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Gray Mule

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Gray Mule last won the day on April 27

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About Gray Mule

  • Birthday 08/30/1936

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    Hayesville, N.C.
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    Oldest know Hawksquawker.
    Baptist Deacon
    Retired Sunday School Teacher

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  1. To me, the big difference in last season's Hawk team and this season: Hawks had very good players that didn't fit. This season, we're expecting this group of players to fit. Hawks got taller and younger. Defense is better. Offense is questionable right now. If you can't score, you can't expect many wins. Perhaps we will be good at the offensive end. The jury is still out on this.
  2. Trade deadline for Major League Baseball is just around the corner for the Braves. Meanwhile, in the NBA, we watch and wait for something to happen with our beloved Hawks. Our roster is sated, yet we have needs. Players that many of us thought would be gone by now are still with us. Offers have come in but nothing coming close to serious. If we begin the season with our current roster intact, so be it. Hawks are not in the mood to simply give away the players that we already have. Sooner or later, someone will decide that the Hawks have a player that they really need and get serious. Until then - - -
  3. Something I have learned this summer from reading all the posts on The Squawk. 1- Whatever happens in Summer League doesn't matter because anyone can be a Summer League star. 2- Whatever happens in international basketball doesn't matter because you can do anything there. I became excited by what I observed this summer. "Get over it. This is not the real NBA; therefore, it doesn't count." I watched as future Hawks players did some amazing stuff. Playing great defense and hitting their shots. Just what Atlanta is looking for as they set up next season's team. Ah, well. Pre-season is coming soon. Then we will see what we have. Except, as we all know, pre-season doesn't count.
  4. Next move, if there is a next move, is sure to have a reaction. Whatever it is, I'll just go ahead and post it now: "Wow! I didn't see that one coming. I don't like it." Carry on.
  5. WOW! Thanks. I watched the second half as our newest Hawk scored the winning basket!
  6. Hawks almost have more out than available.
  7. Final Summer League game tonight. Our Hawk team has a perfect -0- wins record. They had to go into overtime for that last one. They would have messed up their record except they managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by missing several free throws before the end of regulation. Strangely enough, with all the players missing who we were expecting to start, every game has been close. Don't mess up tonight. Our -0- win record is on the line!
  8. As always, how many wins this season's Hawk has will depend, in a large part, on the health of the players. If they stay healthy, we win a lot. If not, we will not. (See our Summer League team)
  9. For a team with so many players out, I thought the young Hawks put up a good fight. They lost in overtime. Had they hit those foul shots, then they win this one...
  10. Most of us have heard the old adage: "You are what you eat!" In the NBA we might then say: "You are who you draft!" Over the years Atlanta has had some good and some bad drafts. Rich clubs in major markets can buy who they want, sometimes better than other times. Clubs like us must depend on the draft and grow your own. Lately our drafts have been more hit than misses! What was the name off that superstar that wanted to leave his club and come here? Oh, yeah. Him.
  11. Thanks for this update! I believe we all needed to hear this good news!
  12. Sarr, like our own draft pick, is tall, thin and 19 years old. Both will grow a lot. Not get much taller but will add weight and mostly muscles to their frame. Both will be much better with some maturity.
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