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Posts posted by RT3

  1. Even if the Grizz happened to outplay us last night (hypothetically speaking) and win the game, and we played the way we did last night, I think many of us fans would not be complaining the same way as last year. We played a great game, and that's the way basketball should be played. The effort was there, the passing, lack of iso's, the defense, the rebounding. If we lost, it wouldn't be the same as last year, losing due to stupid turnovers, jumpshots, or poor defense, technical fouls. I think that is what frustrates us the most, knowing we should have one the game, but our team not playing the right way. Last night was very encouraging.

  2. Watching the 1st quarter of this game makes me realize why crawford was so good in mike woodson's system. He goes 1 on 1 and he's a volume scorer.

    Well that works well when you run an iso offense. The hawks offense has looked great to this point moving the ball all over the place. Crawford has played well also scoring but every time he touches the ball he shoots it.

    I question whether he is a good fit at this point.

    The passing in this game is fantastic which is why I'm thinking crawford may be extremely tradeable.

    I was actually noticing the exact same thing watching the first half. The starters executed the offense close to perfection when they were in. They moved the ball around and found the open man. When Jamal came in, it seemed like they didn't run the motion offense anymore. Was either him taking his man one on one, or high pick and roll. However, he was scoring none the less, so I can't really question that part of it right now. I think it is still good to have someone like that who can create his own shot and put some points on the board quick. Time will tell whether it becomes a problem against other teams, but for now, I think it is a good blend of scoring. Who knows, maybe LD told him to go in and score points as he typically does to help the bench out. I think if he is in with the other starters he won't be doing one on one so much.

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  3. Down 86-46 against the Bobcats. um, okay, the game isn't televised and it's not on the web so I haven't been able to catch any of it. Was watching earlier on NBA gamecast. I hope the Hawks are just experimenting again and playing the bench mostly. Still, down 40 against the Bobcats? After last nights performance?

  4. I got to watch the last 3 quarters. I'd have to say my high points from the game were seeing improved defensive effort from Joe. Joe getting his points in the flow of the game and not forcing. Marvin showing signs of being much better utilized in this system and maybe the best thing I saw was the multiple curl screens at the top to get Bibby open looks. That curl screen was there all night if they wanted it.

    I think in the new offense since Joe doesn't have to go one on one so much, he will have extra energy to play at a higher level on defense as well. He's one of our best defenders when he wants to be.

  5. We beat the heat and it was good to see Bibby perform in the clutch and Marvin hit the 3. Anyway, how can we let that obnoxious heat fan yell "lets go heat!" and spit nonsense to our players in our ARENA? I was expecting atleast a "LETS GO HAWKS!" in retaliation to shut up that fan. I hope our arena gets crowded come regular season!

    Ha that fan/kid was really annoying. Especially on all our free throws. But I'm glad to see the Hawks take the challenge tonight and come out with the win. Hopefully they can keep that type of effort up for all 82+ games. The offense looked way better, especially in the closing minutes where we actually ran some plays other than ISO. Josh Smith's 3 was a buzz kill, but other than that it was a great victory to turn our preseason around. If Bibby can hit jumpers like that, like the Bibby of the Kings days, then that will be huge for us. He was definitely feeling it tonight, although he had arroyo on him mostly who doesn't pose as much of a threat as other guards on offense/or defense. Good job nonetheless. Go Hawks!

  6. What else would you expect Josh Smith to say?

    Josh is the one I am most worried about. He doesn't seem to be doing ANYTHING DIFFERENT from last year. At least the other guys are trying. Joe isn't going one on one much anymore.

    Josh is still doing the things he shouldn't be doing: dribbling up the court...taking long jumgers...hanging around the 3pt line.... When is Josh going to take part in the new system? He seems

    to be stuck in "Woody-mode".

    Well said. None of the games has he taken the ball to the whole. He's settled for a ton of jumpers because he 'worked on his jumper over the summer'.. Also worried about them keeping Bibby on the floor. Seems like everyone can see he's done except for the Coaching staff. Even the Orlando commentators were talking about how the Hawks were able to 'hide' Bibby on defense through switches. This year he will be exposed and has been.

  7. Ownership, if they really wanted to make a run at a title, or at the very least generating revenue, could've made a tremendous splash in the offseason. It would've taken a financial commitment from them. Just remember folks, this is what the front office passed on:

    - hiring Avery Johnson as coach

    - using the #31 pick on a young big man

    - finding a way to re-sign Josh Childress, or at least get a player for him

    - trading someone on this team, or using the full MLE to acquire Shaq

    Had ownership just done 2 of these 4 things ( especially if they would've hire Avery as coach and acquired Shaq ), fan apathy would be minimal and the buzz around the Hawks would've definitely be at a high level. And that's including what we kind of see in Jordan Crawford.

    Instead, this is what the Hawks did:

    - hired Larry Drew as coach

    - traded the #31 for 3 million

    - traded Childress for a 3+ million trade exception

    - re-signed Jason Collins

    - signed Josh Powell

    - signed Etan Thomas

    When you look at those moves, compared to what we could have realistically done, you see why people are upset and even expect less out of this Hawks team.

    Contrary to popular belief amongst Hawks fans, it was the defense that was the main problem last year, not the offense. Even in those games in which we couldn't score in the 4th quarter, those games were also times in which our defense broke down the most.

    If the Hawks are up 11 points in the 4th, they should still be able to win a game, even if they only score 15 points. But what would happen, is that we couldn't stop the other team ( usually the other team's PG ), and we'd lose by 6, because we'd given up 32 points in the final quarter.

    Tonight's game vs Orlando, has to be a little more than a "it's just preseason" game. Orlando has been steamrolling people this preseason, basically playing their main 9 to 10 man rotation. This is the Hawks first dress rehearsal against the team that has dominated them for the past 2 seasons.

    Can they prove to the fans, and most importantly, to themselves, that they can compete against this team?

    We all know what happened last preseason . . . the completely embarassed us on national TV. Let's see what happens tonight. Injuries or no injuries, I want to see this team at least compete tonight . . both starters and the bench.

    Great points man, and regarding you comments about competing against the Magic tonight, that is also exactly what I was saying about the Hawks having some pride in the other thread:


    Other people just say it's a 'preseason' game, but it's more than that if you are a competitor and on a winning franchise. We have been destroyed by the Magic in almost every game for the past 2 years or more.

    What did we show tonight? We showed that we are very far off from being able to compete with the Magic. If we don't make any trades this season for a center or point guard, then we have no chance of beating this team. Teague still has a chance to prove himself at point, but I highly doubt what he adds to the team will be enough to take us to elite status.

  8. It's because we have no one in the starting 5 that can penetrate and make the defense work except for Joe Johnson. Bibby needs to come off the bench for sure. Nelson was creating on over half the opening plays because he was blowing by Bibby. Now LD has Jamal and Jordan in right now and the Magic Defense is scattering like crazy.

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  9. I hear what you are saying, but we have been getting killed by this team for the past 2 years or more, by huge point margins. I understand if they don't win, but what I said was if the get smoked again, then they have no heart (not if they lose). Have some pride regardless and let the Magic know that it's not gonna be the same this year. At least try and make it competitive regardless of who is in the game.

  10. I believe that Paul would receive fan love a lot easier. I think that soon, NO will have to move Paul simply because of the fear of losing him for nothing.

    That being the case, I think we have some good packages that we can offer.

    Good point. I wish Hawks would at least be in talks about CP3 trades. We do have a lot to offer them, but I would think we would have to give up Horford or Smoove, and I'm sure Jamal would be packaged in there. I'd be willing to make it happen and lose one of our All-Stars for our beloved CP3.

  11. The current ownership isn't looking to add any more large contracts, so this ain't happening. We might as well suck it up and be happy with what we have until someone with deep pockets actually buys the team. :shake_puter:

    +1 You guys are just getting your hopes up. I did the same thing when CP3's name was brought up during the whole PaulSquawk thing over the summer. lol

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