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Posts posted by Bonkers

  1. I've been saying for the longest, dudes a diva, he's just too enamored with his popularity and nice guy image to let it all the way out. Not only is a comment like that indicative of questionable character, it's just plain stupid. You telling me if Popovich wanted to replace Parker with Paul, he'd turn down that oppurtunity because Pop looks like Freddy Krueger?


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  2. I don't know that it's fair to totally bash Josh. He won the Slam Dunk Contest, was the youngest player to reach the 500-blocks and 1000-blocks mark, and I think he's fairly highly ranked in the all-time Hawks franchise points, blocks, and rebounds categories.

    I'll give you that the guy is frustrating as hell with the long jumpers and botched plays, etc., but to say that he hasn't accomplished anything in the last 9 years is not exactly accurate. That's why he's considered the #3 FA this summer after all.

    I don't care if the dude comes back or not - I guess it would be nice if it were for a low salary - but I can't get on the "bash Josh just to bash Josh" bandwagon. He's pretty good, but not great. Meh.

    Yo why are u jacking my name???

  3. In another thread, I was supporting the hire of Snyder. I didn't think it would be a bad hire... Now, I'm not so sure. I agree it probably would be bad for PR. I knew he and Ferry played together, but I didn't know they were roommates and probably best friends. I hope Ferry chooses with his mind and not his heart.

    Oh shit that reminds me of BK and Woody

    No no noooooooooooooooooooo

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  4. I used to think that and really it's just semantics but I actually think his BBIQ is really high. I think he understands the game at a high level on both ends. I think he just grossly overestimates his abilities in certain areas. Now that may be the same thing.

    U can't be serious

    He has a low BBALL IQ. He doesn't understand what the difference is between a good shot and a bad shot. He doesn't box out. He doesn't get as many rebounds as he should becuz he hangs around the 3 pt line. Holds onto the ball too long

    There are more reasons why he has a low BBALL IQ but I'll just leave it at that

  5. So backing off 10 feet when someone gets the ball on the perimeter and begging them to take a jumper...qualifies as respect?

    I was just about to say that lol

    Josh should be gone. No if's, and's or but's about it

  6. Hey man......I like it. Those responding can *(*(&(*&*(^*(^()(*&%^$$#( It's a Hawk twitter account. It should support and promote the Hawks. Forget Curry he is not a Hawk.

    No no no. There was no reason to do that

    And the guys who replied made the Hawks look stupid cuz what they said was true. Yea let's give more and more people a reason not to like the Hawks. It's not like this fanbase is growing, more like shrinking

  7. There are those who would say we overachieved already being in the 5 th seed based on trading Joe but more importantly having a roster with more than half of the players on expiring contracts.

    On one hand I think the Hawks did overachieve but on the other hand u gotta remember the East is absolutely PUTRID

  8. LD - good coach or bad coach, who knows but I do know he frustrates me sometimes.The change in philosophy started with the ASG taking a big step out of the spotlight and keeping their traps shut and hiring a basketball guy with credibility to run the operation. Hiring player development guys and having an actual scouting department . The next step is hiring a coach that players think will put them into the best possible situation to win. It's just time.

    And don't get me started on his Burlington coat factory selection Jaybird

  9. I agree with OP a bit here. Not that I will ever stop keeping up with the hawks, but I find myself not even wanting to watch games lately. I just really really dislike the way Josh Smith plays basketball. I find it mind boggling and incredibly hard to blindly support.

    Having said that, I don't think he's going to come back. Hawks gain nothing by tipping their hand at this point. I can't see Danny Ferry watching these games and wanting to pay that guy anything near what he is going to demand.

    This is EXACTLY how I feel

    I love basktball and just watching Josh butcher wat i love just makes me so mad. And his "I don't give a f**k" attitude really annoys me

    I haven't been watching the past few games cuz of him. Im really fed up

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