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Posts posted by AmishBoy

  1. Tropic thunder looks pretty funny. I crack up every time I hear the part where they are saying "you people" and Robert Downey Jr is like "hup what do you mean you people" and then Brandon Jackson says "what do YOU mean you people".

    That's funny as hell. Saw a couple of other parts i like too.

  2. I'm glad I didn't go see this. Me and my lady were going to go see this movie over the weekend but she vetoed it. "We"(hee, hee) decided not to go see anything at all and instead wait for tropic thunder on Wednesday.

  3. I think it would be smart to put JJ slightly ahead of both Marvin and Bibby. 09-10 will be his last year. If he's not extended he'll be playing that year with no job security and will still be in his prime. A position I'm sure he won't like to be in. I said in another post that when Phoenix played around with him, he bolted here for Atlanta. If we feel like we don't need him anymore than that's one thing, but either this year or next sumnmer we had better deal with him.

    With JJ, we know a new contract won't be a reason for him to get lazy. We have no questions about how hard he'll play. That worth something I would think.

  4. Damn, how could I forget about the Spurs. Dirk is good but not Dwayne Wade good. See finals. As far as Webber goes he's chocked in the clutch since his days at Michigan. See no more time outs game. With either one I'm not sure if they were gold medal players by the standards in that article.

    I think it's more about our role players and not about money because we already have 3 to 5 guys who could be our core players going foward. Most of our role players going foward should be draft picks. I said should be.

    Interestingly, I think that our best chance would be as a defensive oriented team.

    Well then we have the right coach already....I'm just the messanger.

  5. A article posted here a week or so ago about the superstar theory and this Link got me thinking about the if the Hawks will have a championship window. For the most part we don't have a player like what the superstar theory calls a gold medal athlete. Neither do the Pistons. The Mavericks and Sacramento didn't have one either. Out of these teams only the Pistons won a title but they all had championship windows. The Pistons may still be in their championship window and have probably had the longest of all the current nba teams. If the Hawks don't have a Gold Medal player I do believe they still have the core to create a championship window.

    When that window will come and how long it will last is what I'd like to board to give their input on.

    IMOO it is 3 years away. The biggest obstacle to reaching that window now is whether we can keep the PRODUCTION of Joe Johnson. If it can't be replaced collectively by our youngins than we need to extend Joe this season. We see how he was when he wasn't extended earlier enough by Phoenix. With the games Sund plays and with Joe not being a player that will become a RFA I'm already worried about it.

    If think our mix of core players coming into their prime, no more teams to pay with draft picks(meaning we can draft role players from now on), and the fact that we have passionate and high character guys(players that don't want a team totally built around them like Iverson which made the 76ers championship window very small) I think we will also have a very large championship window. Close to what Detroit had. I can see it lasting about 4 years. That's pretty damn good.

  6. There's a poll that asks who from the 2004 draft class will be the most productive over the next 5 years. It's between Iggy, Josh, Emeka, Deng, and Gordon. Josh currently leads by 1%.

  7. You watch the games, I assume...why is Smoove a bad rebounder?

    BTW, Garnett averaged 9 boards a game...and he's making 20 mil. And he's also...his teams primary rebounder, which Smoove is not.

    Come on really. KG has averaged over 11 rebounds a game for his CAREER. Boston is a special circumstance.

  8. He basically said stuff we already knew/suspected. Atlanta was dragging their feet. He said it was known that he wanted to get a deal done early. They turned down some deals he felt were good. From his perspective I understand. Josh Smith is the better player but he was also the higher draft pick. He may not have felt that he should just be cast off until they were finished with Josh Smith.

  9. My internet at home has a "download fair policy limit" I can't stream games bcause it would knock me completely off the internet-I tried this with NCAA 2008 games. I live just past the "DSL line" where avalablity is out. :( Satellite is fine for surfing but no up loading or TV...

    WTF. Dude, you've got to move.

  10. OK guys so here's the deal. I love the Hawks. Obviously. I live in Tennessee. The Hawks don't play on national TV. SportSouth plays the Grizzlies. No satellite TV. I have satellite internet at home you can't stream games on. So what am I stuck with? GameCast.

    What do I do guys? Ever since I moved from atlanta 1 1/2 years ago this has been an issue. Help. Please. I may lose my mind this season.

    Obviously in jest, as there is nothing you can do,


    I feel you. I just moved to California after living in Atl. since 2001. I'm used to turning on Hawks game so easily. Now I'll have to pay for leaguepass. I don't think I can go without watching the Hawks.

  11. None of the guys are perfect but I picked Horford because I think he can be really good at the 4 and we are choosing who's the best at the 4. Josh is a tweener and Horf can play the 5 so even as tweeners I still pick Horford. As far as him getting beat by Bogut sometimes things happen. I know everytime I watch us play the Knicks Josh gets owned by David Lee. It's mind boggling but...

  12. Boston is playing better now versus when they played us but it's because they have been playing playoff basketball for 5 weeks. If we played playoff intensity basketball for 5 weeks we would look better also. With that said, Boston did not take us lightly and what Diesel is saying makes alot of sense.

    Boston: Good Home, Good Road. Hawks: Good Home, Bad Road

    Good home team and good road team = Close games in Atlanta

    Good home and bad road teams = Blowouts in Boston

    What happened was no fluke.

  13. Quote:

    You guys are really overrating his drawing power. People go to see the Atlanta Hawks. They don't go to see JJ, Smoove, or MARV. They go to see the Hawks or whomever we are playing. You think that if we trade JSmoove attendence is going to drop at phillips arena. Yeah right!!!!! I

    Only the media would flip out. The a**holes on these sports talk radio stations would act like it's the end of the world. If we win, people will come.

  14. Game 7: I would have been okay with keeping Woody.

    Now: I would like Avery Johnson.

    Game 7: I was as pissed off at Marvin as I've ever been.

    Now: Let's give him a little more time.

    Game 7: I was wondering whether we should trade Josh Smith for a center.

    Now: We need his defense but I wonder should we trade him because I get the feeling he doesn't do what he's being taught.

    Game 7: Thought next year would be very good.

    Now: Still think next year will be very good.

    Game 7: Billy Knight is far from perfect.

    Now: No GM is.

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