing it... and quite well

    jj is also a much better passer than morrison and while jj will never be known for his defense, he is not a bad defender

  4. Quote:


    so lets keep the dumbass comments out of this topic

    Then don't say things like this;


    i also dont think he looks that expolsive to me. and im comparing him to the kobe,lebron,wade, etc because thats the level i would like him to ulitmately reach.

    People here know the game well enough that when you say stuff like that you just make yourself look bad.

    lol dont text my basketball knowledge. why it is stupid to compare jj to the next level of elite guards? do you think he has maxed out on his game? THAT makes YOU look bad.

    oh and to whoever said something about me liking duke, keep going because it only shows you have nothing else to say

  5. i dont understand why he insists on shooting a floater everytime he is in the lane. he is 6 8 with a very strong body and from the times i have seen him try to get up, he jumps very well. he should be trying to dunk it everytime he gets in that far and he will at least get a foul.

    let me re state my stance that i think he is a very good overall player, but i feel people over rated his shooting and athelticsim. by the way i have seen him play before this year, but obviously i have gotten the chance to see more of him this year since he is on the hawks. so lets keep the dumbass comments out of this topic

  6. Quote:

    You must be talking about JJ Reddick, because you haven't really been watching Joe Johnson in Atlanta, have ya? Though he's not quite the Kobe/ T-Mac, he is pretty e at times and does dunk here and there. He just has to continue to grow into the role of leader and learn how to play like a $12M+/ year allstar, all while keeping Al happy and manning the point 40-50% of the time.

    We need a pure PG that will allow JJ to play like he did last night more consistently. He commented on that very topic, saying that it takes a lot of pressure off him. It allows him to play SG and be more aggressive scoring-wise.

    So start watching more than just the tip off and the boxscores.

    worthless post

  7. you guys are missing the point. i said he is a very good overall player. however hi shooting and athelitcism disappoint me. when we got him, i think everyone thought his shooting was the best part of his game. well i can agree that his 3pt percentage is somewhat because of our offense structure, his ft percentage is unacceptable for such a "great" shooter.

    i also dont think he looks that expolsive to me. and im comparing him to the kobe,lebron,wade, etc because thats the level i would like him to ulitmately reach.

  8. first off i want to say that overall i think he is a very good player. however when we got him, i was lead to believe he was a very strong shooter. pure shooters dont miss so many mid range shots, shot 75 percent from the ft, and shoot an average 3pt percentage.

    also does anyone else think he lacks explosiveness? now maybe he is a throwback, but i never see him even attempt to dunk. you would think at 6 8 with that body type he would be looking to dunk a lot. also he just doesnt seem to have that blow by you ability. he seems to make a nice move alot only to get caught behind, when a guy like kobe or lebron would have put in your face

  9. Did anyone see how much of a difference al made esp with jj?

    jj played much better wit al out there because he wasnt the only legit scorer. if we trade al away im afarid jj will not play as well and everyone will say he is a bust and we will make a rash decision

    also there is no way chillz should be playing over smooth. enough said

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