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Posts posted by HawkRock1123

  1. The same deal with the "gift cards" is also available here.

    I hate to be this kind of a fan, but unfortunately, this deal still isn't good enough for me to come to a game. When all is said and done, you're still gonna dropping close to $50 to go sit in poor seats and watch them play a dull team. I'd rather watch at home. I'll applaud the Hawks for trying something innovative to get more people coming out, but I'm afraid this just isn't it.

    Hawks - I want to be excited about your team, and excited about the opportunity to come see you play live. I really do. I'm afraid you have to do better than this though, one way or the other.

  2. Okay, I'll admit I haven't paid much attention to the Hawks this year. I've been watching football, and I'm still a bit upset about the JJ contract. So, I"ll fully admit that you guys all know more about the team than I do.That being said.......I'm not sure I would mind losing Al for Carmelo.(ducks flying objects)Just hear me out!With "the core", we're well on our way to getting swept in Round 2 again. Nobody wants that, so we need some type of change. If we lose Al but pick up Melo, we've now got:1.) The Star - Carmelo2.) The Robin - JJ3.) The Rodman - SmithUnless we're different than what I remember last year, Horford is a better offensive threat, probably better all around player, but Smith is our defense/dirty work/enforcer. If we pick up Melo, having that piece seems like maybe it'd be more important.Or am I wrong? I'll readily admit that I haven't watched much of the Hawks this year. Sorry for the ignorant post!

  3. (looking at some of these other threads) Are we all suddenly okay with this now??? Any "help" that we could bring in seems like it's going to be some 2nd rate "has been/never was" unless we pull off some blockbuster trade. Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems like (with Joe at a max salary), we don't have room to bring in anybody that will be even close to the Horford/Smith level.

    I'm stoked that ASG is willing to spend money. But you still have to spend it wisely. I don't know. Hopefully Sund knows what he's doing, but I still don't understand why we're paying Joe max money. I'd love to have him back, but not at that price.

  4. I'm giving an optimistic B, but like some have already said: the draft is the beginning of the offseason, not the end. Grades can change. For now, we got the player we wanted and some extra cash. If we had simply picked Crawford at 24, I feel like everybody would've been moderately satisfied. So, I'm gonna lend Sund a little good faith here to see what he does with the rest of the summer.

  5. Yeah, I just started playing multiplayer last night. Lots of fun, even though you start out with a ridiculous looking character riding a donkey.

    I kept reading all these different threads about hysterical random things happening to people in this game, so I had to buy it.

  6. Hey guys!

    If anybody's interested, I wanted to share my blog with anybody who may want to read it. It's called "The (Local) Rockstar Devotional", mostly as a joke about the current status of my music career (anybody who's every met a typical Local Rockstar will hopefully understand and enjoy the tongue-in-cheek humor). It's a weekly blog, mostly about lessons I learn being a young Christian musician, but I often find it branching out to areas of my life beyond simply music.

    The (Local) Rockstar Devotional

    I update every Wednesday (typically around noon). Thoughts and comments are welcome.


  7. Here's my thing - we've peaked with Woody as our HC and JJ as our "main guy". Both have done a good job, but this may just be a situation where the combination of Woody/JJ/Atlanta Hawks has hit its ceiling. Are we worse next year without JJ? Of course we are! But, if we sign JJ to a big contract, doesn't it seem like we'll never get any better than we are right now?

    I, for one, would rather keep our 2 younger stars (JJ and Horford) and concede the fact that it's going to be rough waters for at least a season or two, and give Sund a chance to make this team better through better draft positions or free agency cap space.

    Then again - we did win 50 games this year. If we keep JJ, and he at least maintains his current level of play, don't Horf and JJ improve which makes us a better team? I think it's a tough decision (I know - I'm wavering).

    I'll take solace in this - Rick Sund had a good offseason last year. He drafted Jeff Teague (good for our draft position), and he got us Jamal Crawford for virtually nothing. So far, it seems like we only have reasons to think that he is a good GM.

  8. I think he is not a good head coach. He is more suited as a practice and asst. coach.


    Think of it like football: Woody is a phenomenal defensive coordinator. Coming from the Pistons, Woody of all people would probably appreciate the formula of leaders and role players. Woody is more of a role player than a leader. There's nothing wrong with that! You have to have both for a championship team. The fact that he's improved this team every year since he's been here speaks volumes about how effective he is as a defensive coach. However, as a head coach, I feel like Woody is playing out of position.

    If we keep him, it won't be the worst thing, though I'm not sure if it's the best decision. If he goes, I wish him all the best.

  9. 1- Joe wouldn't sign for 15 million a year.

    I'm not necessarily gonna argue with you on that, but it's going to be interesting to see what Joe gets. He's taking a HUGE PR hit, with lots of analysts (locally and nationally) questioning whether he's even close to being a "max player" after this disappointing postseason.

  10. It makes you ask yourself - who are you really rooting for when you say you are a "Hawks fan"?

    I'm a Hawks fan, but I:

    -don't support the ownership group

    -don't particularly like the coach (I think he's a phenomenal assistant coach, but just not a good head coach)

    -support the players I suppose, but our superstar may or may not feel any loyalty whatsoever to this team.

    So, who am I really rooting for? Essentially, I suppose I'm just rooting for the "name" and my hometown city, even if the people bearing that name are doing a terrible job and could care less about bringing me a good product.

    Just something I think about...

    But still - GO HAWKS!

  11. Exactly. The way Orlando moves the ball is great to watch. Even their bench knows how to pass the ball around for an open shot. Redick to Pietrus... threeeeee, Pietrus to Redick... threeeeeee.

    We need someone who can teach offence!

    Very good point, and as much as I hate to admit, I love watching the Magic play basketball (except when it's against us). They are a well-pieced together team and they all complement each other incredibly well. As a Hawks fan, I would like to see them fall apart in the next few games. As a basketball fan, you have to appreciate what they do.

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