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Posts posted by AUhawksfan

  1. Yeah I don't see why everybody is freaking out because we haven't made changes. Stability is what has gotten us from a 13 win season to now. Sure, I wouldn't mind another small piece to add to the bench but I'm not going to be mad if nothing is done.

  2. I don't get the And-1 Globetrotter reference. Fact is, the guy has the best crossover on the team which allows him to shake guys and get to the rim or get up a shot. He's not showing off, he's just good at what he does. A lot of the times when he has taken crazy shots, he has been able to draw the foul and sometimes even hit the shot so I'm not complaining. I mean he's shooting 46% which is extremely good for him and for a guard in general.

  3. I don't think we can blame Woody, fact is Law just wasn't good. If a player has enough confidence, he will make the most of his minutes no matter how little he gets.

    Either way, I don't believe he is the same as Acie at all. Teague has a ton more quickness, athleticism, and defensive skills compared to Acie, he just has to work on finishing and his jumper. I'm hoping working with Bibby will help on his jumper and I think he just needs more confidence with finishing at the rim.

    He just really needs to put it all together, which we'll see if he does. I think it's still kind of up in the air, but I'll give him until next year.

  4. Yeah is game going to the bucket isn't smooth by any means. No control. He just doesn't "look" like a basketball player out there a lot of times. I've never seen someone get blocked or not know how to finish around the rim like Marvin. The one good thing he is good at is drawing fouls, I'll give him that.

    For the most part though, he seems happy to kind of stay faded in the background.

  5. The problem is the cheap real estate. Most people in the metro area have a nice home to go to after work and don't want to come out to go to a game. Why when you have a big HD tv in a nice comfy den with whatever you want to eat. No bathroom lines and if the game is a clunker you turn to something else. Many of the cities with the better attendance have larger populations that are looking to do something in the city. They want to get out of the house and into the arena.

    Agreed. Add that to the fact that Atlanta is so spread out, and a lot of people don't want to have to drive into the city and deal with traffic (especially on weekdays).

  6. I think part of the reason it sucks is because Philips isn't giving away as many tickets as they have in the past to bloat their numbers. I remember reading how our gate sales have improved quite a bit so at least they're actually making more money than before.

    That said, I think we just need to accept the fact that GA fans suck. The problem is people don't want to go to games during the week, think about it. Our weekend games do decent, Falcons games do fair, and of course there's UGA football. But if you look at Braves, Hawks, or Thrashers attendance during the week and it's pathetic. A superstar has to come into town for it to do good. It's just convenience for most people.

    I'm not gonna lie, a majority of the games I go to are on the weekend due to that same reason. I'm busy with work during the week and don't want to have to get home late.

  7. Funny. Because in games where Josh was our leading scorer in last year's playoffs, we were 1-3.

    Basketball is a team sport, for pete's sake, and the Hawks are a deep team. We don't live and die by ANY single player.

    He had to be our leading scorer because Joe completely disappeared in those games. Thankfully we have Crawford this year who should be able to negate a lot of that.

  8. I don't think anybody ever said we live and die by Josh Smith, but I think he affects the outcome of the game more than anybody. After looking at the stats, I think I'm pretty close. It really seems to be him and Al (our frontcourt) having the most affect.


    Josh Smith

    In wins 19 31.5 55.000 1.79 2.47 2.1 8.5 3.7 16.1

    In losses 7 30.4 40.230 1.29 2.29 1.9 7.6 3.0 12.3

    Al Horford

    In wins 19 32.5 61.053 0.58 1.37 1.3 9.3 2.1 14.6

    In losses 7 35.1 48.333 0.86 1.14 1.6 10.0 2.0 10.0

    Go look at the splits for other players and you'll notice not near as much of a difference. Either way, I still think Josh is even more of a contrast then Horford when you look at FG%. When Josh's shot selection is bad (i.e. long jumpers), we don't have a good chance of winning and it showed in Chicago. The loss to Detroit is the only real game Josh played well. I know a lot of people bash Marvin for not showing up some games, but he doesn't seem to affect the game enough to have a say on the final score. He's disappeared in plenty of games we've won, but people only point it out when we lose.

    Josh just does so many of the things we notice so it's easy to see when he doesn't have his head in the game.

  9. Anyone else feel this way? We as a team perform well when Josh is, but we're a sinking ship when he doesn't. I think that's the main reason our record is so good this year, because of his improved play.

    He makes plays on offense and defense that can pump him and his team up and get them going. He looked like crap against Chicago tonight and a good game by Joe isn't going to negate that.

  10. I personally enjoy a team that constantly exceeds expectations and that's what makes me want it more for the Hawks.

    I felt that way for the Falcons last year but this year they have far from lived up to expectations, granted they've had injuries but even when healthy there were some games they should have won.

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