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Posts posted by Dukegotgame

  1. Quote:

    Good news...Law finished off the second half strong. Apparently this is the best he's looked so far...shots that weren't falling in the first two games are falling for him...he's also being more aggressive and getting some better shots....looks like the best player on the court today. I didn't get the score, though, and I dind't get a report from Saturday.

    hmm what do you know

  2. Quote:


    why are you so concerned about a guy who even you admit had a rep as a great scorer in college based on two summer league games? why are you so down on shelden after his rookie year, where he played well when healthly? you strike e as a casual fan who blows things way out of proportion

    Okay, please look above and read what you actually wrote. Do you notice the part where you ask me why I'm so down on Shelden after his rookie year?


    lol, ok good one. bring up my college team when you have nothing good to argue. truth is, i never said anything about sheldon so you can stop at me being a duke fan

    So I guess you did bring up Shelden, didn't you. Don't ask me why I'm so down on Shelden if you don't want to know the answer...and don't try to pretend like you didn't bring him up in the first place.


    your the same guy who bashed sheldon after his first game of this summer league ( which was not too bad BTW), and now is saying that his second good game doesnt mean anything. brilliant.

    I'm the same guy who said that, according to eye witness accounts, Shelden looked terrible in the first game of summer leage. Sekou Smith said the same thing in his blog today. But after Shelden's nice second game, I said we finally had a reason to be excited about Shelden. So I'm not sure what you're even talking about with this one.


    did it ever occur to you that maybe when 99 percent of thinks that your wrong, that it could possibly be true?

    Did it ever occur to you that 99 percent of people think Shelden was a huge reach at number 5? Did it ever occur to you that he only averaged 5 ppg and 5 rpg, even though as a 4-year player and a top 5 pick, he was billed as the most NBA ready player in the draft? And by the way, you strike me as a casual fan who justs follows Duke on TV, because there's no way you actually went there.

    your a tool. i never said anything about sheldon other than asking why you were down on him. i never proclaimed him to be anything. i wanted roy last year and critt or nick young at 11 this year for the record. however im not a moron like you who is routing for our players to fail so you can be right and over reacting over two summer league games. i doubt you have ever picked up a basketball in your life lol

  3. Quote:

    Its a freaking summer league game. How are all these SL threads going on for so long especially since they all "analyze" the game. For one, its Summer League. For two, its Summer League. For three, its a box score you are looking at. For four, no one saw the game! I haven't seen a comment within these threads that actually make me think, "good point" or "I never thought of it that way".

    I feel like I should save this post and keep re-posting it after every SL game. Way too much analysis for SL, especially when we play in one of the weaker SLs. Regardless, there is no barometer for success with this no matter how hard you want to argue about it. Sucking in the SL does not equal sucking in the NBA and playing great in the SL does not equal playing great in the SL. This is especially important to note when no one actually watched the game and all you are basing opinion off of is a box score.

    lol im pretty sure thats the whole point ive been trying to make. maybe i didnt spell it out as well as you did, but i didnt think i was dealing with 10 year olds here. either way, good post and i totally agree.

    but hey, maybe vbdunk would feel better if we cut law and signed dion glover since he was the king of summer leagues lmao

  4. Quote:


    why are you so concerned about a guy who even you admit had a rep as a great scorer in college based on two summer league games? why are you so down on shelden after his rookie year, where he played well when healthly? you strike e as a casual fan who blows things way out of proportion

    Dukegotgame? You strike me as a Duke fan who can't see that Shelden was a huge reach at number 5 and will never be as good as Brandon Roy, a guy who the Hawks needed and should have taken.

    And by the way, there's a long list of great college scorers who never do anything when they get to the pros....and you should know that, because about half of them went to Duke.

    So yeah...it's a concern when a guy who's supposed to be a great scorer can't score in SL....just like it's a concern that Shelden Williams, a guy who blocked almost 4 shots a game in college, hardly blocked a shot in SL last year, then hardly blocked any shots in his rookie season, and still hasn't blocked a single shot in SL so far this year.

    lol, ok good one. bring up my college team when you have nothing good to argue. truth is, i never said anything about sheldon so you can stop at me being a duke fan. all i said was to chill out calling a guy a bum after one season, and hating on law after two summer league games. i could really care less about how other duke players did in the NBA because that really does not concern the hawks in anyway. your the same guy who bashed sheldon after his first game of this summer league ( which was not too bad BTW), and now is saying that his second good game doesnt mean anything. brilliant. did it ever occur to you that maybe when 99 percent of thinks that your wrong, that it could possibly be true?

  5. Quote:

    I didn't get a report from Saturday's game but I'm hoping to get one on Monday. As for Law, he's 6-22 from the field so far. That's about 27%, which is not encouraging to me - especially for a guy with a reputation as a great scorer.

    And all I've heard is that he looked better than his box score suggests - which to me just means that he's done a good job running the team and hasn't looked overmatched out there, not that he looked great necessarily.

    To be fair, though, 10 assists and only 4 turnovers in the first 2 games is encouraging, and I'm glad to here that he looks okay even while shooting such a low percentage. But for a guy with a rep as a great scorer in college, I'd like to see him make some shots, too.

    why are you so concerned about a guy who even you admit had a rep as a great scorer in college based on two summer league games? why are you so down on shelden after his rookie year, where he played well when healthly? you strike e as a casual fan who blows things way out of proportion

  6. i have both the ps3 and 360 and i liked them both a lot.. they each have their own strengths and weaknesess... until my 360 got the three red lights and i had to send it in to microsoft this week. this has been such a huge problem with the 360. i feel its unacceptable to have such a big, widespread problem on a 500-600 piece of equipment at launch not to mention of how much money i have invested in it. now i have to worry about it getting lost in the mail

  7. Quote:

    Also I wanna add that the Grizzles lineup and team along witht he Bobcats lineup is much better then ours and they started rebuilding at the same time or after. Every team keeps improving and the Hawks keep making awful draft picks.


    Joe Johnson

    Marvni WIlliams

    Josh Smith

    Al Horford


    Mike Conley Jr.

    Mike Miller

    Rudy Gay

    Darko Milic

    Pau Gasol

    Ill take The grizzles team all day considering who knows what Marvin is going to do and we dont know if Speedy is going to stay healthy and what is Horford going to do. But yet you have homers that only see through a window and believe the Hawks are the greatest team and every other team sucks.

    well using that logic, who knows what gay and conley will do?

  8. Quote:

    Why is that guys like Boozer can play along side Jay Williams, Mike Dunleavy Jr., Duhon, and still be a volume scorer?

    Or why a guy like Laettner could play along side Grant HIll, Bobby Hurley, Thomas Hill, Billy Macaffrey, and Antonio Lang and still be a volume scorer?

    Or why a guy like Larry Johnson can play alongside of guys like Stacey Augmon, Ackles, Anderson Hunt, and Greg Anthony and still be a volume scorer?

    Or how Sam Perkins could play alongside of Jordan, Worthy, and Black and still be a volume scorer??

    The problem my friend is that you don't understand the college game. There have been plenty of volume scorers on stacked teams. Either you have it or you don't. There are no excuses... You show me a guy who can't get 20 points as a college player, and you have shown me a guy who probably won't do it as a pro either. That's the bottom line.

    Duhon was a freshman when he played with Boozer and did not do anything scoring wise. Dunleavy wasnt a big scorer either. He did a little of everything. Quit making stuff up

  9. Quote:


    Acie Law = Kirk H.

    Joe Johnson > Ben Gordon.

    Marvin Williams

    Josh Smith > PJ Brown

    Al Horford = Ben Wallace

    Speedy Claxton = Chris Duhon

    Josh Childress = Andres Nocioni

    Shelden Williams = Tyrus Thomas

    Solomon Jones = Joakim Noah

    Perhaps a bit too homerism on the subs but you get the idea

    Let's take this down piece by piece:

    Acie Law (unproven rookie) = Kirk Hinnrich??? LOL

    Marvin (one


    Josh Childress = Andres Nocioni

    Shelden Williams = Tyrus Thomas

    Solomon Jones = Joakim Noah

    All Above Jokes....SW vs TT is close but TT has more upside.

    Josh Smith > PJ Brown (yes...but close in game situations))

    Al Horford = Ben Wallace .............LOL


    Solomon Jones = Joakim Noah (this is the most comical one of all - Noah knows how to play) Noah is FAR superior, 7 foot and a gamer.


    LOL I was about to make the same post. The thing I disagree on is I would rather have Chill than Andreas. Also Smith is a lot better than Brown. Marvin could end up better than Deng in a few years who knows. I agree with whoever said we are similar to them 2-3 years ago when they did not have much experience. However, now there talent has matured and we can only hope ours does the same.

  10. Quote:

    Not good from what I can read.

    Weaknesses: Still learning how to play the point guard position from the stand point of improving his teammates and controlling the tempo of games … Could stand to increase his upper body strength and add a few pounds to his frame … Perimeter shooting despite improvement can still go through streakiness … Settles at times for mid-range shots when he could drive to the basket and put pressure on the defense … Lacks the explosive first step to get full separation from his defender … Doesn’t always apply the same intensity on defense that he shows on offense … Can be a little turnover prone as he can telegraph his passes … Still remains to be seen if he is able to make players around him better … The mechanics in his shooting form are flawed and could need to be refined if he struggles in the NBA … Lack of strength prevents him from finishing after contact ... Defensively Law tends to gamble reaching for the ball and picks up quick fouls … While greatly improved, Law can go through periods where his overall play is inconsistent …

    maybe you should do more watching and less reading. i really am in disbelief about how anyone who watched this kid play a decent amount last year could be upset with this pick.

  11. Quote:

    Garnett Deal Vetoed By Hawks Owner

    June 27, 2007 - 11:28 pm

    ESPN.com -

    The three-team blockbuster among the Timberwolves, Suns and Hawks hit what is being termed "a major roadblock" Wednesday according to sources.

    The Wolves have been making multiple calls to find a third team that can facilitate a deal for Garnett.

    The Wolves would receive the Hawks' numbers 3 and 11 picks in the draft as well as several cap-friendly contracts. The

    Hawks would receive Amare Stoudemire. The Suns would get back Kevin Garnett.

    But one of the Hawks owners vetoed the deal and it now seems unlikely that a deal will be consummated by draft time.

    The ongoing litigation that has engulfed Atlanta's ownership group has apparently crippled the organization's decision-making ability.


    Shoot me now wtf is this idiot doing if this is true. This would be one of the greatest and biggest trades in Hawks History and we have some moron owner supposdely vetoing this trade. You gotta be freaking kidding me. This is an embarassment move the Hawks elsewhere if [censored] like this going to be happening. We have chance to turn this into contenders with 1 trade and our owner is holding us back.

    already discussed hours ago

  12. "Sonny V. on 570AM was doing a bunch of draft stuff. And what he's hearing from the GM's around the league - a KGtoPhx/Amare to Atl deal is just about done."

    just heard this.. this is too much lol

    oh and FYI he is a sports radio host from LA

  13. Quote:


    The main enticing thing to me about Amare was that the price seemed so reasonable.

    That should have been your first clue that it was bogus. Suns get shafted and the Hawks make out like bandits.

    As a Suns fan, I'm not averse to trading Amare if it will improve our team. Trading Amare for Garnett makes us slightly better in the short term but kills us long term. Amare is a 24 year old 1st team All NBA player. KG has 2-3 years left in him at a superstar level. The Suns needed to be compensated for that age gap. Now, if the Hawks shipped Marvin Williams and maybe Childress our way, then it would be more of an even trade. But Amare for ONLY the 3,11 and filler? Not nearly enough for a 24 yr old 1st team All-NBA big man. I admit I was scared about the deal being true since it was being reported by so many different sources. I couldn't believer Kerr would be that stupid. Glad it's all over.

    so you are willing to risk losing a chance to win multiple titles in the next few years? by the time garnett is done so will nash and marion will be close. who will amare have left on the time to win a title? yeah lets not win a few titles now, to win a few more meaningless games in the future. moron lol

  14. Just being honest, I'm 100 percent sure I know 2 of the scenarios, but I'm a little curious over what the third could be.

    Also Sothron, I'm just curious if you confirmed this is legit info and not your contacts trying to mislead other NBA teams because they know it will be posted on the net.

    Is it being too specific to ask the chances of any trade occurring vs. us just drafting at 3 and 11 and keeping those players?

  15. Quote:


    One name is conspicuous by it's absence.

    · Corey Brewer (Florida)

    · Michael Conley (Ohio St.)

    · Kevin Durant (Texas)

    · Jeff Green (Georgetown)

    · Spencer Hawes (Washington)

    · Al Horford (Florida)

    · Yi Jianlian (China)

    · Acie Law IV (Texas A&M)

    · Joakim Noah (Florida)

    · Greg Oden (Ohio St.)

    · Rodney Stuckey (Eastern Washington)

    · Al Thornton (Florida St.)

    · Brandan Wright (North Carolina)

    · Julian Wright (Kansas)

    · Nick Young (USC) [

    Crit has fallen and he




    Yeah because no one invited to New Tork ever fails to be picked in the top 15.

    LMAO I'm glad I'm not the only one who realizes who worthless this thread is.

  16. Quote:

    One name is conspicuous by it's absence.

    · Corey Brewer (Florida)

    · Michael Conley (Ohio St.)

    · Kevin Durant (Texas)

    · Jeff Green (Georgetown)

    · Spencer Hawes (Washington)

    · Al Horford (Florida)

    · Yi Jianlian (China)

    · Acie Law IV (Texas A&M)

    · Joakim Noah (Florida)

    · Greg Oden (Ohio St.)

    · Rodney Stuckey (Eastern Washington)

    · Al Thornton (Florida St.)

    · Brandan Wright (North Carolina)

    · Julian Wright (Kansas)

    · Nick Young (USC) [

    Crit has fallen and he




    lol. yes the green room list is very meaningful. just ask brady quinn.

  17. Quote:

    Guess you didn't get my response to TexasPete.

    I do think Marvin will get better, but I don't see him being as good as you seem to think.

    Your ONLY argument is an ASSUMPTION that Marvin will improve tremendously because of his age, but you refuse to acknowledge his significantly less of potential than the hype created after his first year in college.

    If I'm so wrong, why don't you try and
    one of my points. I didn't think you would.

    guess they didnt teach reading comprehension or sarcasm 101 at columbia high school lol...

    anyway all my responses to you have been intentionally sarcastic in nature because its hard to take anyone seriously who has such negative comments about a 20 year old who was coming off an injury this year in the nba.

    my dog could tackle your "points." its just not worth the time because you will never get it. like the poster previous to me said certain people on this site have already made up their mind so its useless. you love josh smith and hate marvin.

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