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Everything posted by snoopGraham

  1. IT IS YOUR RIGHT. how many times does this happen? if you are an atlantan or just a hawks fan you deserve this. this is your show.. it's what it is all about. (that's why they do it this way) so vote.. and vote again. everybody does it so why not us?
  2. yeah thats him. Georgia Tech guy. he's an athlete. can run a 4.6 or something. really weird for a punter. i liked him but i guess the coaches felt he was too inconsistent. big leg but kept outkicking the coverage. not enough hangtime. when he gets it all together he will be a probowl punter. he's definitely got the talent.
  3. Im a Giants fan when it comes to football. Now this isnt really big news but the Giants just released last years punter Rodney Williams for recent ex-falcon Matt Allen. Can anyone that has seen or heard tell me if this kid kick or what? Williams has a ton of talent but just cant get directional punting down and his consistency is something left to be desired. any insight would be appreciated.
  4. now i dont post that much but ive been lurking since the AJC days before EZboard. and the fact that im actually seeing my lazy-"bum" fingers going to work just proves to me that this deal has gotten me excited at the possibilities of what this team can do next season. i mean i get home from a long day at work and find out that big dog is coming to the dirty south. wow. what a day. many props to babs and co. these last couple of years he's pulled some gems. getting SAR was something i always wanted. and i really like.. I MEAN I REALLY LIKE the additions of big dog and DD to our arsenal. both are two different kind of playmakers. and playmakers is a department the hawks have sorely acked in recently. they bring that added "mmph" to our playoff drive. i know this has all been said but i cant wait to see it on the floor. it is very good to be a hawks fan. figured i'd join the party since everybody and their mother has. good to see everybody. peace.
  6. wouldnt that just be nice. i happen to think this kid will be a VERY productive NBA player. but hey that's me. i just maybe smoking crack but that's what i believe. will he be another stockton? im not saying that, but i guess we will just have to wait and see.
  7. but i have to agree. what dion has shown so far is impressive summer league or not. and we are one of the deepest teams in the league. i believe the hawks have the potential to suprise ALOT of people this year. i know it's only one game but im very excited at the fact that we have theo running around on the court again.
  8. and the defense would be better. which would be nice. but i just dont see it as a trade that i would take. not for spree. if we are going to trade JT it better be for someone who has his potential to be an allstar or an allstar with plenty of years left in his career. this might be asking alot to some but that's how strongly i feel about JT and his evolving game.
  9. i have to disagree about dickau. i think he will become a top flight PG. from college till now he has impressed me more and more everytime i have seen him. granted he hasnt played any "competition" yet but soon he will and i think he will be able to handle that more than adeqautely. yet that is yet to happen but i guess we will see. now does that mean i favor him over JT? HELL NO! JT NEEDS TO STAY. i like the idea of having both of them around for a long time or atleast into the near future.
  10. yeah he looks like a confused player. the track star, football player is a good example. i was thinking about that last night. Im a Giants fan and I talk about Demarr the same way I talk about enigmatic WR Ron Dixon. he's an tremendous athelete that just doesnt understand the game. way to inconsistent thus far in his career. Demarr just doesnt seem like he knows what he has to do or what he is going to do with the ball in his hands on offense. he looked like a rookie. he just doesnt look like a player confident in his skills on offense. That's where Dickau impressed me. for a rookie this kid has no worries with the ball in his hands. he is very confident in his skills was not afraid to throw a pass on the dime or shoot a shot when the clock was running low. the type of plays that can make you a better than average player in this league. until he learns the fundamentals and gains that "i can beat you anytime" type confidence Demarr will just be another role player not the elite player i was hoping for when he was drafted.
  11. my exact thoughts. this "kid" has great upside. a "kid" we all have high hopes for. has always shown flashes. but i have to say that i am not impressed by his all around development thus far. nothing has changed when he puts the ball on the floor it's just a sloppy mess. lon talked about trying to get DJ to be more assertive and drive to the hoop more. I am sure the coaches are working with him on this. they see what we see and more that's why they get paid. and from what we've all heard is he is working hard in practice. so what's the deal? am i being impatient? he is still young i know. i just wasnt impressed with what i saw from him today. i didnt see any progression in his game. he did look a little bigger...or did he? it's only one game but im gonna call it like i saw it.
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