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Posts posted by HAWKSFAN89

  1. Teague's 2010 PER > Duhon's 2010 PER

    Per 36, Duhon 8.6 points, 6.6 assists, 3.1 rebounds, 1.0 steal, 0 blocks

    Per 36, Teague 11.4 points, 6.1 assists, 3.4 rebounds, 1.7 steals, .6 blocks

    Duhon played many more games per 36 than Teague by a long shot, useless comparison.

    On topic, I take Duhon over Bibby. Bibby is done and doesn't need to start.

  2. Joe for Damp/Roddy B is the most ideal trade. We get a young, upcoming player at a need position and an incredibly valuable trade asset.

    f*** that noise, Roddy B is no guarantee and Dampier is toast. If anything we would acquire Caron Butler in the SnT PLUS Roddy B.

    I would actually like to see what Houston has to offer along side Kevin Martin....

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  3. IIRC, Ray Allen has been diagnosed with Obsessive/Compulsive disorder, or something like that. He probably is not team captain material.


    Everyone wishes they could shoot like Ray. They tell him that all the time. They are envious, they say, of his God-given talent.

    "An insult," says Allen. "God could care less whether I can shoot a jump shot."

    :lol6: :lol6:

  4. I know your just trying to be cute but WTF ?

    Does Dirk Nowitzki sound like an all stars name ?

    If we are going by how aperson name looks or sounds then we are in trouble. Nothing like some good "name profiling" when scouting prospects.

    Dirk Nowitzki does actually sound like a superstar name. Just rolls off the tounge.

    Pape Sy on the other hand..... I just can't picture him being announced at an all-star game.

    "Starting at forward for your Eastern Conference All-Stars.... PAPEEEEEE SYYYYYY"

    Take a look at his luxurious Wiki page:


  5. Not quite. He also is a pure scorer. He gets to the free throw line.

    True, I guess you could say he's a pure scorer. He can draw the foul easily on a shot and definitely does get to the FT line a lot.

    That being said, if we have to rid Joe, i'd rather it be for this deal. Kevin Martin always pissed me off when we played against him, his shots always dropped and flops on a high level (lol). Send Joe to the Western Conf instead of staying here. I don't wanna play against him too many times.

  6. "I haven't talked to him about that,

    pretty much speaks volumes about this article. he hasn't spoken to his all-star teammate of years to see if will stay or not. odd or is joe just anti-social? i think both actually.

    JJ will not be here but I hope ownership listens to Al preach about getting another big.

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