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Posts posted by Colin

  1. Just now, Bankingitbig said:

    Korver isn't coming off the bench with that lineup. His spacing would be so valuable on that starting lineup.

    I agree-- you'd imagine Korver would get a ton of looks off defenses leaning on Sap or Horf posting up opposing 3s...

    That being said-- there will be a huge defensive strain placed on Millsap to speed up his D to guard those same opposing 3s.

  2. Just now, Alex said:

    He has a consistent track record for being a whiny baby everywhere he's gone.  He isn't all of a sudden going to change.  Ask LA and Houston if a change of scenery was what he needed.  He wore out his welcome on three different teams and to boot he can't even stay on the court.  

    As somebody who watched his tenure in Houston closely-- I lost respect for Harden, not Howard.

    Ask a good amount of (competent) Houston fans and they will, deep down, feel the same way.

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, Alex said:

    There aren't many players in the NBA I dislike more than Dwight Howard.  I have been pretty ademant about that for years now.  Now that he's on the Hawks I really don't care about this team anymore.  

    And you're allowed to maintain that opinion and team view if you so please.

    However, as somebody who lives in Houston and watched the Rockets pretty religiously, I came away with a negative opinion of Harden--not Howard--from observing that team. Howard was strong in the playoffs and seemed to have the more noticeable fire between the two stars.


    This is coming from someone that HATED Dwight in Orlando, laughed at him in LA, and was ready to bomb him in Houston. Dude is just a little kid inside I feel, and if only way we have to see that childishness is through laughing spurts and bad haircuts, I am down to give it a try. This team definitely takes a hit on the likability scale...but all they gotta do to fix that is bring back Zaza (and Al)....

    Good luck if you have to go and try to find a new favorite team-- i stuck around as a Hawks fan even when Zaza was gone, but if this is your breaking point...that's on you mayne

    • Like 4
  4. 6 hours ago, benhillboy said:

    Al = 7 less double doubles than Zaza.  @Colin is pleased.

    I am very happy this season-- you should see the amount of love Zaza gets on the Mavs boards around the net-- including Reddit.

    Bucks fans would only comment on Zaza's bacne everytime he touched the ball.

    • Like 3
  5. Since I live in Houston I saw a ton of Big Papa: I am uncertain whether or not he is a legitimate NBA talent. Way too slow-footed at times. Has strong moves, but not the athleticism to use them to get past 3's. Thus, he has to play as an undersized 4, and his rebounding is atrocious in that case.


    For the minimum, sure-- but there is a reason that no team is gonna scoop him off waivers more than likely.

  6. I see Hawks in 5, with a small chance for it to to go either 4 or 6. I expect either Brook or JJ to put up a a monster singular game and lead them to some confidence. BUT, I think the Hawks just play much better team basketball and their superior coaching will lead to a series win.


    On the other end of the spectrum, everyone pray for Zaza not to get dominated by Pau and Noah in this Bucks series.

  7. Is this the same Eddie of preseason infamy? I can't remember what exactly he did, didn't he foul like consecutive 3 point shooters or something?


    Yeah. I imagine they brought him back because he looked relatively comfortable in the offense during the preseason. Him and Pittman were our last two cuts, remember?


    He fouled Jimmy Butler on that 3 attempt to tie the game after getting abused by Butler the last few minutes (not gonna hate on him for that). He is lanky but his defense seemed to never be good enough to actually bother the guys he was defending too mych--at least from what you can tell from a few preseason games.

    • Like 1
  8. I know we have plenty of "bigs"... But I wish there was a way to have Zaza back here to finally taste some success in Atlanta now. He earned it. He played his butt off for a mediocre team for years.


    You read my mind man. Though, for what it's worth, Zaza seems really happy to be teaching a young team in Milwaukee. A lot of that might have to do with him getting big minutes this year, but I feel like he enjoys being a quasi-uncle to Giannis. I'd love for him to be back in Atlanta though, it doesn't feel right for me without him here.

    • Like 1
  9. Someone on facebook said: "Atlanta Hawks 4 life!" and then proceeded to post this picture:








    I can't lie: throw Zaza and Jamal in that picture, and that was the core seven that I REALLY loved. Obviously this team is growing on me a ton and I am aware that they are much more solidly-built and less infuriating, but damn...I would have loved to win with that group right there just to shock everybody and get to see the happiness on those guy's faces. I'll always have a soft spot for everyone in that picture (maybe only 50% of the time for Smoove).

  10. Why the heck didn't the Cavs just get Dalembert from NY also?  That seems like the most logical solution.  Paint and rim defense.  Solves that problem.  Doesn't solve the problem that LeBron's best minutes are at the 4 and so are Love's.  


    Because Dalembert has been referred to as a drain on the locker room this year, and that is the LAST thing that the Cavs need. Plus, I believe that the Knicks had to release Dalembert before they traded JR and SHUMP so that they could take back the contracts that they did (so they can release them). It is obvious Dalembert wasn't the Cavs target, and I don't blame them. He is on the super-decline and has never been referred to as a good teammate as far as I know.


    Even more, Mozgov and Blatt have a past with each other. That could be HUGE on a team where nobody has really bought into the coach's system yet.

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