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Posts posted by Colin

  1. I may be in the minority of people who actually like Beasley. HOWEVER, not on a team that just recently was able to get rid of Smoove. He is with Smoove-lite in my opinion (lacking defense, making up for it with a better jumper), and that just isn't what the Hawks need right now. I do believe that Beasley has a breakout year in his future, but I guarantee it will be with a team that isn't destined for a deep playoff run.

  2. You sure about that? Maybe for guys like Rubio, Rondo, CP3, Deron, etc. But for most PG's, not even.

    I disagree completely. If you look at Sergio Rodriguez's highlights from when he was still in the NBA, he had flashes where he looked like the best passer in the NBA without a doubt. Now look at him. Back in Spain.

    And his name was Spanish Chocolate... hmmm

  3. I think we will miss Josh more than most of us are willing to say. He lost some games for us, and won some games for us, but I think his +/- is generally positive. Horford got a lot of easy buckets assisted by Josh for example.

    Will also be interesting to see how he impacts Detroit.

    Some of the passes that the two of them made to each other really gave me hope for the future at times. They had been building some chemistry throughout all our complaints.

  4. http://www.ballermindframe.com/2013/07/20/atlanta-hawks-off-season-which-player-will-be-missed-the-most/

    Good article by some random dude with a cool name.

    This brings us to the main point: how much will the Hawks miss Josh Smith?

    Not that much.

    While there will be noticeably less highlight-reel dunks and rejections next season, the Hawks put themselves in a much better position by signing Millsap to an affordable two-year, $19 million contract. Not only are they committed for less years and less money than they would have been with Smith, they also added a player who looks to fit very well into newly-hired head coach Mike Budenholzer’s system. While there may be a drop-off in Hawks jersey sales due to Smith’s departure, there will almost certainly be an increase in efficiency with Millsap’s addition. Hawks fans may feel the most devastated about Smith leaving Atlanta, after all, what is there to argue about now that Smith and his shot selection are no longer impacting games?

  5. Obviously this was a highly-anticipated offseason for Hawks fans (as well as fans of other teams), but I think that one negative that will come from this, especially in the Teague/Jennings situation: the EXTREME amount of "I told you so" moments that the board will see in the next 1-4 years.

    Obviously holding an opinion is part of being a fan, and on an online message board your opinion helps to establish your persona. But with the ultimate amount of disagreement on Teague this offseason, I can already imagine after every game just how annoying some posts will be. If Teague leaves and drops 30 & 15 one night, there will be a plethora of posts documenting it. Obviously we had this in the past with Smoove, Marvin, and JJ, but if we really do let Teague Walk and let Jennings take his spot, we will have TWICE the amount of "I told you so" moments per game.

    I have already grown a little weary of the bickering on the forum when it is obvious that a lot of people who have commented on players (namely Monta and Jennings) never even watch them play. I am not looking forward to the future as much as I was at the start of the offseason, that is for sure.

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