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Posts posted by sasuke

  1. i'd rather "stay pat" vs trading for the sake of trading.

    It's not for the sake of trading. Hinrich's defense is really underrated here. The guy is an elite defender. Stats can't show what he does. Not to mention that he's contract will expire next season. That's a trade asset to include in a package.

  2. According to DA the Wizards are not interested in Marvin and want us to give them Bibby plus a young player (Teague or JC2) PLUS a 1st and that's too much to give up for a 30 year old PG.

    If nothing else goes down, we'll have to bite on that unless you don't mind a 1rst round exit with the 8th highest payroll in the league.

  3. We're not doing anything?

    • We've asked about Hinrich but they want too much.
    • We tried to get Harris NJ wanted too much for him.
    • We like Felton but supposedly he isn't available.

    At this point I'm guessing that Sessions may be our backup plan and I for one hope that is the case and I'm glad that we're at least asking about the better PG's. I think that we'll end up making some move but I certainly agree it's frustrating at this point that we haven't made that move yet.

    The Nuggets have point blank said that they're not trading Felton. Try doing your research before you bash Sund for something he has no control over.

    It may look too much for you but the reality is that if you want something to ever happen you'll have to overpay a bit. Almost all trades have a team that wins in a trade. Very rare to see a trade that both teams get equal value. I don't see how giving up a non rotational player & a pick affects this current roster in a negative way.

  4. Sessions is the only affordable guy. And you know was holding the deal?.............A 1RST ROUND PICK.........A MOTHER FN 1RST ROUND PICK that the player we will draft with will not crack the rotation probably in 2 years(see Teague & Jordan for references). Give up the god damned pick already!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Ok, we're not contenders. But let me say something i've said again and again : do you think a team can be better without good fan support ?

    Gone with the weather

    Do you think a bad team deserves a good fan support? it's ppl's money & they would spend it in what they think is worth. If they want fan support they most support the fans. They have till tomorrow.

    • Like 1
  6. It's this franchises destiny to be inept. They've been inept since they moved to Atlanta, and that will continue for the near future. They're trapped in the worst contract in the league (JJ) and terrible contacts that ZaZa, Bibby, Marvin and Josh all have. And don't say Josh isn't overpaid. Stat players who don't make their team better and have no heart are NOT worth 10 million per year plus. The only keep able player on this team is Al and he's the 3rd or 4th wheel on a great team.

    This team is the worst team I've ever seen that somehow has a decent record. But that's going to change.... The east being terrible is the only reason this team is going to make the playoffs. If they were in the west, they would finish the season under .500. This team is unwatchable, uncoachable, heartless and careless. They have no pride and no desire and this roster is the biggest showcase of what is wrong with the modern NBA. Dirtbag money grabbing players with no worth ethic and no desire to be successful. This team deserves MORE beat downs like what they suffered tonight against LA and what they suffered at the hands of Philly and New Orleans. The players on this team only deserve bad things to happen to them.

    Obviously ownership is to blame for not improving the team. HOWEVER, that doesn't excuse all of these blowouts. It's strictly a lack of competitive desire. Look at all the injuries Portland has suffered... Yet, they still play hard and are above .500. This team can't muster up decent efforts no matter if they're healthy or not.

    To the players and ownership.

    You're losers... The city of Atlanta laughs at you and wishes you would all go. By this time next year, you will be lucky if you average 5,000 fans if you continue to throw this heartless and waste of skin out there.


    You made a huge mistake when you drafted Marvin Williams... And you nearly made just as big of a mistake when you re-signed Joe Johnson to the worst contract in the NBA. What did you get? You got a player with no heart and shoots 38-40% from the field and plays no defense and brings NO LEADERSHIP to the table. The idea of leader by example (on the court) is a truly laughable idea. Leaders speak and get the best out of their teammates. Joe inspires nobody else to play better and he hasn't done so since he has been in Atlanta. The players might SAY otherwise, but actions speak louder than words. And the actions of this team show them to be nothing more than uninspired, overpaid jack******.

    They say you get what you pay for.... The players on this team proved that saying to be a load of crap.


  7. You will get something better in return but that wont change what this team has become . Get your head out of the sand its not about those three players .

    The fact is that next season we will have 3 players taking up more than 50% of our cap and none of those three is a all nba caliber player . Good players ? YES !! but not great players and until we get a great player that the league respects or one of the three takes that next step to greatness then it wont matter how you shuffle the deck the outcome will be the same.

    and for what its worth

    jamals ability to

    create his own shot for himself

    create shots for others

    ability to shoot the three

    ability to get to and make foul shots

    owns Marvins sometimes offense erratic rebounding and ability to trip over his own feet every other play .

    Im so tired of hearing this whining about defense while ignoring the fact that entire team has brain freezes at the craziest times .

    Not just Jamal not just Bibby EVERYONE to keep overlooking these facts is ridiculous

    While JJ is here we can't do something big. If we attempt to free some cap space, by the time we will be able to add a superstar with the cap space JJ will be out of his prime & you will be talking about dumping him to have room for another superstar. We have to do something now, on his prime & with Jamal( he isn't going to be here next season) even if it isn't something big.

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