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Posts posted by plskeepbibby

  1. Yes. I don't like what he's doing and I'm not afraid to say it. To me, he seems like nothing more than an extension of the ASG...only they realized they were not smart enough to pull off their "middle of the pack" plan. So they brought in a smarter guy that shares their vision for a team that can perpetually compete, while saving money. ...and hope for a big fish free agent the way lottery teams hope for a Kevin Durant. I'm saying we just need to rebuild. Plain and simple. Stop worrying about the wins and just rebuild it. Time will tell the ultimate truth, but I am DONE with Danny Ferry.

    Aren't most GM's extension of ownership??You cannot blame Danny Ferry without first blaming ownership... We will continue to pay for what Billy Knight did to this franchise for many years to come...
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  2. I think you guys are looking right past the immediate danger of being a treadmill team. Regardless of having seen it all these years. I'm not giving him a chance because I know what he's doing and I'm 99% sure of where it will lead.

    I'm confused, you're putting all blame on Danny Ferry???
  3. But isn't that elipitical. I have seen this team trade away every good player, have 4 draft picks in the same draft.. .one lottery and we still not get passed the second round. I have seen this team trade away every good player, have 6 shots in the lottery in 4 years and still come away with a team that couldn't get past the second round. What i have learned from those two instances is that the quick fix of a draft is not a sure thing. We have to build up our reputation.

    THIS. No matter what you believe the right way to rebuild, you always be on the treadmill so to speak... It just depends on which setting you want that treadmill to be set on. A low setting with continuing 25 win seasons (low shot of actually drafting the correct player/superstar), or setting 5 with continual first round playoff exits... I think this whole argument is kind of like a treadmill.. We are watching the Hawks make minor moves and change the culture in signing high BBIQ guys..
  4. This is tough man. But I decided a month ago, if we decide to prolong the rebuild in the deepest draft class since Michael Jordan, I can't support this team anymore. I know the anti-tankers are like HELL YEAH, FU*K OUTTA HERE, YOU ARE NOT A TRUE FAN!!! But I am a true fan. I got my name on another site for stanning the Hawks and I am getting killed for CP3/D12 signing with other teams not signing with the Hawks. People dancing, laughing, having a field day and calling me delusional. I said, if I lose hope, I should have never been a Hawks fan from Day 1. The one thing I had is my hope even when I was the only one. Well, I don't have hope anymore. I feel empty with this team. I was way too invested emotionally to this team anyway. I am not invested to the Falcons or Braves the way I am emotionally invested in the Hawks. People from other teams like, it's the f**king Hawks, they are dumbasses. They are used to being losers and getting no respect. I used to argue it but now agree, they are.

    You like winning and a shot at championships, and you jumped on the Hornets/Pelicans bandwagon... I'm sorry, what????
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  5. The initial quote in this thread is wrong... either that or the guys on the radio have no idea what they're talking about. 5 teams had face to face meetings. The Hawks are the only one who've shown any sign of moving on after the signing of Korver, which I don't necessarily agree means they're moving on. But none of the other teams have signed any players.

    The guys on the radio have no idea what they are talking about, it is Rachel that continues saying it, Surprised that "Atlanta sports radio" has no idea what they are talking about, never seen that before.
  6. Yes let's clear up more cap room for next year so no one else wants to get paid and come to Atlanta. It can be a tradition where each year we can offer multiple max deals with no takers. Not to mention the teams losing the FA can still offer an extra year/more cash. So pathetic....

    THISWe cleared all the cap space for this summer and waited (waiting) on Dwight. So lets wait til next summer clear more capspace and wait on LeBron or Melo to tell us no. If you're in Atlanta and you clear cap space in hopes of signing a superstar....YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE A BAD TIME
    • Like 2
  7. Where has it stated that Klay Thompson and Harrison Barnes would be dealt to make it happen. Those are the only assets that I'd want from their roster. No report has mentioned either of those players... It mentions three bums and a 2014 pick (which is apparently untradeable). I'd entertain the idea if it included Barnes but I still think this whole thing is a stretch, a last ditch effort where Dwight has told them that they are his first choice and given them an opportunity to make moves and sign him. Good luck to them getting someone to take their scraps.

  8. Warriors is one of the worst possible scenarios. We wouldn't get anything back from them most likely. At least if he goes to Houston we can pry away Asik.

    Absolutely is. I will actually be more upset with the Franchise that takes on those salaries and helps the Warriors then I will be the Warriors. Does anyone think there is any value to adding Broken Bogut. Old Rich Jefferson or mediocre Bierdins to their roster????
  9. To me, Bynum is just another Josh Smith type, not in skill set but in attitude. If you can't get along with Phil Jackson, the zen master, I'm good. Whole I understand the upside some of us are foaming at the mouth to get rid of Josh for the same personality flaws that I see in Bynum.

  10. Why the hell did we waste 6 million a year on a one trick pony? WOW. Just WOW.

    Waste???? Wow... I understand not liking the signing but you and perhaps Swift should bring more to the argument than waste or Brandon Rush would have been better... Come with a clear realistic angle and explanation on why its a waste and how the money should have been spent.
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