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Posts posted by HAWKSFAN89

  1. :write a letter:

    I told you so! "Regardless of who the Hawks hire, he will be thought as the worst possible solution."

    All you fans who "already know" that he will be an utter failure, we knew what was coming from you.

    Give the guy a chance. In spite of what you say about him and how he will coach, you don't know.

    You don't "know" that he will be Woody 11. You don't "know" all the stuff you claim to know. At best,

    you're just guessing and at worst you're just pitching a hissy fit.


    GO HAWKS!!!!

    :line dance:

    Yep, indeed.

    Looks like everyone is still upset Avery didn't get the hire.

  2. Josh isn't going anywhere. I don't know why I see so many posts wanting him gone.... sure he plays boneheaded sometimes, but we are NOTHING defensivly without Smoove on the court. NOTHING. Josh is one of the core pieces in the franchise and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

  3. So if the Hawks do sign Sam Mitchell as Coach I believe Chris Bosh might look into joining the Hawks more seriously... But yea thats just my two cents.

    One could only hope. I've been preaching Bosh to the Hawks for awhile now and think this could be HUGE.

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