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Posts posted by mattlanta

  1. 'm looking for some book recommendations. I really enjoyed Smart Baseball by Keith Law, and I was wondering if anyone could recommend similar books but about basketball (or even football) instead. I like looking deeper into the numbers side of the game, and I enjoy reading about the new stats that come out for each sport.
  2. On 11/28/2016 at 9:44 AM, Gray Mule said:

    Millsap:  You are the leader of this team!  Lead us.

    Never mind.  D8 is now our leader.  You're just a player.

    Really?  Just like that? 

    And now, we wonder what's wrong?  Gee!

    Dwight Howard is not the end all, be all, all star leader of the Hawks.

    Sure, he's a FORMER all star and a good big man.  Because of his size,

    he can do things others only dream about.

    We all discuss which player should start where and who should be on

    the bench.  Perhaps it's time to let D8 come off the bench!  Gasp!  Really,

    Gray Mule, you wouldn't dare !  Hah!  Why not?  Hawks aren't winning

    now.  Let Moose start.  Do some drastic moves.  Shake things up.  If the Hawks

    aren't going to win any way, what could it hurt?  The feelings of D8 ?

    Which would you rather happen - - Hurt some players feelings by making

    them second stringers or continue like we are and being blown away in

    every game?  You decide.


    Benching D8 would be a drastic decision and a rash one IMO. He came here to rebound and play defense and he has done just that. I don't think sending him to the bench would do us any good, especially if he is to be replaced by Muscala. 

    If we're to make any starting lineup changes, it should be either Korver or Bazemore.

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  3. I'm gonna be attending the Hawks-Celtics game and wanted to buy something new to wear to it. Where do you guys suggest I go? I was thinking of rocking my classic Nique jersey but I kind of wanted to wear one of the newer jerseys. What do you guys think? Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.

  4. Has anyone ever tried any text-based simulation games? I'm sure some have heard of Out of the Park Baseball, but what about games such as Front Office Football and Draft Day Sports: Pro AND College Basketball? DDS just came out with their newest installation of Pro Basketball 4, and I'm working on reformatting one of my older brothers' laptops to start playing these games again cause most of them dont work on my Mac.

  5. They have been very stale for a long time.  Need more change. 


    Unfortunately, as long as Schuerholz and Cox are making the major decisions in this organization, we won't be seeing much change for quite a while. You can already see that this will be apparent for at least the next year or two with them leaning towards keeping Fredi Gonzalez.


    If it were me, I would take a very close look at Kim Ng as our next possible GM. She has a ton of experience as she was an assistant in the front offices of the Yankees and Dodgers when they made their championship runs, and she's supposedly heavy into scouting so you can rest assured that she'll invest in that department so that our farm systems are always kept well-stocked.


    Realistically, the Braves will most likely stick with John Hart for no more than a year and then promote John Coppolella.

  6. The injuries definitely piled up this week, but I don't see how the Falcons could have competed this season with a defense that consistently trotted out players such as Osi Umenyiora, Kroy Biermann, and Tyson Jackson. Our linebacking corp. is just horrendous. When Weatherspoon went down, so did heart and soul of our defense too. It's a shame because our offense looks as dynamic as it's ever been with the acquisition of Devin Hester and the dynamic core of running backs that we have. But then there's our Jekyll and Hyde defense to balance it out. Our coaches certainly have their fair share of blame, but if the Falcons move past the trade deadline without making a major acquisition on defense, Thomas Dimitroff and company will definitely deserve much more of it.


    I don't believe losing Lamar Holmes for the season will be as significant as losing Joe Hawley. Gabe Carimi can play at a level just below or at the same as Holmes, but replacing Hawley with Peter Konz will be petrifying to say the least. Hopefully, Ishmael can step up for Moore until he is recovered. I still haven't lost hope on this season, but this defense definitely needs more talent if we want to even think about any postseason games.

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  7. Congrats, man. I graduated from college exactly a week ago today. I think I should be saying "time for life. huh" as well haha. Enjoy these next few years man. College flies by so fast.

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  8. I haven't had much luck keeping up with the Hawks as much as I would have liked to this season. But I just wanted to ask... What's wrong with Dennis Schröder? I know he had a brief period in the D-league, but how come he's not playing at all? Is he just not as good as we'd like him to be yet? I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned with the lack of playing time as I do believe young guards need some experience to develop in this league, but I haven't watched the games like most of you have so that's why I'm asking.

  9. Teague's inconsistency rears its ugly head yet again. I wasn't able to catch the game tonight, but nights like this where Teague posts a stat line of 15 points off 5-for-18 shooting, with 5 assists and 5 turnovers a night after one of his best performances of the season doesn't really surprise me anymore. Granted, I didn't see the extent of his injury and how he played when he came back.

    And what's up with Al Horford? Only 3 rebounds tonight?

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  10. Has anyone been able to keep up with our young, big draftees? I apologize if there's already a thread for this, but I didn't see one so I figured I'd put this up so we could keep each other updated on what the latest buzz is overseas.

    I was definitely in favor of having both of them play there this season as I was of the opinion that both needed some "extra seasoning" overseas. It's just that Elton Brand looks like he's in that journeyman stage of his career, and I'm anxious for either of these two to develop enough to take over his spot next season.

    I haven't heard much about Noguiera lately... Is he injured?

  11. That shot was clutch by Al Horford, but let's not go any further in this thread without speaking of Jeff Teague's excellent performance tonight. He was easily the catalyst of our 4th quarter comeback -- he was aggressive, hit his FT's, and didn't back down to anyone on D. Granted, Dallas had plenty of good looks in that last quarter, but they just couldn't get their shots to go in. Still still a great win for the Hawks.

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  12. I'm so late on my initial thoughts on this signing, but I like it. Elton Brand is an above average veteran big man who can come in here and provide solid minutes off the bench and perhaps mentor some of our younger bigs. I would like it even better if we signed one more big -- and I mean a big big like someone who can provide more legitimate minutes at the 5 to allow Horford to slide to his more natural position. I read that Ferry views Brand as more of a 5 "at this point of his career" but I just don't see it seeing that he's only 6'9". This is also a bitter sweet signing because this probably marks the last we see of Ivan Johnson in Atlanta. But realistically, I would rather have Brand than Johnson... Although we WILL miss Ivan's mean streak.

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