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Posts posted by NineOhTheRino

  1. He is better overall. He is more impactful in terms of running an offense, passing, getting others open shots, flair passing, controlling the tempo, defensive intensity, offensive BBIQ, and he is elite at running the PnR which is Horf's game. We need not to waste time starting Bobby Jackson 2.0. Start Schröder now.

    hmmmm mmm...Possible! The only thing stopping me from signing off is recalling Marvin Williams winning a summer league MVP.
  2. I am getting so tired of "treadmill". It is like a buzzword on a political talk show. Jeez people. Do y'all think you're smart because you have an interesting little word you think "describes" NBA teams? Buncha parrots around here.

    I'd take treadmill over "acquiring assets" anyday.
  3. I tried to listen 9-0, but I'll I kept hearing was how stupid the Hawks are for letting Smith walk to DET. Does it get better?

    Not really as far as the Hawks are concerned. I'm a BS Report fan so I listen no matter what they are talking about.From a Hawks standpoint they love Josh Smith and they love the Millsap pickup. If you're not a BS fan you're better off not listening. I guess I probably should have placed a warning in the original post.
  4. Woody's "The shit works!" mentality is catching up with him again. He's never been a good postseason coach. He allowed all that hero-ball stuff during the regular season, now it's too late in the game to get these guys to play together. The guy has no foresight. A good coach would have been making improvements win or lose.

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