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Posts posted by HawkRock1123

  1. Yeah - it was a huge loss - but it doesn't count any more than if we lost by 2 points. We beat this team during the regular season (once, right?). The series isn't over. They've got a lot of weapons - so do we! Let's not forget how tough we are at home! We just need to steal one on the road!

    Go Hawks!!!

  2. I just want to put this question out there, and I will confess that most of the posters on this board will likely know this answer better than me. I'm impressed with the level of Hawks/NBA knowledge a lot of you guys possess. This question addresses my biggest Joe Johnson Max Contract fear:

    Do you think that if Joe Johnson got a max contract, he would go into cruise control for the rest of his career?

    If Joe gets his money, will that be enough for him? Does he have that killer instinct, where they paycheck just isn't enough, and he HAS to win a championship? I honestly go back and forth on this. Sometimes I feel like I see that desire in him; sometimes I'm not certain.

    I'm fine with paying Joe max dollars if I believe that he's going to give this team 100% every night. I'm just concerned about him seeing the max contract as "the finish line", rather than "the starting line" on a whole new level for himself and for this team.

    I'm honestly torn. What do you guys think?

  3. 17. This team doesn't get pushed around. This started 2 years ago against the Celtics in the first round, when Zaza got up in KG's face. That's when this team made the statement "We're not lying down for anybody!" Our team isn't afraid to get physical with anybody. We saw that last night versus LA as well. Our boys are tough, and they seem to be concerned with protecting each other. That's a big deal.

  4. I'd rather play Miami than the red hot Bucks right now (I can't believe I just typed that). As far as round 2, it's gonna be tough either way. At the same time, I believe we are capable of beating either team if we play at our highest level.

  5. Huge win. Major motivation for the playoffs.

    Big props to Joe. He played a great game.

    Even more props to the team as a whole. EVERYBODY played well. This is the difference-maker in the playoffs for the Atlanta Hawks. We have so many guys who can step up at any time. Joe, Jamaal, Al, Josh, Bibby (he was hot last night). Zaza had a huge game. Mo gave us some quality minutes. Teague looked good in his short time on the court.

    The only chance we have against Cleveland, Orlando, and L.A. is when we play like a TEAM. If we play with the heart we did last night, we're unstoppable.

  6. I freaking love Zaza Pachulia, and what he brings to this team. He comes off the bench and plays with heart and with energy. Take a second to post your favorite Zaza moment.

    I'll get us started:

  7. We are a better team with Teague on the bench. I've never seen anything from him in the NBA that leads me to believe he belongs in the NBA. What a wasted pick.

    Seriously? Did you see the game today? He looked pretty good. It's not like he was taking over the game, but he played well. Teague deserves more minutes. Let Bibby rest up for the playoffs.

  8. True or not true, we're getting ready for the playoffs. We don't have a superstar to carry us - Joe is the closest thing we have. That means that only way we'll win anything is to play the team basketball that got us here. Al has to be careful about saying this stuff in public. You don't want to start tearing down chemistry in late March. This probably should've been a comment behind closed doors.

    Hopefully the veterans on this team (Joe, Jamal, Bibby) will understand that this is a young guy making the mistake of being frustrated in front of the media. A good example is Kobe overlooking Pau Gasol's recent comments and taking the high road. It's their job to keep it together, rather than get offended. Hopefully they will.

    We love you Al. Even if you're right, next time say this is a team-only meeting. In the public, you need to have your boys' backs, no matter what.

  9. I really think that Bob is actually a witty, sarcastic guy, but he holds back for some reason. Maybe the standards are a little looser on radio than on television? Every once in a while you see/hear it slip through.

    For example, my favorite call by Bob ever was a few years back:

    "Antoine Walker looks like somebody just stole his sucker."

    Loved it.

  10. Isn't life good with Josh Smith and Al Horford? Who could we possibly add with these two to have the most ridiculous frontcourt in basketball? I'm trying to think of how to make it work. I don't think you can give up either player (I know I don't want to), but it's difficult because they are both really PFs.

    Or is Horford fine at center? I dunno. What do you guys think?

    Regardless, definitely my 2 favorite players on this team. They both play with heart and fire.

  11. JJ is a very, very good player. The problem is people want him to be an MVP candidate type player and that is just a totally unrealistic and unwarranted expectation.

    I agree with you here. That raises the question - if he's not an MVP candidate type player - do we offer him max money this summer like he's asking for?

    That being said, I will side on the "not JJ's fault" for this thread. Everybody in the NBA knows we're going IsoJoe at the end of the game. It's easy to defend when Woody has absolutely no offensive playbook.

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