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Everything posted by HighFlyer

  1. im pretty sure a game winners beats anyone, playoffs or not hence the phrase game winner
  2. i think its a team thing as u can see everyone having their hands on each other either josh was just having a bit of fun with it or bibby is haphephobic (probably the reason he cant play D) plus did anyone notice teague at the end, he looks left out
  3. lol at them losing phillips arena to seaseme street
  4. i dont like wishing injury on no man but i would love to see the media frenzy if we were the team to injure the king :helpsmilie:
  5. the media is dissapointed that we are playing as an actual team instead of one superstar taking over the game i think that everyone is expecting joe to completely take over kinda like last year, while true hawks fans know thats not him a johnson vs wade duel would have been so much better for media attention but gladly for us many different players are stepping up in some of joe's droughts
  6. hey guys this may be my 1st topic but ive been reading the boards for a while i just wanna say its kinda sad the media attention we have been getting i know its nothing new but man its just plain stupid i go to yahoo to read up on our physical win last night and check on horfords injury and what do i see on the front page a headline bashing josh smith about last night i bet if that was lebron they headline would read "King James flashy dunk missed, He'll get it next time tough" but that wasnt it i go to the NBA page and see another headline bashing 790 the zone (granted he was an idiot for those comment) was it really worth a head line over how nasty that game was last night i know this isnt anything new but i just wanted to vent a little i literally smacked my self in the head after seeing the headlines
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