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About JeffS17

  • Birthday 10/02/1987

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    Atlanta, Georgia

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  1. Dip. But defense ++ TBD on the magnitude of both
  2. Lol also me posting more than two sentences during the hours 9-5
  3. We need one more: The person who argues passionately about things they dont actually care much about
  4. At this pace, they're gonna do another one after the first week of NBA games
  5. The disconnect between the front office and this board is that the front office came to peace with the fact our old core wasn't ever going to contend over a year ago and started building for the future. Meanwhile, a lot of the discourse here has been acting like we entered a championship window and need to improve the roster at all costs.
  6. Agree with your expectation with the only caveat that its not the roster construction that is the issue next year, just the maturity and development of this young team. I suspect this same roster 3-4 years from now could warrant a prediction of 48-55 wins.
  7. Definitely looked like a guy that could plug into our rotations with relative ease
  8. I think OO is actually the guy that needs to become the vocal leader on defense. I just dont think thats who Dre will ever be, and OO should be able to quarterback in a switch heavy scheme
  9. Quin gonna keep Luka from dropping 70 next year and Malachi Flynn from dropping 50
  10. Unironically, yes, this is how you retain a championship roster— Celtics cant do anything but extend and retain, with a tony bit of room to operate in trades
  11. Should have traded Murray for Anthony Edwards
  12. Who is pushing back? I think most ppl see hes gotta start. Makes too mich sense to have Bogi off the bench with Kobe. I dont think Risacher starts, or at least he shouldnt, until he earns it over Hunter.
  13. I also hope we dont have any injuries
  14. Bufkin is the backup PG. He looked good in his minutes last year and needs to step into that backup role this year. Just like JJ needed to step into the starting PF role last year.
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