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Posts posted by SalvorMallow

  1. What??  Joe is averaging 5-16 from the field in this series.   How does that equate to Joe being able to get any shot he wanted.   He must be a really shitty shooter then.   He's 25% from 3 for the series taking 7 a game.   Joe has been crap yet we are giving Demarre no credit for that?    On top of that Demarre has been much better on the offensive end than Joe in this series.  It's not even close.  


    TBF, Joe has missed a LOT of wide open 3s and easy 2s.  Joe has been terrible down the stretch of this season.  My guess is he has some nagging injuries that nobody is talking about.

  2. Here we go.  We are 2-2 with homecourt against a team that had a strong finish to the regular season and all of a sudden our roster isn't good enough. Now we don't have guys who can step up when we rattled off a 19 game winning streak this season.  Let's save that talk for when and if we lose this series.

    Give me a break with all of this ridiculous overreaction.

    • Like 4
  3. Hmm.  I totally agree with the odd number posts.   1,3,5 i agree with.


    2.?   So Joe only needed to hit 5 shots in the game?   Joe was 5-16. played practically the entire game but posted a -12 +/- in a game they won.   The only other negative +/- for bkn was a -3.   Joe has been horrible and is playing way too much.   


    4.  Korver had a 11 rebounds.  He outrebounded Horford and Lopez.  Not that that equates to great D but i thought his D was pretty good.


    6.  I think Bud's play calling in places was suspect but let's face it guys aren't executing well and we're turning the ball over.   These are things that they've done well all season.   Going after offensive rebounds and trapping the ball handler are coaching changes that showed some effectiveness.   I don't totally disagree that he's getting outcoached but if it wasn't for some totally bogus ref calls we win this game.  


    The trapping is what is leading to the defensive lapses.

    • Like 1
  4. Wonder if this one is Coach Buds fault.  Can't imagine he didn't call up some play for this type of situation. 


    Some things that were coach Bud's fault:


    1. Letting an out of control Schröder run a 12 point lead down to a tie before taking a timeout. 
    2. Awkward rotations that seem to throw the team out of rhythm whenever they're making a run.  The starters' time on the floor together needs to be extended. 
    3. Seemingly instructing our bigs to trap the ball handler at the top of the arc, causing pass after pass to a rolling Lopez either from the ball handler or through the corner man.  This forced Korver out of position to help on Lopez who either threw an easy pass to a wide open Bogdanovich in the weakside corner or got fouled by the mismatched defender on the layup attempt.  This same set happened over and over again all game long.


    Where are the adjustments?


    P.S.  One point I'd like to make about the officiating was the lack of 3 seconds calls on Brook Lopez.  He would literally stand in the middle of the paint without anyone near him for 5,6,7 seconds without any calls.  This is one of the big reasons Brook has been getting in front of so many shots even though he has terrible footspeed and no lateral quickness.

    • Like 3
  5. Time to get rid of this one and hit the corn dogs hard. I'm so sorry for messing everything up for us. Plus a new bottle from here on out. I'm not going to stand for this.

    I take full responsibility.


    Wait, it sounds like you just ran out of rumple and corn dogs and are going to buy more.

  6. He was actually making a tremendous difference in the Celtics series.




    Their offense was below average with Love off the court and elite with him on the court. 


    Anyone could see this if they actually watched the series.  Kevin Love is essential in that he can space the floor AND rebound, a rare combination of talents that Cleveland really needs.  With JR Smith out for possibly a number of games and Kevin Love out, Cleveland is going to STRUGGLE to space the floor, which will make scoring tough, especially against a huge front court like Gasol/Noah.  


    Who's going to guard the 4 now?  Lebron?  He's going to be EXHAUSTED guarding Pau Gasol.  Perkins?  He clogs the lane on offense without the ability to contribute on that end.  TT is really only good at offensive rebounding, AKA he clogs the paint.  

    Cleveland should be scared about the Chicago series right about now.  If JR Smith gets 5 games like many predict, it might be too late by the time he comes back.  

  7. I was upset all year about the number of three attempts we allow, by far the most in the league at 27.8. But Bud, the analytical guy he is, surrendered the 7th best opponent 3 point percentage. The 23 spot difference clearly shows his mastery of scouting all the players in the league with wide ranging cold areas who actully think they can somehow "cancel out" Kyle on a good day.

    Combine that with our high attempts at the second best percentage in the league, I have no worries about the three-point happy teams that may await going forward in the postseason. We've shot awful by Hawks standards so far, nowhere to go but up and fast.

    This combination of our three point efficiency on both sides is outstanding enough, which tells me GS is being controlled by aliens on Jupiter. They pretty much shut their opponent's three point game down completely (7th least attempts, 4th lowest percentage) while they revolutionize its use on their end.


    I think Golden States defense is more predicated on switching than ours, which is a more effective strategy for running players off the 3pt line.  We are more concerned with directing driving guards into help without switching, so fast shooters can find spots on the 3 point line after pick and rolls. 


    One thing I've noticed in this series is Bazemore has had a very hard time staying focused while he's helping off his man and end up being lost in the middle of the floor while his man is wide open behind the 3pt line.  His decision making isn't fast enough to keep up with our complicated defensive schemes yet.

    • Like 2
  8. I will never understand why people find it necessary to justify a poor performance by the Hawks.  I didn't read one post that said the above!  I  do think that most posters agree that this Hawks team wins because of efficiency and if they can't consistently score efficiently, this will be a brief stay in the playoffs.  In other words, this team cannot win against a good team shooting under 40% from the field therefore it is alarming that this team has done this 2 games in a row against a team with a below average defense.


    Oh man, thanks for imparting some knowledge on us.  We just aren't good enough to beat good teams while shooting under 40%!  


    BLOW! IT! UP!

  9. Not here to gloat, but I said we would struggle with the Nets. A lot of people said I was wrong.


    I'm sick of everyone acting like the Nets are a terrible team.  They've been playing at a 3 seed level since they got Young.  They had a brutal schedule down the stretch, and their record was something like 17-13, absolutely respectable considering their schedule.  They beat top teams from the East and West in that stretch, including the Wiz, Portland,  Torronto, Indiana twice, the Cavs, the Mavs, and Golden State.

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  10. Injury is the tip of the iceburg.  It isn't a high % that get seriously injured, although the fact that even 1% of players have been injured at clubs is a material item.  Thabo, Parker, PP, etc. aren't the end of the issue to be considered.


    Next you can layer on the arrests and court issues coming out of them given the sex and substance abuse that is prevalent and has meant issues and distractions for athletes.  


    The number who screw up their focus / energy by going out clubbing on a game day is the highest part of this.


    I would not ban clubbing for NBA players if I was in charge, but I would be thinking about this at the same time I am thinking about other behaviors that can negatively impact a player.  Hell, teams are getting into the diet and sleep patterns of their players.  This seems part of that exercise.  When something happens at a club it sure doesn't shock me because...Nothing good happens after 2 a.m.  Unfortunately, something really bad happened to this team after 2 a.m. in this case.  


    Hopefully, we can overcome it.  This is the easy part of that effort, but so far, so good for game 1.


    Wait so you have a problem with the players clubbing because it increases the risk of " " to players based on " "  statistic.  Based on that (lack of) evidence, you've (correctly) decided that as a league exec, you would take no action.  What you WOULD do is "Think about it".


    To me, it sounds like you have no point to make.  You understand that there are inherent risks associated with anything somebody could do, and as far as clubbing is concerned, there is no evidence beyond anecdotal that justifies outlawing clubs for NBA players.  You contend that you disagree with Thabo and Pero being out at 4AM on principle, but understand that they are the victims, not the perpetrators. 


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we're in perfect agreement.  


    Lesson of the night: Hindsight is 20/20 and pigs will be pigs.

  11. So 5 players of a possible 450 or 1%.


    Even 1% is exceedingly generous to AHF's camp.  Paul Pierce was stabbed back in 2000, 15 years ago.  So if you have 450 players in the league, we'll say they go out an average of 25 times per year, which I bet is 25% of the actual number.  So if we have 5 incidents over the past 15 years 5/450*25*15 you get .003% chance of getting seriously injured at the club as an NBA player, and this number is probably on the high end.  Even if there were 100 such incidents (Which there weren't) the percentage would still be .05%.


    There is no logical argument that an NBA player being at a club is unsafe.  There is no reasonable argument that Thabo and Pero were putting themselves at risk for injury by being at this club.  This is a simple circumstance of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

    • Like 2
  12. Espn poll:

    Looking at the Hawks - Nets playoff page on ESPN. They have a poll that ask "What will be the outcome of the series?" The votes are:


    Hawks in 4 or 5: 787

    Hawks in 6 or 7: 222

    Nets in 4 or 5: 38

    Nets in 6 or 7: 76,000



    No way...LOL

  13. I thought the "BO" stood for big ol' not 'bag o'.  Eh, you have all the experience there so I'll defer to your judgement.


    Anyways, back on topic.  Looks like the Nets are finally taking the collar.  That's a sorry bunch.  Any sign of adversity and they fold like cheap suits.


    How does a cheap suit fold?

  14. What's the big deal?  Looks like a typical gang initiation which is fitting since the police are the biggest gang in America.


    I don't think they had enough officers there.  Dude may have morphed into the Incredible Hulk or something.  Funny how the horse just sits there like, "Man, I ain't moving or they're gonna jump on me too."


    Really though, once he's given up and is in cuffs.  What's the need for the kick(s) to the head, crotch and midsection?  I realize they're mad because they had to chase him (I assume, didn't have sound up) but I don't see how that's "textbook" police work.  Sadly, the police report probably reads how the guy was "fighting", "resisting", etc. when all he probably did after getting the initial beating was express that he was in pain.



    Oh, that's just a typical @Dolfan23 Saturday afternoon pony ride.


    It's a joke.  What people don't realize is that there is probably less police brutality than ever, but now that we have smart phones and cameras everywhere this grimy shit is finally being brought to the surface in a way that can't be refuted.  Blue never turns against blue, so unless you have concrete proof or the FBI gets involved, you're SOL.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 - # of players in the NBA today seriously injured in connection with clubbing appears > # injured by driving  (this is an assumption from the fact that you haven't identified any current player who missed a material number of games from a wreck)

    2 - # of times the average player drives > # of times he goes clubbing

    3 - Odds of getting injured when going to a club at 3 a.m. > odds of getting seriously injured while driving


    If the above are true, you don't need the actual numbers.  #1 you should be able to verify yourself or rebut.  #2 is obvious.  #3 simply follows from 1 & 2.


    What difference does it make?  


    I doubt anyone was making a serious argument about the numbers, they're saying in either case, the chances of something happening are extremely low so one shouldn't consider either action as hazardous.  We shouldn't expect players to see the club as "dangerous" because of some minute chance that they could be injured any more than we should expect players not to drive because of a minute chance that they could be injured.

  16. Where did I question their man hood? Where did I say it was bad to go to the club? I criticized the decision making. Last time I checked neither Thabo or Pero has rings, so getting one should be pretty important to them. That is what every athlete pitches to the fan. Would you say their actions demonstrate that getting a ring is important to them? My message is clear your reading comprehension is lacking.

    I haven't been to a club in a while because there's always some BS popping off. Take 3 stacks advice and understand you can't be the king of the parking lot forever. However, when I'm in New York I'll be sure to stop by and sit on the Ostrich so I can have your approval. Then I'll scream out N!g%a we made it.


    You can't make a serious case that Pero and Thabo going to the club two weeks before the playoffs diminishes their preparation for the playoffs.  This was a freak accident that nobody could see coming.  All of our players have gone out a ton during their career and not once has any of them had an incident before.

    • Like 1
  17. Very disappointed in all the excuse making for Thabo and Pero around here although I'm not surprised America is becoming full of people that cry victim about everything bad that happens to them.

    They have the right to go to the club, but Imo this shows very poor judgment for a couple of reasons. This is the equivalent of a VP of a company going to the club the night before he has a presentation with the CEO. He has the right to go, but if he misses that meeting for any reason it would be an issue. How sympathetic would the CEO be when he tells him I missed the meeting because I got in a scuffle in the club? He will be fired on the spot. Not because he went to the club, but because you don't want poor decision makers in a decision making position.

    Grown ass men and women in general don't frequent clubs, and most certainly would not be there mid-week at 4am. This is simply because they have responsibility. For example, family, jobs they have to be at, employees and coworkers that depend on them. Think about the type of people that are in a New York club at 4am on a Wednesday? I'll give you a hint it isn't hedge fund managers.

    Now let me give Thabo and Pero some advice from an old boring 33 year old black man with real responsibility. If you're going to go to a club don't go to one where you can wear hoodies, sweats and Jordan's. The types of clubs people with something to lose should go to usually have a dress code. Secondly if a cop asked you to do something do it. Do not get confrontational with someone who has a gun; nothing good can come out of this. If you believe the Cops did something wrong spend some of your club money on a good lawyer and file a complaint. Lastly, I know your money and playing a game for a living has allowed you to maintain this arrested development, but grow the F up. Thanks

    Some common sense talk for all the people who think the man is out to get Pero and Thabo.


    lmao, they went to a club that you or I probably couldn't even get into.  LW3 posted a description earlier that talked about an "Ostrich leather wrapped [something or other]".  I don't think the venue was the issue.


    Secondly, who are you to judge what makes a man a man?  NBA players could think you aren't a man because your body fat percentage is above 15, and they would have just as much of an argument as you do.

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  18. One more bit of speculation on Copeland. Then I'll stop, because I've got a pregame thread (and more work) to attend to!


    We've all seen the renewed focus on thwarting "domestic violence/spousal abuse," particularly with athletes after the Ray Rice elevator tape got engrained in our heads. The whole, "if you see something, say something" mantra. It seems Bleary chose to "say something": not to law enforcement, but directly to the feuding couple.


    Most guys going out looking to stab people aren't dressed like Bleary was. It could be that Bleary, an Army vet according to family, witnessed a boisterous argument involving a sizable man (The rumor rag NYPost reports Copeland, who was at the club with Busta Rhymes, argued with and then stalked after Saltara, who then slapped Copeland, leading to more arguing). Bleary then (it appears to me) sought to intervene in hopes of defusing the situation before it escalated into something worse.


    Then, when 6-foot-9, 235-pound Copeland turns his ire onto Bleary, the latter's military training/PTSD/general ego-driven freakout kicks in. He starts swinging away with his switchblade, fashioning himself a hero saving a damsel in distress and impressing his own female friend... only to be stunned when Saltara runs in to aid not him, but Copeland. At that point, Bleary just starts filleting everything that moves, including his own friend, until (NYPost reports) Copeland's driver could disarm and detain him until the cops arrive. Now, instead of a hero he thought he'd be, Bleary is getting portrayed as a zero.


    "If you see something, say something" is right, but be sure to "say something" to the right people, those who are trained to de-escalate and hold people accountable for resorting to violence. Law enforcement should have been contacted to address a dispute among acquaintances that was getting violent. Cops instead wound up having to sort out the chaos around a multiple stabbing.




    You add so much to this board.  One of my favorite posters on any forum by far.

    • Like 3
  19. Anyone that blames anyone other that Thabo here is just flat out wrong.  When a cop tells you to leave a crime scene, you leave.

    Plain and simple.  You don't and all bets are off.  He's lucky he wasn't shot, with all the cop brutality that's been going on around the country lately.


    Bottom line is if Thabo just leaves when he is told to leave, he is uninjured and healthy for the playoff run.  Noone to blame here but himself.  I am so disappointed that he allowed his emotions and/or alcohol to end his season like this, I can't begin to tell you.  All we can hope is that it's a blessing in disguise for Moose.


    I understand the sentiment, but the punishment almost certainly did not suit the crime.  He's drunk, getting in the way, whatever.  They dog pile him and break his leg for that?  Injustice in every sense of the word.

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