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Everything posted by d2v16DKG

  1. Guess what guys, Joe Johnson is not the answer to our point guard problems! I said it before and I'll say it again, the Hawks should have gone after a point guard in the draft. Nothing was more obvious than after watching that display last night in the second half. The Hawks need somebody at the point that can stop the bleeding in situations like that and it's not Joe Johnson. He looked worst than his stats show. He was lost out there and only had one assist. Lue is the only point guard we have and he's not a starter. He's good as a backup but that's it. Of course we let an excellent point guard get away two years ago- Bobby Sura- but you guys had no problem with that. We haven't had a point guard since Mookie! Looks like a long season fellows! By the way, where's Tony Delk and what are his personal problems?
  2. OK, please tell me why our #2 Draft Pick who some of you guys think is the best thing since slice bread didn't play last night! Is this guy injury-prone? Was he hurt a lot in college? It's very frustrating to not be able to watch these games to know what's really going on! Can't wait for the season to start!
  3. Just want to make sure we're all in agreement this year that we root for the Hawks to win! Unlike last year, when a sizeable number of you we're rooting for the Hawks to lose to get a high draft pick. So far by the way, I am totally unimpressed with Marvin Williams. I wish we had gotten a point guard instead. I'm also being told that Joe Johnson is really a small forward. How is that going to work as our point guard? And how bad is this guy hurt? On the bright side, what has Al Harrington been eating to improve his game so much!? Where is this 3-point shooting coming from? Is it a passing phase or has he really improved that much?
  4. What is this, we don't get to see the game against the Bobcats when Salim lit it up for 39 points? What's with that. First NBATV won't show us any live games, don't we can't even watch the best game on tape delay! Am I mistaken or are we being shut out!!!
  5. The little bit I saw of him was impressive. Deron is quick and can distribute. Marvin has been struggling. I didn't realize he couldn't shoot. He needed one more year of college ball at least.
  6. You're preaching to the choir my friend, I said the same thing last season about Diaw. I don't care how good his mother is; this man cannot play the point! That's why I was hoping we would have chosen a point guard with all those good point guards out there. Love Stoudamire but he needs someone who can feed him the ball so he can take decent shots. Not too impressed with Marvin Williams so far; was hoping we would have picked Derron Williams.
  7. OK, I've seen 3 of the summer rookie games involving the Hawks new players and 2nd & 3rd year players and these are my comments so far. #1 the Boris Diaw experiment needs to end. He can not lead this team as the point guard. Yes he has nice size but what good is it. He's too slow, the offense turns to molasses when he's at point. He's too predictable and he can't shoot. I would rather see Stoudamire at point. He's quick, he can distribute, and he can shoot. (He's taken some wild shots and made some mistakes but he appears to be a hard worker.) Marvin has not been impressive but he has potential and he's been hampered by his hamstring. (I wish he had at least one more year in college ball.) Both Josh's are coming along nicely. Royal Ivy and Dante have a ways to go. Very impressed with the guy who played center, Arthur Johnson. Who is he? So far we don't look bad but we definitely need another shooter besides Stoudamire. Unless we get someone else who can shoot, teams will key on him and he won't be able to get his shots off. What do the rest of you think?
  8. I consider myself a fan because I have followed this team from the days they were in St Louis (Bob Pettit, Cliff Hagen, and Clyde lovellet). Followed them through the "Pistol Pete" days, and the Dominique era. I have stayed with them through thick and thin and this is about as thin as I can ever remember! I live in Connecticut and watch the entire schedule on NBA Season Pass but still manage to watch 3-4 games a year in person either in Boston, New Jersey or in Atlanta. This year is the first year I have not seen a live game in person. I consider myself a fan because I ALWAYS root for my team to win and usually loudly (even though I may be in hostile surroundings like Boston where I've had beer thrown at me.
  9. Actually, the rules are quite simple to follow. You root for your team to win!
  10. Well, you pseudo-Hawk fans who think it's smart to root for the other team so we get a shot at the first draft pick, you got what you wished for. Hawks are the worst team this year and will now get the most ping pong balls so be proud of yourselves. I'm totally embarrassed (but I'm not sophisticated like you- I actually root for my team to win ALWAYS!) BK reminds me of that owner in the movie "Major League" who did everything she could to make her team lose. I know lots of you (hopefully not all of you) think he's a genius because we set records in futility this year. Traded our best player and got zip in return. I know you're all banking on the draft and signing free agents with all the cap room we have but it may just blow up in your face. Who wants to play for a lousy team with a GM that plays to lose? Bob Pettit and Cliff Hagen would not approve and "Pistol Pete" must be turning over in his grave. But you guys know best and I'm the fool right?
  11. After I say my piece, I'm done for this year. All you guys are banking so heavy on the draft that I can hear you rooting for the Hawks to lose every game all the way in Connecticut. A team can not make it with draft picks alone; they need to pick up some decent free agents that will blend in along the way. At this time , I give BK no credit for Hawks setting a record in futility. They are not fun to watch at this point. When they play hard and keep the games close, they always find a way to lose in the end. But that's what you guys want, right? Please, no fan roots for their team to lose; but I really think that's what BK wants as well. We had within our grasp, a great hustler, point guard- Bobby Sura and he lets him get away with no fight. He trades our best player to the Celts and gets nothing in return except a player who's going to retire and a draft pick which may not be that good any more. Other than Delk (whose spotty) we got no one who can shoot. We had Gary Peyton and then paid him money to leave and go back to the Celts (I hope it makes sense to you, it doesn't to me.) At this point, I would keep Harrington, Delk, Ivey, Smooth, and Chill, and Gugliotta if he doesn't retire. But we have a lot of holes- we need a good point guard and other guys who can shoot. We're not going to get this with the draft alone. And the problem is, good free agents don't want to play in Atlanta because the team's not good and will never be good the way we're going. So at this juncture, BK has made no smart moves to win me over other than getting Woodson for a coach (who I do believe is trying his best to win despite the cards he is being dealt)I really don't get it. But if BK is trying to make the Hawks lose, he's doing a super job!
  12. I still say the way he handles the ball and his shooting ability makes him better than anything the Hawks have now!
  13. Oh I see, BK traded Walker and purposely got nothing in return to make sure the Hawks suck. Boy, the man's a genius! Let's build a bronze statute in his honor!
  14. I guess we must be in a minority because no one else seems intrigued; but we definitely need a point guard that can shoot, distribute the ball, control the ball, is quick and apparently has unlimited octane like TJ Sorrentine. I thought he was very impressive.
  15. I'm sorry, I love this kid and I think he's just what the Hawks need. Never say die, excellent point guard, excellent shooter, excellent ball handler. I suppose all you guys will kill me because he's from Vermont but he made a believer out of me. Can you honestly say the Hawks have anybody better at that position? Not Diaw, not Lue, not Ivey, and not Delk. What do you think? He reminds me of Bobby Sura that we let get away for no good reason.
  16. Once again guys, I know I'm in a minority. But I really don't understand BK or most of you who post. For some reason, you guys are tickled pink at losing Walker and getting nothing but a low draft pick for a predicted bad draft next year. You're ok with Peyton saying he doesn't want to play for us- a lousy team, and we even pay him money not to play for us. (Boy isn't that great!) Now we're not even competitive (losing by 20 points+) but you guys are all happy because you want us to lose so we get a high draft pick (for a lousy draft). So Bk is making us the worst team possible (we will probably set some kind of record this year) and you're ok with that. Meantime did you ever stop to think, noone (despite our caproom) will be interested in playing for the Hawks because they're a lousy team. Excuse me if I don't think BK is much of a genius. Excuse me if I disagree with you guys cheering your hearts out for us to lose!
  17. Let me understand this. We trade our best player and get nothing in return except for a high first-round draft pick and most of you guys are over-joyed about this. In fact, one so-called Hawk fan comments this is great because we will continue to lose games. Maybe I got it wrong, but I thought a fan roots for their team to win. Yes, I know you're all excited about the draft and cap space but no one's going to want to play for a team that loses all the time. When I first heard about the trade and getting Gary Payton, I thought we were getting a good point guard who can shoot which we sorely need. But now I'm hearing we're looking to buy out his contract so he can sign with someone else. Walker played hard every game and wanted to play here. We should have continued to build around him; but to let him go and get nothing in return is beyond me. I know I'm in a minority among you guys who post all the time, but let me know if at least one other person feels the way I do. If not, I'll shut up and let you guys cheer for our team to lose!!
  18. Oh. So tell me were the fans cheering for the Hawks or the Magic?
  19. Just curious. It was a great shocking win for the Hawks last night but I was also shocked at the attendance figures. So What was the drawing card last night on a Monday night?
  20. Just when I get through bashing the Hawks and BK for his firesale, the Hawks look like world-beaters against Dallas! Now, can we do this every night! I was watching from home in Connecticut but Phillips Arena must have been jumping last night with the "Smooth" and "Chill" show!! Wish I could have been there! But which Hawk team will show up next game? Good move benching Diaw because he does nothing for me but why is Jon Barry not playing? Now for you JT-bashers, "Jet Terry" looked pretty good last night. Now if we could just make foul shots; I cringe every time we go to the line. Thank god, Antoine has backed off on shooting treys all night. He looked real good last night!
  21. All you guys were so excited about the firesale last year and getting rid of every last player which apparently even included, "The Stinger". Now with all this great cap room the Hawks have, they picked up some real gems in Walker and Harrington ( both who can't shoot foul shots)and retread Kenny Anderson. So now we're 4-20 with no hope in sight. Hawks are now officially unwatchable and even the expansion Bobcats make us look sick. Yes, I like what I see of both Joshes and Royal Ivey looks good at times but let's face it this is a terrible team BK put together. I always thought it would have been a lot wiser to keep some of the players from last year (who were playing hard and playing well at the end of last year) rather than go for a clean sweep. Last year we were in most games; this year we are getting blown out early. The missed foul shots are making me sick. And I see no hint that anything will improve. I hope you're all happy with your cap room but at least last year's team was competitive and at least they were watchable. OK so what is the plan now? Lose all the games and get the first draft pick? Yeah great plan, but a real fan doesn't root for their team to lose. At least I don't. But at this point, I find it hard to even watch them play. By the way, where is Jon Barry these days?
  22. Good point! I think Woodson's use of the bench has been masterful so far. He seems very careful to get fresh bodies out there!
  23. What a great recap of last night's fantastic game! Boy, last night made a believer out of me! I feel real good about this team now and feel bad about the early criticism I had of these guys. However, I never would have left early if I was there last night; I would have stayed to the bitter end. Unfortunately, I'm in Connecticut and had to watch on the NBA Pass network. I was so impressed with Royal and Chill! You guys kept saying Chill was good, give him time; well now I see what you were talking about. Unbelieveable energy! And Royal, unbelieveable composure for a rookie! Where did this guy come from? Wasn't he picked in the 2nd round? But, how about the great steal by the vet, Jon Barry!! In fact, I even liked Long's color work (even though I still miss the "Stinger"). I know these foul shots are going to kill me before the season's over, however. Please tell me they practice shooting foul shots all the time. Two final comments, very impressed with Woodson's coaching (inserting Barry was a stroke of genius)and 2) not happy at all with Diaw. The man can't shoot and now I know why he wasn't shooting before. Bottom line is, I'm PSYCHED!! GO HAWKS!!!
  24. So are we in agreement, Ivey replaces Diaw in the starting lineup? And Drob replaces Willis? We desparately need some offense besides Harrington and Walker, and need someone who can run an offense. If this is a growing year, let's see what Ivey can do!
  25. How bad is it if a 16 point loss is encouraging nevertheless? Actually, I was very pleasantly surprised with Ivey! Finally a man who can run the offense and hit the jumpshot! Maybe, he may not be great on defense but at this point nobody is. I was also impressed with Drobnjak. I say, start Ivey with Anderson and lose Boris Diaw who has been a useless cog out there. Also start Drobnjak over Willis. Hey, it can't hurt!
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