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Everything posted by Chris18

  1. Speedy won't be healthy enough to play more than Acie next year.
  2. Acie is ready to play he just needs the minutes.
  3. Chris Paul and big games don't mix well.
  4. I agree that Al was a better sf than pf on offense but he was still hindering Smoove's development. Having Al here made Smoove play a position he was unable to play when he came into the leauge. If Al wasn't traded we would have never gotten to see Smoove's true potential. The reason that I said Marvin has to work hard for his spot is becuase in any professional sport you have to out work the next guy or you'll be out of a job regardless of how talented you are. Diesel we both agree that Marvin has a lot of work to do this summer to improve his game.
  5. Diesel, I remember the 2004-2005 season because it was my first season as a Hawks fan. It was a little weird because even though we only won 13 games I was always excited to see those guys play. When we got the 2nd pick in the draft I was disappointed becuase we didn't get Bogut(glad we didn't though) but Marvin was the player I wanted after that. We didn't have 5 Sfs on the team when Marvin came though. Childress was a sg, Smoove didn't really have a position, Diaw was a pg and Al was a pf. BUT... Al Harrington was traded to make room for Smoove to play the 4. Chillz was the 6th man because he plays better off the bench then as a starter. Smoove was moved to the 4 because he is not able to play the 3 effectively. Marvin has had to work for everything that he has, just like everyone else on our team. I agree that Marvin needs to work on his game this offseason by developing a 3 point shot and work on driving the ball to the hoop.
  6. Marvin and Chillz both bring something important to our team. Chillz brings the hustle plays that every team needs and Marvin brings a very good mid range game that every team needs but the problem is neither one brings it every night.
  7. This Marvin Williams hate is crazy!!! You would think the guy was like Speedy Claxton just siting on the bench not doing anything and collecting a check. He's not Chris Paul or Deron Williams so get over it and the quicker you do the better off you will be.
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