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Posts posted by AHawks89

  1. Yeah. I agree man. I don't know what to think about Woody. His first head coaching job was obviously in Atlanta; a team that was one of the worst in the leagues. Maybe he can't draw up plays, or no how to sub in players, but thats him still learning. Hell, the teams keep greatly improving each year. He's doing something right. He's already out coached his other fellow coaches that he was under. Give the dude some props yall, and stop hating. I think he can be real dumb at times, but I can't complain what he has done with the team. Woody is still learning. He knows how it feels to win now. If he is coach next year, you never know how good we could be. We could be one of the Elite teams. We have the all the right players, all of them have a lot of heart. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  2. What's crazier is that Josh Smith could be one of the best; if he could get his perimeter game down. I promise you that. If he could just take shots any where on the floor. He would be scary. He's already a beast. Just imagine if he had perimeter game. :D

    He says he works on different things every year. He was hinting earlier this season, that this summer, he will be working on his perimeter game.

  3. Nique is right yall. He does state the obvious. I always shake my head - agreeing to him when he calls out plays. I don't see why people hate or disagree with Nique. I would love Nique to be our coach. He does not bash JJ, at least the way you're making it out to be. He's telling the truth about JJ. He talks more good, than bad about JJ. And who ever posted about Jamal, is right. Jamal don't hold the ball as long. He will do some moves and take his shot. He's a 6th man, not a starter. You can't keep criticizing Jamal for taking crazy shots or whatever. He's on the team for a reason, to score. He can score just about anyway & any where. I agree to what Nique says about Woody and JJ. I guess i'm the only one.

    Personally, I think Nique would be a great coach in Atlanta.

  4. Personally, in my opinion, I think the Hawks will play off the charts. Our team has been together through the bad times, and the good times. Our team know what it feels like to be the worse team in the NBA, and now to one of the best teams in the NBA .(Majority of all the players on team have stayed together) And for Jamal, I know he will just have a break out performance. Bibby will be the Bibby we all know. I'm really not worried about how we are shooting right now, even though we all hope it don't carry on into play offs, but like I said, I do not think will happen. We will be one of the most exciting teams in play offs to watch. Phillips Arena will be the arena we've always wanted. LOUD! I'm pumped. :blow out candles:

  5. Surely - - No one would EVER believe The King traveled - - ever.

    Our eyes decieve us. Even in slo motion, we can't possibly see what our lying eyes tell us, can we??

    :white flag:

    This is why I can not stand losing to the Cavs, because he has way to much help from the refs. Remember that one game, when we played the Cavs this year? Refs were horrible, and LBJ got all the help from the refs. Ugh, it sucks that the game is not played fair.

    Do you ever think this will change? If so, when?

    What's the deal with this anyways? Is it really Stern? I know this is a stupid guess, but I really DO think it is. :angry:

  6. I don't even know why you guys even bother listening and watching the people in ESPN. They're a bunch of superstar di** riders who have no clue what they talk about. The people of ESPN is a big reason why I hate talking about sports with a lot of people. Too many people watch Sportscenter and not watch the actual game so when it comes to debates or feedback about a game, they only reiterate the opinions of the analysts on ESPN.

    I only watch NBATV if I want to see what the "experts" think about the Hawks or if I want to listen to what other teams are doing around the league. The only time I tune in on ESPN is when the Hawks are playing there....and sometimes THAT is even dreadful to watch.

    I totally agree with you on that. Thank you. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  7. I actually agree with you. I think he was pulled down, after going for the rebound, and Joe Johnson was pushed too. Refs don't make any calls in situations like that though. Thank god for Smith's crazy jumping ability, timing, and talent to get that winning dunk in.

  8. If you're going to foul, FOUL, don't give him and-1's like Collins does. Foul hard.

    I'm pretty sure he would! You can't argue that he wouldn't. We've only see him play like 10mins all together this season. When he played against Shaq; he got inside of his his head pretty damn good. Hey, I'm just throwing some ideas out there because what ever we've been drawing up, sure hell ain't working. :conversation:

  9. You're kidding right? 12-15 minutes? Collins would foul out in less than that. Last game against the Magic, Woody brought in Collins before Zaza, and Collins got 3 fouls in 2 minutes, and he was a moron on offense.

    Collins will be good for 6 fouls and little else. Plus, they aren't even hard fouls, he gave Dwight and-1's whenever he fouled him, and I bet he does it again. Zaza is the only one who gets physical and does anything to upset Howard, but then he basically fails by trying to do too much on the offensive end. Zaza needs to play crafty, and within himself and get Dwight those early fouls.

    That's what I'm trying to say.. We don't need much time from them anyways. Who cares if they foul? I mean it's Dwight shooting at the FT. I think that would give him a bad game; giving him fouls, taking him to the line all the time. I know how that situation is, it throws you off your momentum.

  10. I agree. I think we need to put Collins on Howard, like we did for Shaq. Shaq got pissed as hell, and didn't have a good game. I don't see why not try it against Howard? I think it's the best plan. But hey, it's w/e. And i'm not saying the whole game, or a lot of minutes, just for couple mins to get him frustrated, and to have an off night.

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