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Posts posted by RT3

  1. You can bet JJ is glad he doesn't have to guard PGs any more.

    I like Hinrich toughness. Bibby was jokester........Hinrich has a more serious blue collar attitude that I hope rubs off on this team.

    Awesome. I agree Hinrich is gonna help both the offense and defense out a whole lot. I think he will be a better mentor for Teague as well and hopefully Teague will develop!

  2. Cosign OP

    This team is not gonna get any better.

    Hopefully no one goes to the home games so the hawks can be embarrassed for the garbage they put on the floor

    HA, I saw this coming a while ago, but not Grey Mule, as every post I have ever seen by him has been extremely optimistic. I created this other thread for the same reason.


    Sick of the Hawks and sick of being frustrated with them. Just watch them for any entertainment you can get from them and you will not be let down and disappointed, like I used to be.

  3. I won't boycott the Hawks. When I do get frustrated with them I do take sometime away from them. I can fully understand the frustration you have with this team. This team should be talked about as a Championship contender by now. They are the least respected team among those in the playoff contention in the league.

    This is a good/ constructive post. Thank you. Instead of an immature one like 'who cares' or you're lame', thank god you're not part of management, etc. I should of used a different term rather than 'boycott' as I mentioned I plan to watch without caring whether or not the team wins the game. I have definitely taken time away for a while though, and watched a couple games here or there. Instead I have been going to the gym and working out or playing basketball, which is a better stress relief than sitting there watching some of the Hawks players, play without heart in some of their games. And you are right that the Hawks are least respected among those in the playoff contention in the league, and there lack off effort and the obvious holes in their defense and lack of team offense are among the biggest reasons. Why don't we have a rival as someone posted in another thread? It's because we are not a threat to the teams who are actually in the mix for a championship. Yet the Hawks want to claim that the core is the group that is going to take us to the next round.

    • Like 1
  4. Ok, we're not contenders. But let me say something i've said again and again : do you think a team can be better without good fan support ?

    Gone with the weather

    Thanks but I've been with the Hawks since 2000 when I first moved here. And yes they sucked for many many years. I even stuck with them through Antoinne Walker, who I can't stand. But my point is that my passion for the team seems to exceed the passion that the players show on the court. I won't say names of players so this doesn't turn into one of those threads. It starts with the team (players and management) caring about winning, before the fans. And I am not getting that from neither (some of the players). Before in the past it could be taken as immaturity or lack of team chemistry, etc. They have now exceeded that point being together for as long as they have. I know people will have their different views on this, but I posted this to see if anyone else feels the same, not opposite. I see that others feel the same way, and the team is getting stale. This explains lower attendance this year, and a continued drop off of fans if the Hawks don't act like they are really interested in winning beyond the first round. Isn't that the point of having a team after all?

    No one cares if you guys are "boycotting"

    Y'all will hop right back on when we get back on track...

    No one cares if you care lol The point of this thread is to see if others feel the same frustration. You can start the no one cares if you guys are boycotting thread and it won't hurt my feelings lol

    • Like 1
  5. lol guess you guys are big Bibby fans. We need a big at center who is going to get offensive/defensive rebounds, and be a presence in the middle. Gortat actually plays very well, and would be a great starting center on many teams. it's just that he plays under the best center in the league. He's way better than Zaza, and much longer, so I'm not sure how you can even compare the two. This would also allow Al to move to the 4. I have had NBA league pass the past 2 years so I have been able to follow the Magic play. Gortat plays hard whenever he is in there, and doesn't complain. He does a nice job of both defense, and rebounding, and he is quick for his size. Josh is great at times, yes, but he inconsistent and affects the team with his attitude. I still am not convinced he is a good fit for this offense. This team isn't going to make it past the first or second round with this line up, and we need to mix it up a bit. I'd take Gortat over Josh right now to fill part of the void we have at Center, especially against the bigger teams.

    Duhon wouldn't be our PG for the future, but in my opinion he is still an upgrade over Bibby who cannot penetrate, or play any defense. Yes Bibby hits some nice shots tonight, but he is exposed many other nights on defense by quicker guards, switches, and good defensive guards that don't allow him to bring the ball up to midcourt.

  6. Would a trade having Smoove for Gortat work? And maybe one of their small forwards or even point guards for Bibby or Teague (I know they won't give up Nelson, but I'd take Duhon over Bibby). I would tray Smoove for Gortat in a second, and I believe Orlando would like to have a PF. Plus Dwight and Smoove are buddies.

  7. Very bad energy again. Josh was back to complaining after every call and walking up the court. Glad LD took him out and left in ZaZa who always comes to play regardless of his skill level. It wasn't a pretty win, and sad that it was the Hawks making a comeback at home against a 1 and 9 team. I guess I will take the win, but really it's just fools gold unless Hawks come with more effort from now on, which is unlikely to happen all of a sudden.

  8. WOW, I wasn't going to read this because I thought it would be a waste of time, but it was hilarious and helped with my frustration with the Hawks! It was so true in so many ways. I pictured Bibby barely making it up the court with 12 seconds left on the shot clock before setting up a play, and ZaZa always sporting his stupid scarf. lmao

    Who? Man, who’s this Marvin y’all are talking about? HAHAHAHA

  9. The empty seats are killing us. I mean it is totally visible and tangible. The fans aren't excited about the team, the players aren't excited about the team.... To me that is obviously the biggest problem. We've played with more energy on the road. At least playing on the road you can feed off of the other teams energy, but when we play at home Phillips arena is a freaking tomb and there is no doubt that it is affecting the players.

    I missed the game until the 3rd quarter. I noticed the seats were empty, but I figured people were just out and about. Did they sell out or was it really that empty? All the past ESPN games have drawn a lot of attention.

    That's another thing....... Actually 2 things

    1.I think the empty seats has deflated this team almost completely.

    2.The players know that ownership didn't improve the team in the offseason and they know they have no shot of going deep in the playoffs.

    Good point. Our home court advantage of last year seems non-existent this year, and I'm sure we are partially to blame as fans, but also the people pricing the tickets and setting up the game times. Some people have a hard time driving through traffic to make it to a 7pm game right after work. Others I guess like the games early to go home early. Who do you please. I think lowering the price of the tickets would help the team, even if it is just lowering them against non playoff teams or boring teams (unlike Lakers, Heat, Boston, etc.)

  10. The team has plateaued until we can bring in a point guard who can run the show. Also we need a center of course, which is hard to come by. I still wouldn't mind having Dampier. They always say the Center position and point guard positions are most important, and we are lacking at both. I love Al Horford, but he'd be better at PF.

  11. Was a good effort by the Hawks. Can'tr really bad mad at them because the effort was there for the most part. The main problem was leaving Bibby in on defense on that last Suns possession when Frye scored on him. He should have been out of the game for the defensive play, and they could have taken a time out if the Suns missed and subbed him back in. He's the worst defensive player on our team so why would he be in there on defense in the closing seconds. A bit too many ISO Joe's in the 4th quarter too. Oh well. Sucks we have to play the Magic in Orlando on a back to back. I wish I could be optimistic about tomorrow night's matchup.

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