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Everything posted by Jamil

  1. It won't do any good to bench them. JT, Big Dog and SAR are simply not good defensive players. This has been a well known fact for some time. The only way to solve it is ttrade them all away for players who can defend.
  2. Maybe the Hawks should hire Paul Westhead or Doug Moe. The defense would actually improve
  3. Uncle Pete's plan of loading up the team with offensive players who have no interest in playing defense is failing and will continue to fail. This is similar to the 2002 NY Mets. They went on a spending spree, bringing in players like Mo Vaughn and Roberto Alomar, yet they didn't bother to address their pitching needs. Once again, Pete fails because of New York Envy. It was that same envy in trying to figure out a way to counter Sprewell/Houston that caused him to trade for JJ/JR. Sure the Hawks are scoring alot of points, but it's not getting anyone's attention. The fans are tired of gimmicks. Scoring tons of points yet toiling around the .500 mark in a fight with Milwaukee (who was supposed to be dead after getting "fleeced" in the Big Dog Trade) isn't luring the fans. In fact, it appears that attendance is down....especially during weekday games. Keep trying, Pete. Maybe some day you'll get it right.
  4. In reply to: I like JT, I feel that if he had better coaching he'd be allstar PLUS... Where does Babcock say this? It seems his letter mainly dealt with his disappointment over the turnovers and his latest bust pick, Dan Dickau. JT's turnovers have come down lately...way down. Meanwhile, Big Dog and SAR continue to commit them at alarming rates.
  5. In reply to: Well not everybody wants to hear it all the time Yeah I guess. Hey if ya want to be loved by everyone, after each loss just write this: Who cares if we lost!! We'll come back strong as ever next time!! I swear this team is still going to win the NBA Championship!!! How do I know this???? Because I'm the greatest Hawk fan of all time!!!! Just do that.
  6. In reply to: I need to cut down on my name calling. Why should you? You're pissed off at the Hawks for what I think are legit reasons. The franchise hasn't done diddly in its entire existence. It's the same [censored] thing year after year. People will tell you to be happy with where the team is "considering where they were the last 3 seasons." What a crock. If it weren't for bonehead decisions the team never should have been in that position in the first place. Clearly, the average Joe IS NOT HAPPY EITHER considering the pitiful attendance. So, why should anyone act as if everything is OK? Dude, you are real people. You represent what most people feel about this team. I applaud you for your continuing honest observations about the failings of the franchise. Don't let the forces of evil tell you that you aren't a real fan unless you kneel down and pray to the Hawks every day. The Hawks are a business, and like any business if you are not happy with the service you are getting you have a right to complain. Keep up the good work.
  7. http://espn.go.com/moresports/news/2002/1121/1464158.html
  8. Babcock's job will NEVER be in danger. It's always someone else who is at fault for his decisions. Babcock is the Houdini of NBA General Managers... He escapes blame every time. The problem is that the ownership is a bunch of absentee MF's who don't give a crap. After all, this is the same ownership who preferred to keep Houdini Babcock over an interested Jerry West. Go Figure. I hope the attendance continues to be below 8,000 a game. This organization doesn't deserve support.
  9. Sadly, I believe that the end is nearing for Deke. He's really dropped off this season...much more than I think anyone would've anticipated. But for a guy (probably) closing in on 40, he's still pretty effective. His tank does appear to be nearing empty however.
  10. This is very strange. Hubie hasn't coached for 15 years and on a dime takes the Vancouver job?? WIERD!!!!!!! There had to have been some discussions previously. I think Lowe's fate has been sealed for some time. West was just waiting for such a pitiful start to make the move. I always have liked Hubie and wish him the best. I think that the Grizzlies have too much talent to be losing like they do. Hubie will at least get them playing better defense I think.
  11. In reply to: Oh yeah I forgot,Pete sets us up with no other options if we do fail. Aww heck, why not just give good 'ol Pete another long term extension on his never ending contract.
  12. When Larry Bird was coaching the Pacers, he allowed his assistants to do much of the coaching. Carlisle was one of those assistants. The man is a winner. Considering that the Pistons aren't exactly the most talented team around speaks volumes for his coaching ability. I think Dumars deserves credit as well. He has put together a team of hard working players who play like he did. No flashy stars, just solid players. And he deserves major credit for hiring Rick Carlisle to coach his team. In just a couple years, Joe Dumars has accomplished more than Pete "GM Of The Year" Babcock has done in his 12 years in Atlanta.
  13. Is there still any doubt that the Lakers are all about Shaq? Kobe puts up nice numbers, but that team is mediocre without Shaq.
  14. Back when DJ got into the car accident, authorities were quoted as saying that they were unsure who was driving the car. I have seen nothing since that time confirming who the driver was. Have I missed this info or is it being held "under wraps" for some strange reason? Also, it was reported that DJ and his fellow passengers were all tested for alcohol or drugs. Again, have I missed this info or is it being kept secret? It would be nice to know what exactly happened on that morning.
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