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capstone21 last won the day on September 20 2020

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About capstone21

  • Birthday November 17

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    Tulsa Oklahoma by way of Newfoundland, Canada
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  1. How is break dancing an Olympic Sport and Pickle Ball not??
  2. Williams and a first for Hunter? I am not a fan of this trade …
  3. Which one? Barnes will match salary ... if it is Williams then we would need someone else to make salaries match. I think it is a big downgrade (majorly if it is Williams) but if a first is coming too might be okay. We are throwing all of our eggs into ZR's basket with this move.
  4. I figure it is grant williams or Harrison Barnes
  5. I am not a Clarkson fan but I would consider this. My one question is why is Utah looking to unload their only center?
  6. What are we getting back? Someone that will contribute or are we getting cast offs again?
  7. I don’t see the team as improved at all … Dyson might be decent but the team lost an all star level talent and didn’t replace him. I know the chemistry wasn’t right and something had to change but we got back a lot of stuff that is not going to move the needle .. my hope is for the Lakers pick and that we do good enough that SA do not get a lottery pick out of it.
  8. Really? Why? I don’t think Landry is cut out for this job
  9. I want all the time back for the constant checking for updates
  10. Sooo … basically nothing happened
  11. Umm JayBird yes … me no.
  12. He can’t defend a paper bag which is a problem when you are responsible for being back line defense
  13. Ayton will be a terrible pickup for us … he is not a team player, is so lazy on d and all about him on offense
  14. I really hate to see that @KB21. I hope he recovers quick. Looks like a resilient little dude
  15. When did everyone become so old? Taurean Prince is over 30?
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