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  1. This is exactly what I thought when I saw the trade. Can the Hawks now protest the protest....?
  2. Hawks are ranked 17 overall by team tho, nice to see some respect.
  3. He said that BK told Yi's agent we will not trade the pick but will still prob go with Horford but theres a chance of still getting Yi. FYI.
  4. ... doesnt that mean the owners didnt decline the trade. The only reason I have heard for why they would veto the trade is to draft Yi to gain money and if they dont draft Yi and draft Horford then that seems to contradict all reports of the owners vetoing the trade.
  5. I never thought I'd say this but I feel sorry for BK if these circumstances are accurate.
  6. This trade initially brought light into my world by now it seems the Hawks are in a worse position than i thought.
  7. Haha ive given up, I doubt i'll be able to sleep until 11 tommrow. I just hope somethin good finally happens. BTW if the Amare deal doesnt work is there still interest in Camby? IF he does come im not sure if its a good or bad thing but having the top two shot blockers in the league never hurts.
  8. I've been reading this forum all day getting my hopes up and then crushed and then brought back up so i'm done reading anything hawks related until 7 O'Clock tommrow when we see what really happens. Anyone with me?
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