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    Cleveland OH
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    Exchanging and Debating Information about other NBA teams.

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  1. As a cavs fan i think what happened in game 2 was a complete injustice to the Hawks and "tainted" what was a really good comeback win for us BUT to say the NBA will say no to the hawks request simply because we have LeBron James just isnt a good argument IMO. the reason why I believe the hawks will be denied by the NBA is because they turned the ball over on that possession. I think the bigger issue was with Mike Woodson who clearly saw the shot clock error and didnt call the time out. Had woodson called the time the Hawks might have pulled that game off? who knows
  2. I wouldn't wish the curse of T-Mac even on the Orlando Tragic (wait...) anyway i dont think the Hawks need another Small Forward this season. in order for the Hawks to make a deep playoff run against the Elite in the East they are gonna need a Big Man. dont get me wrong i love Al's game but i just dont think he can bang with Dwight, KG/Perk or Shaq. At this point i don't know what bigs r on the market but i don't think the Hawks need T-Mac. P.S 1st post Not trying to troll
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