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Everything posted by theprotikal

  1. This is absoulultely ridiculous, I hope the Hawks pursue this further it changes the entire game, even during the game I wondered why it wasn't looked at on the replay. The Hawks front office needs to do something because there needs to be some justice in this situation that one call changes the entire game...I say replay the final 3.1 sec or force Boston to forfeit the series for cheating making Atlanta advance by default :)
  2. Wow and I thought I had a lot I only had a 12 page paper due last week lol, drink lots of coffee or energy drinks. But usually after a tough loss I like to think about how the players are still making millions for playing basketball and now get to go on a nice vacation probably to the caribbean or some private island for a couple months, and realize I have to get back to the real world of working 40 hour weeks lol. The loss is still pretty painful, but it makes you wonder if we're taking this loss harder than the players...either way good luck man :)
  3. Absolutley you have to make those free throws. To be fair though I can't imagine the kinda pressure involved, I played high school ball and missed in a situation like that from just 30 something people in the gym LOL, but hey that's why I'm not in the NBA making millions of dollars, but how many games did we blow this year because of free throws?
  4. theprotikal

    The Fix

    Lol I thought the same thing when they called that, unbelievable...
  5. theprotikal

    The Fix

    Section X--Away-From-The-Play Foul a. During the last two minutes of the fourth period or overtime period(s) with the offensive team in possession of the ball, all personal fouls which are assessed against the defensive team prior to the ball being released on a throw-in and/or away-from-the-play, shall be administered as follows: (1) A personal foul and team foul shall be assessed and one free throw attempt shall be awarded. The free throw may be attempted by any play-er in the game at the time the personal foul was committed. (2) If the foul occurs when the ball is inbounds, the offended team shall be awarded the ball at the nearest point where play was interrupted but no nearer to the baseline than the free throw line extended. (3) If the foul occurs prior to the release on a throw-in, the offended team shall be awarded the ball at the original throw-in spot, with all privileges, if any, remaining. http://www.nba.com/analysis/rules_12.html?nav=ArticleList
  6. I love the Inch by Inch speech lol, I think Drew should remind them that they had Boston beat in almost every game this series with the exception of Game 4 and we gave it right back to them. In all of the other games they have seemed to make a big run in the 3rd and take a pretty solid lead, and then they give it right back to the Celtics with turnovers and stupid mistakes and probably a little bit of bad coaching. Now Boston has started off really strong the past couple of games, Atlanta needs to turn that around and give them a taste of what it feels like. I read today that Pierce has a strained MCL, of course you don't ever wish for injuries but we need to take advantage of that, whoever Pierce is guarding on defense needs to be aggressive on both sides of the ball enough of the standing around. Like everyone else said though, the key is to not commit these stupid turnovers because no one can win that way. Unfortunately Doc is one of the best coaches at getting his team prepared for games like these, it's going to be tough..let's just hope the Celtics don't come out shooting 70% again and I think we can take this
  7. Like Al said at the end of the game, "it was finally time for things to go our way," the Celtics have played unbelievable well this entire series, finally tonight Pierce and Garnett weren't playing like they're 25 years old, even though Rondo continues to shoot like Ray Allen. Game 6 is going to be tough in Boston, but hopefully they can go in there and finally have a good game as a team and silence that Boston crowd.
  8. Would you rather see the Hawks force a Game 7 and get blown out or just have it end Tuesday? The fan in me will still believe, but realistically I don't think it's gonna happen lol. I would say maybe this loss will piss the players off enough and they'll come out strong Tuesday, win on the road, and anything can happen in a Game 7, but I just don't know man, no fun in giving up though...it's not over til it's over..
  9. I think it could go back to Game 2, that was the golden oppurtunity to go up 2-0 and it gave Boston all the confidence and control they needed even though they didn't play well Friday. Even if Boston won these last two games and we took Game 2 we'd still be in pretty good position..
  10. I don't think anyone did, I don't care what team you're playing you can't win when the other team is shooting 90%..
  11. I don't think they will start T-Mac there, he would be better at the 2 or 3 if he does start, but I think for some stretches they could do this. I used to be a Rockets fan and even Jeff Van Gundy said last night they put Mac on Dirk in the 2005 playoffs during stretches of the game that worked out well and I think McGrady knows some of KG's moves, but obviously I'm not saying he should be on him the entire game. It might be worth a shot though, especially on offense I can see him getting some easy shots for Josh near the basket, he may have lost his athleticism, but he's still a very good passer
  12. theprotikal


    The game was right there at 80-80!!! This loss has to hurt, but like you said no Josh, ZaZa, Horford the team played hard tonight. Also, this was T-Mac's first 40 min game since January of 09, he was obviously gassed in the end. Anyone else like to see Joe and Mac at the 2 and 3 with Josh back? Marvin has dissappeared and Hinrich hasn't been too great. Anyway the team has to move past this and take Game 4 hopefully with Josh healthy and come back home to ATL, we can't go down 3-1..
  13. I'm new here, but I think we could have a chance tonight and the negativity is unneccessary, I've seen this Boston team blow some easy games this year that they shouldve won, along with the Hawks. Joe Johnson has to step up big tonight, like Pierce did last game and I think he's capable of doing it, and of course the bench players need to play well. I'd like to see T-Mac get some decent minutes tonight, we all know he isn't going to go out and score 30pts anymore, but he knows how to play the game, IMO I think he's the best passer on the team, and when he's in the post he has an advantage and will still draw attention. I don't understand why he was benched so early last game when he was playing really well on defense.In the end though, it's going to be tough and we're unlikely to win with Boston having the momentum from last game and coming back home, but I believe ATL can pull it off and shock Boston. Maybe I'm just being stubborn, but to me it's hard to believe KG and Pierce are going to continue to play like they're in their prime.
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