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Posts posted by plskeepbibby

  1. and how did we head into the playoffs last year ?

    Riding high after winning 50+ games 7-3 in our last 10 and on a 4 game winning streak and what happened ? oh thats right we came out and got our butts handed to us by the Bucks and they took us to 6 games .

    The stuff you are talking means nothing because as of today if the are like you which is still thinking about last week well theyve already lost .

    This team will simply much better as underdogs.

    The Bucks took us to 7 games.... Don't think the Hawks will take the Maguc that far...

  2. Josh Smith went 8 for 15 on fg attempts...5 for 7 on free throws...got 8 (yes EIGHT) assists, one block and one turnover. 21-10-8. Nearly a triple double.

    But jump on in H8ters...I'm confident that you-all can figure a way to pin this loss on Smoove's "attitude" or lack of team play. :angry:


    I love threads about induvidual player stats after the team LOSES!!!

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  3. This is absurd...selfish attitude? Like what do you mean? The other guys jack up perimiter shots like crazy and when Smoove shoots one he is selfish? Heck - ask Horford - you better be a little bit selfish on this team or you will never get a shot. Smoove is actually one of the better forwards in the league when it comes to assists.

    This post is laughable. If you don't think Josh has a huge attitude problem your kidding yourself... Hubie Brown pointed it out best in the playoffs last year against Orlando

    While Josh was loafing on defense. I see how this clown treats the rest of the guys on this team and the coaches very often. Josh Smith will never be a part of a team that accomplishes anything significant. Can't wait til he's somebody else's headache.

    The thing you Smoove H8ters CAN'T "get over" is that you are wrong. Dead arsed wrong in every argument you make.

    How he treats his teammates? What would you know about that? How he treats his coaching staff? LOL - Zaza cussed at LD (F-Bomb I believe) the other night right on the court. This isn't tiddly winks...guys get jazzed every now and then. Most people understand these things.

    You folks should just be honest and come right out and say that you don't like Smoove - no matter what he does. :kickcan:

  4. I don't like Smith because he Is a cancer to the teAm not because I think is game is flawed. You don't curse out your teammate or coach on Any occasion. Shows what a immature prick the guy is. It's unbelievable to me how this board can continually watch him act that way and still defend this guy...

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  5. Are you not aware of how much of an impact Josh's attitude has on this team?? Josh could have easily pouted and ruined the team chemistry on the bench if he felt slighted but he was very mature about it and looked like a very positive influence on the bench.

    That is why he was sitting on the bench.... His attitude on the court clearly has more of an impact than his attitude on the bench. When a guy pouts on the bench how much can it really effect the chemistry of the guys on the floor....

  6. Th ereason he was benched was because of his attitude.... He cursed out Hinrich and Drew and the coaching staff in the middle of the 3rd quarter.... His ATTITUDE and unwillingness to change his ways are what hold him back from being great... As far as this Hawks fan is concern he can sit his stubborn childish butt there the rest of the season. He needs to be somebody else's headache already....

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  7. I'm pretty sure the topic is not talking about the game itself only. Way to change the subject. And since you just said that, there goes another point. When we lose, it's because "Josh is terrible and shoots to many outside shots, and defense don't matter", but it's not being blamed on the team. Do you honestly think people blame the team for a loss and not individuals? I think it should be blamed on a team, but that's not how it works.

    Btw, can you answer my questions above? May take you a while to come up with something that don't sound biased.

    I don't feel the need to answer your question because i don't consistently blame any one single individual for a loss.... now i'm not against pointing out when someone had a bad night when it effects a loss..... but why would i be quick to give Josh Smith props or anyone else for that matter for having a good night when we leave Phialdelphia with a loss... Noone should be given special praise for being the best of the losers on the floor that night. I am a fan of the hawks as a collection of guys rather than a Josh Smith or Al Horford fan boy.. I want them both to be good just like any other reasonable hawks fan... Arguing about who's to blame and who is not is just silly... I think that praising someone for great stats in a loss is just as silly...

    I go to alot of the games.... The constant blame is coaching. I think Larry Drew absolutely sucks.... and so did that other guy (just not as bad)

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  8. If Smoove played as bad as Horford as lately, there would be many topics about it. I can promise you that. Just search through the forums for proof. When is the last time Josh had a topic about playing good? When is the last time Al has had a topic about him playing good? I can assure you that Al has topics every other day, even when he's been playing like sh*t. Just let me know the answer to this question.

    Also, someone brought the whole All Star thing between the two of them? Uh.. different positions bro. I have another question for you. What position is much harder to become an All Star at?PF or C? How many good centers are in the NBA? Hmm...

    Anyways, I've said this before.. Josh & Al are the only people who can put up good numbers every night. Al & Joe has been M.I.A. and they are our leaders. At least act like you want to win the game. Anyone can say "Something has to be done" and not do sh*t about it. /SMH

    It's bad that you can't criticize Al on here anymore. People will rage. If you do criticize Al, then you MUST hate AL and love Josh -- as people on this forum assume. Why can't you like both? Why can't you criticize both? Why can't we show equal love? I bet there will be more people talking sh*t about Josh in the thread instead of giving him props for being the only Atlanta Hawk to come prepared and give his heart out every game, along with ZaZa.

    You may see me defending Josh a lot more on these forums. Why? Well, see above. That's why. How can I defend Al when there is not one damn bad said about him.

    Anyways, I'm expecting negatives for this because I'm sure people will rage.

    Deuces! :pleasantry:

    If Josh, or anyone else on this team had put up those numbers while willing the team to victory, then congratulations.... but we lost so why does it matter who had what stats??? When a TEAM loses the TEAM is to blame.... As far as I am concerned personal stats in a LOSS are about as important as Etan Thomas's role on this team....

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  9. Ummmmm.... When you lose you can't defend anybody.... They all suck... Regardless of the stat stuffing loser "Josh Smith" we are coming home 1 less game ahead of the sixers. I don't care what the individuals do it's about whether the team wins or not..... Oh... And Larry Drew absolutely sucks

  10. It was ridiculous. I saw it first hand and Zaza told him to go BEEP himself.... It was basically the most entertaining thin that happened last night... On a real note Larry Drew and Zaza should go be mediocre together somewhere..... At least Zaza tries as bad as he is sometimes.... What about Josh and joe who constantly loaf around all the time.... Larry Drew was bullying a 2nd string center says a lot more about Larry Drew than it does ZaZa IMO

  11. The NBA is the only professional sports league that's rules apply differently to certain teams/players..... The refs gave Damien Wilkens a technical for simply flailing his arm at the ref.... Meanwhile Wade/James get ti have pow wows with the refs... And isn't running over to argue a call an automatic tech... The Queen did that plenty this evening.... To discount unfair refereeing didn't affect the game is silly... The fact that we continuously is our own faults but refs do not play fairly either!!!!

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