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Jungle Jack

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Posts posted by Jungle Jack

  1. 3 minutes ago, Vol4ever said:

    I agree.  History shows some have destroyed franchises.  Wish we still had Ted Turner

    I meant to write that as my last sentence on my last post.  One of my biggest regrets is missing Ted give the commencement in Athens 5000 years ago when I graduated.


    As for the Jerry West/Buford thing, that is somewhat gleaming the cube as hardly any franchises have a HOF exec making the calls and beyond that drafting is still witchcraft.

  2. 1 minute ago, ggp said:

    Young has earned the rep of a lousy defender, but was that be design?  He was the only offensive threat on his team.  Asking a freshman to carry the team offensively takes a major physical toll.   

    Is it possible that his HC directed Young to catch his breath on defense?


    I think the ultimate concern is size not ability.  Even Steph at 6'3 (in shoes) is two inches taller than Trae and at least in the Houston series was hard not to think of as a liability on D.


    What Trae did as a Frosh is amazing and has sadly been minimized.  That said, his turnovers are distressing as is his productivity as game planning became more and more about him.

  3. 2 minutes ago, kg01 said:

    I would say most successful organizations don't have the owner pushing for certain decisions this way.

    In fact, I think the last time an owner exerted as much control as Ressler seems to be exerting was in Brooklyn when Prokorov gifted a trove of picks to BOS in a misguided attempt to show how 'in control' he was.


    Indeed.  I would think most GM's do the whole leading the ownership to summing up the only practical decision is the one laid out by him.  That said, drafting still is an utter crapshoot on the whole and on this decision the ramifications could not possibly be larger.

    If Doncic becomes a star, that is a I shudder to think change in valuation and revenues.  Also think his "team" love the idea of him playing in the Eastern Time Zone with respect to Europe and furthermore Hartsfield being what it is.

  4. I want Sexton enough to start a thread about it, but as he seems to be boogying up the draft boards, I would not think about it before the 10th on down.  Young well could be a great PG, but he will still be exposed on D.  Even the Steph compro is tough considering that even before KD, he still had some damn fine teammates.

  5. We should be so lucky about Doncic's ceiling being Joe.  While perhaps not the most charismatic face of the franchise, he was a badarse in his PHX days and for most of the Hawks era.  Still a nice player.

  6. This thread reminds me of a thread not long back about where the true power lies.  I decidedly think it obviously lies/lied with Ressler and went further to say that in almost all instances the ownership drives the bus.  It only makes sense as a GM can and will be fired at any moment.  


    This is clearly to me a go for both situation.  Beyond anything else, Schlenk will no doubt be upset if Young is his guy and furthermore the 19th plus either/or 30th and 34th should get us in play for Young.  And of course, the Memphis pick seems decidedly up for grabs provided we take one of the worst contracts out there.

  7. I really hope this is a smokescreen to a smokescreen.  If you will.  Even the patron saints of sucking tended to keep their tippity top picks, but most went the way of Okafor and not Simmons/Embiid.  The 30th and 34th?  Have at as 4 picks is just too many.  3 would be fine, but still have on roster two players (and maybe 2 more besides) that demand playing time. 

    Like has been pointed out here and elsewhere, the whole point of having the worst season in Atlanta Hawks history was exactly to have a top 3 pick and for once we were lucky there.

  8. Who that had lived through BK reign of stupidity could even posit such a thing?  Then and now there are always exceptions to the rule and I would not want Steph guarding a 2 let alone a 3 for instance.  I suppose the most salient thing is whether he got another GM gig in all the years since.

  9. 40 minutes ago, Spud2nique said:

    Sorry I just peeked in and thought this was started by @kg01..


    my bad..

    You are forgiven.  Did not realize he was being forecast anywhere near 6 as I wrote this thinking somewhere around 10 would get it done.


    As for the Georgian thing, I personally do think perhaps the best path to Atlanta finally becoming a free agent destination is by going after kids who know what Atlanta is about.  I know it did not work a treat with Smoove, but I remain a fan.

  10. Apologies for both starting a thread and the very high risk that perhaps this thread will look misguided before his first contract is up, but I think he is meant to be a Hawk.  Also, have been way too bloody obsessed about 3 and NOT about the other 3 picks we have.  Even a Georgian (Mableton) to boot looking past that foolish T-town dalliance.  Just a pretty damn fun guy to watch which is huge considering Vegas most likely has our wins safely in the upper 20s-low 30s area for next year.  Fans flipping love him and maybe someone like him will finally bring Atlanta into being the premier sports town it absurdly is not.  I know the last sentence is a good allegory for some of Nancy Reagan's musings on intoxicants...

  11. 3 hours ago, JTB said:

    Trae Young is coming to Atlanta people! I tried to tell y’all but I’m just being ignored....



    That is all I can think as well.  Young clicks in terms of getting people excited and even if he utterly sucked throughout his rookie contact Schlenk will simply point out that Steph took time too!  

    That said, the chance of Trae not putting up points is to me exceedingly small.  Sadly, so too is he even for a PG.

  12. I will admit to being cautiously optimistic that the Kings would take Bagley in spite of Doncic certainly feeling at first like a fait accompli given the GM/Ownership makeup of Sac.  Not anymore as I am back to the default thought of the Kings taking him again at 2.  Just cannot imagine a world where Vlade does not draft what feels like the most legit Euro perhaps ever.


    That said, it truly would be great one way or the other should the Kings pass on Doncic as that would bring higher value should Schlenk/Ressler decide Young is their guy.  At this point, I reckon I would be happier about Young at 6 or 7 than of Jackson at 3.  That said, if JJJ were available where they were planning on getting Young, I would absolutely do that.

  13. 23 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    I take no issue with the idea of trading down but with that comes what the additional compensation for doing so is and how far back is the trade. It will more than likely be a future 1st round pick.

    Absolutely.  Without a doubt this draft and the attendant tank trades represent an inflection point where the Hawks could become legit or in tried and true Atlanta sports tradition somehow be cursed.  I just cannot fathom a world where Atlanta (especially when factoring in UGA) is not the most tortured fanbase in the country.


    I suppose considering just how much of a crapshoot that the NBA Draft is that potentially drafting 4 in the top 34 picks makes sense.  

    While we are decidedly deep in the tank, I still struggle with the idea of trying to integrate four rookies at once.

  14. I don't think we will trade down from 3 unless the consensus is Young is the best of the lot in which case it makes all the sense in the world to move down to around 6 or 7.  That said, the optics of trading down for that high of a pick in what is considered a very solid draft would be horrid.  All other picks I would reckon would be exceedingly in play.

  15. Our collective Marvin PTSD is pretty fierce.  While he certainly did not become the player we hoped he would be, he is still playing all these years later.  Shelden is the one that seems the most egregious to me.  That said, will always be a personal hero for managing to be a NBA lottery pick who still scored alimony from his ex-wife.  Still blows my mind.


    I think Doncic would be the best plug and play for the roster that will be available at 3.  Still praying we do what it takes to get Ayton but seems unlikely.   Trae strikes me as far more boom or bust than JJJ but gosh could the boom associated with Young be seismic.

    We have such an absurd number of draft picks that I must admit to not following the 19th and 30th picks nearly as much.  However, I still would be shocked if we ended up with 3, 19, 30, and 34 when all is said and done.


  16. I don't think there is a snowballs chance in Hades that Porter will be available anywhere near the 19th pick.  While between is back injury and very limited availability is doing him no favors, the few teams that have worked him out have been raving about him with some media outlets even reporting that Porter is in play for Memphis's pick at 2.


    Should that happen, now that Doncic has announced that he is staying in the draft irrespective of team and draft position, my goodness would we both have some unbelievable options.  Heck, the Kings might give us Fox and multiple firsts to get a crack at him.  Saying nothing of many teams and media folks really banging the Bagley drum ever louder.


    That would be one heck of a quandary choosing between Luka and Bagley.  On the Doncic front, I have no doubt the marketing department are salivating at the opportunity of having who is called "the most accomplished 19 year old ever".  In addition, by playing in the the Eastern time zone would help to maximize the international audience.  Granted, the home and much of the Eastern Conference  games would be late at night, but at least it would not be a further 3 hours earlier should he end up in Sacramento.


    All that said, I would most likely choose Bagley.  While his defense get knocked, he is so young even by one and done standards and with his height and motor, he really could be special.  Averaging that many points on a Duke team lousy with NBA talent is impossible for me to dismiss.

    Still want Anton though.  I will grant you this is not a uncommon refrain.

  17. Bamba is rocketing up many draft charts and whomever is his agent is kicking much arse in getting the most flattering narrative about him out there.  I bring this up as it makes what is already considered a pretty solid (especially in the top 10) draft means to me that the price for a top 5 or even 10 pick is going to be pretty spendy.


    While I remain agnostic about Bomba, I still lean towards Bagley at the 3 pick.  I still am hoping a rabbit is pulled allowing us to get Anton, but it seems exceedingly unlikely.

  18. 47 minutes ago, nathan2331 said:

    You have a point, but so long as we don't pull a Minnesota and draft 3 SGs (which would be easy to do this year) I think we'd be fine if no other trade was made. Ideally we package something together and try to go up to #8 or #10 with Cleveland or the Sixers.


    But if the draft went something like:


    #3- Mo Bamba

    #19- Kevin Knox (probably would have to move up for him)

    #30- Melvin Frazier

    #34- Isaac Bonga


    That's a lot of upside without there really being any positional overlap.


    Maybe we do a deal with New York (#9 and Noah for #30 and future second or something) and draft:


    #3- Jaren Jackson Jr

    #9- Miles or Mikal Bridges

    #19- Zhaire Smith or Elie Okobo

    #34- Anfernee Simons


    Wouldn't be as big a fan, but we wouldn't have each draft pick competing directly with each other.


    I dig both scenarios.  There is a pretty good writeup about Miles Bridges on the Ringer that posted today and I too would be happy with either.   

    I would also be stoked with Bagley at 3, trading the 30th or 34th pick along with 19 to move up to get Sexton, and going with Simons with the 30th or 34th.  

    Bamba does intrigue me and I do feel there are worse fates than having a dominant defensive 5 who can shoot 3's

  19. 36 minutes ago, nathan2331 said:





    This year specifically I don't think it will be a problem because it's a deep draft and we've got space to take on 4 rookies and give them meaningful minutes if they warrant it. I don't know who it will be, but there's a number of guys who will be drafted outside the lottery who will make teams look foolish for sleeping on them. Even in the second round there will be a few quality contributors day 1.


    While ideally we should take on some salary from teams like the Knicks or the Nuggets to move up back into the lottery I'm happy with our draft position at the moment.

    Certainly adding 4 players would be possible, but my bigger and truest concern would be development and playing time.  I completely agree about there being some mighty intriguing options especially at 30th and 34th as well.


    The problem to me anyway is just that, having that many such high picks.  It would be one thing if it was say the 50th and 54th picks where stashing them makes a great deal of sense.  However, having one of the top of the 2nd rounders and the fact that some franchises prefer top of the 2nd rounders over extreme late firsts owing to contractual differences it just would be a shock if we kept them all and the aforementioned integration concerns.

  20. 7 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    Watch his(JJJ) full games. You will see screaming out of your screen. Marvin made a lot of plays too. The issue with Marvin is the same issues JJJ seem to have. Inconsistent, weak core, uncoordinated and poor body control. KB is serving some Jim Jones level Kool Aid. He refusing to believe the film and would rather reference cut up clips.

    Love the Jim Jones reference!  I will try to steer clear of both ever being dragged to Guyana and spend more time watching his games.  Watched one full game and it did turn me off, but with his length and a serviceable shot, I am still trying to freak out too much.  Probably mostly due to my abject fear that he will be exactly who we end up with.

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  21. I still am hoping that we go for Anton.  While the chances of him being there at 3 are close to nil, I would be pretty stoked if the 30th and 34th combined with the 3rd got it done.  Otherwise, I still cannot fathom the Hawks taking 4 players all within the top 34.


    In lieu of that happening, I am still leaning towards Bagley.  That said, I am personally not seeing JJJ being the reincarnation of Marvin and would not throw my remote through the TV should that happen.  Now if they took a certain PG from Okie?  

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